Sorrows of Sariel PbP Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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This thread is for any ooc questions or discussion. I'm going to start it off by posting physical descriptions of some of the npcs that are present as the adventure begins.

Teris Baelgar:
Teris Baelgar is a six foot and seven inches tall elf of muscular build. His long, blond, straight hair accents his sharp elven features. His eyes glow bright green with no visible iris or pupil. Tendrils of energy whisping off as he walks, curling around his long ears before vanishing into the nether. He wears a finely linked chainmail shirt that is barely noticeable under his loose fitting royal garb. At his sides are two large swords that are easily recognized as elven curved blades.

Alaris Baelgar:
Alaris Baelgar stands six feet and four inches tall with a lean build. He has rather nondescript white hair of medium length, and atop his head is a wide full brimmed hat. His eyes, much like his brother's, are magically augmented; they grow a bright blue and crackle with arcane energy. His features appear much softer than his brother's, though the resemblance is certainly there. He wears a deep blue cloak that matches his hat and bears the Symbol of Valandaer. At his waist, he carries a sheathed scimitar.

Magnus Lirian:
Grand Librarian Magnus Lirian is an elderly looking elf. His facial expression seems to always be one of of jovial serenity. This, combined with his long, white, and shaggy beard, as well as his long white hair, result in a grandfatherly appearance. Magnus stands at six foot and five inches and wears an ornate purple robe with gold trimmings that bears the sigil of the Librarian's Guild and carries a large. A large simple looking staff never leaves his hands. His eyes do not appear to be augmented, and his irises are a silver color.

Sheriah Anores, the Duchess of Linoor, is a woman whose beauty and sexuality captivates everyone she encounters. She has flawless brown, curly hair and deep purple irises. Under form-fitting and elegant clothing, she wears a fine chainmail. She also carries a single rapier. As a side note, the Duchess of Linoor is well known for her outrageous apetite and incredible metabolism.

Narees' Manor sits in the back of Ulvin, separated slightly from the rest of the city. A gate surrounds the spacious courtyard of the manor. As a gesture of respect to Valandaer's royalty, Darrow Shimvin, Lord of Veramoore, has sent his Diamond Guard to the Manor.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3


Male Elf Wizard 2 | HP:22/22 | F:+3 R+4 W+4 | CMD 14 | AC:14 T:14 FF:10 | Init+4 | Perc +10 |

Craft Dot 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (2) + 30 = 32

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Rides in...

Male Elf Magus 15

Molsabar I have taken the liberty of assuming were at least aquainted given our affiliations.

Janus Arellian wrote:
Molsabar I have taken the liberty of assuming were at least aquainted given our affiliations.

That is certainly fair enough. Molasbar is only just coming to terms with the fact that he needs to act on a grand scale to intervene in the going-ons. He is committed, but somewhat hesitant to admit it openly knowing it could compromise his position at the Library. When he is in discussions about this sort of activity, he tends to pull out a throwing spike and absent-mindedly spin it between his fingers.

Glowers as he strides into the room, hand on his massive blade.
He has very little idea what is going on, only that he needs to be present.
He has a tendency to stare, as if sizing up potential opponents.

You'll meet him in due time....

Well then, next post from me will come up tomorrow morning. Sorry for the slow start. Wanted to give you guys a chance to rp and got caught up with rl stuff.

Alright. New post is up. As stated, I need initiatives and spellcraft. I'd also like you guys to post what you're doing in response to current events after you find out the result of the spellcraft. The initiatives are for combat if/when it starts. I will post more once I have spellcraft checks.

It should be noted that Soreanna is by no means a "new" queen Elros. Also, Alaris is my official dmpc and Nigel is Glorf's dmpc.

EDIT: You can wait to post reactions until after I explain the results of the check.

Also, King Seferin Ethilus Baelgar was often called Sefeth by his close friends and family.

It just occurred to me that spellcraft is the wrong skill. Make that a knowledge arcana check instead.

Has none of this "Knowledge" you speak of. He smash things.

Let it be known that I didn't expect you guys to post so promptly after my posts. It makes me quite happy.

I'm doing my best. :) Weekends are a bit more touch and go for me, as are the United States holidays though.

Seeing as I've never actually done play by post before, I wanted to get some input from the players as to how you guys want combat to be handled. You guys seem to be posting pretty quickly, so we could go with the traditional let's all roll initiative and I'll post the order, and you guys post in order on the actually PbP forum. I was also looking at some group initiative stuff that has been suggested for PbPs. Just let me know what you guys prefer, and if you have any other ideas for combat and initiative.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Strongly suggest YOU roll initiative for everybody and post it. You take away game delays due to missing players and speed up play. Especially important to higher level play.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3
Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
Strongly suggest YOU roll initiative for everybody and post it. You take away game delays due to missing players and speed up play. Especially important to higher level play.

I agree.

What I have also seen is when there are two or three players that can act before the next enemy, they can post and act in whatever order they chose. that also speeds up the game, specially when people do not log at similar times. I works at low and mid levels, but I have not seen it at higher levels.

I'll go ahead and use the initiatives that have already been rolled this time around. I'll roll initiatives for you guys using your modifiers in the future, and then post them. Based on the initiatives, I will create groups that are to go in intervals, taking their turns whenever they post. For example, if I roll initiative for Elros ans Shaan and they have 15 and 16, then I roll for Molasbar and Rolukk and they have 25 and 26, then I roll for my creatures and they have 19 and 20, Molasbar and Rolukk will go first and take their turns in whatever order they get to the computer to post. I will then post, and Shaan and Elros will take their turns after I post for my monsters. If I happen to roll for Janus and he also gets a 20, then I will round up and put him in the same group with Molasbar and Rolukk. Does this sound ok?

Alright, Initiatives:

Teris, Alaris, Rolukk, Shaan and Molasbar go first. Take your turns in whatever order you post.

All of the demons are next.

Janus, Sheriah, Elros, Magnus and Nigel are last.

Generally speaking, we'll try to let you guys post before our npcs take their turns. Generally speaking.

Rolukk the demons are ~80 ft from the window.

Working on getting the map up sometime in the next few days. Sorry for the delay. Finals.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

There's a relatively easy way to do a basic map if you have access to Excel (or any spreadsheet program).

HERE is a sample of one I'm doing for Savage Tide.

This style is not to everyones taste; but if you like I'll detail the method.

Elros of Amrothe' wrote:

There's a relatively easy way to do a basic map if you have access to Excel (or any spreadsheet program).

HERE is a sample of one I'm doing for Savage Tide.

This style is not to everyones taste; but if you like I'll detail the method.

If I send you a general map layout using a different took, do you think you could turn it into an excel map like that. The one I have is very.... crude. It gets the job done as far as giving you an idea what's going on, but that Excel one looks pretty cool. I just don't have time to mess with it right now due to finals and winter vacation. This brings me to my next point; I'm sure you've noticed a serious lack of posting on my end. I'll keep trying to post especially after my final on monday, but it probably won't pick up until next week. Tons of stuff to do. I'm sorry.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Sure! Send it on over. My e-mail is camris (at) frontier (dot) com

Please don't spend too much time on the maps; I would hate to see this become too much of a time sink for you to keep up with and end up with some burn out. If it is easier for you, you could just describe a grid for us. If you look at Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords PbP thread, he did this to great effect early on.

markofbane wrote:
Please don't spend too much time on the maps; I would hate to see this become too much of a time sink for you to keep up with and end up with some burn out. If it is easier for you, you could just describe a grid for us. If you look at Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords PbP thread, he did this to great effect early on.

Haha I've spent absolutely 0 time on the map. I made glorf do it. Also, that's not what I'm waiting on. I've been studying. I just got done with my last final today, and I'm emailing elros the map that is in effect just a giant circle with grids to represent the courtyard. I'll wait for him to turn it into an excel thing and tell him where you guys are and when the creatures are and presto.

Hey guys, I'm finally back home with a tiny bit of freetime. Just sent grid numbers to Elros. I have an 8 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow, but once I arrive at my destination we should be good to go again. Thanks for being patient.


Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

OK, boys and girls, the map is approved, and when I get home from work I'll upload it, post it and take my move.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3

I will be mostly off till next friday (the 31st) as I am travelling to see my family them my in-laws. I'll post when I can but do not hesitate to take over Shaan to get the story going.

I'll post some directions for the next turns here later today.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

CLICK for the Map.

What do you think? Did everyone get a marker?

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

GM Only:

I have found that if you repost the initiative order at the top of each round, you will avert much whining from players...;)

Touche Sir. Touche.

Group 1: Teris, Alaris, Rolukk, Shaan and Molasbar. Take your turns in whatever order you post.

Group 2: All of the demons are next.

Group 3: Janus, Sheriah, Elros, Magnus and Nigel.

In that order. I'm going to post Magnus' move right now, and we can just skip Nigel. Sheriah is still nowhere to be found after disappearing at the beginning of combat.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Who's turn is it now?

Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
Who's turn is it now?

Like I said, we're ignoring Nigel's turn, and group one is up. Rolukk and Molasbar.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3
DM Kibeth wrote:
Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
Who's turn is it now?
Like I said, we're ignoring Nigel's turn, and group one is up. Rolukk and Molasbar.

I've modified my actions as demons have been banished before my turn

Male Elf Magus 15

So how long do we wait for rolukk?

Oftentimes a GM will NPC a character if the player doesn't post in a certain amount of time, (in mine, 2 days). This has the advantage of preserving forward momentum, among others.

DM-Camris wrote:
Oftentimes a GM will NPC a character if the player doesn't post in a certain amount of time, (in mine, 2 days). This has the advantage of preserving forward momentum, among others.

Sir, yes sir. Things will be up by the end of the night. Sorry for the delay.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Reworking me horse, forgot a template.
Do we double hp for mount/companions, like for PC's?

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

My horse is Wiser, more Dextrous, and has a better Armor Class than I do... *sob*

Male Elf Magus 15
Elros of Amrothe' wrote:
My horse is Wiser, more Dextrous, and has a better Armor Class than I do... *sob*

Ah but at least you're better looking

One thing after another... My mother had surgery recently and I've been very sick all week. I really dislike it when these things happen all at once; it puts a serious delay on everything in game and irl. Activity again this weekend most likely, assuming you guys are even still interested :(.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3
DM Kibeth wrote:
One thing after another... My mother had surgery recently and I've been very sick all week. I really dislike it when these things happen all at once; it puts a serious delay on everything in game and irl. Activity again this weekend most likely, assuming you guys are even still interested :(.

Take the time you need. Health and family are way more important. Shaan is ready whenever you are.

No problem. Take whatever time you need for your family and let us know when you are comfortable picking up again. Thank you for popping in to let us know.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

Stuff happens man. I'll still be here.

Male Elf Magus 15


But seriously kib hope your mom has a speedy recovery.

Male Elf Swashbuckler (Mysterious Avenger) L1 | AC18(T15FF13) | hp 11/11 | Saves: F1R6W-1 | Perc: +1 | Init:+4 | Status: OK

*Taps mike*
"Testing, testing, this game still on?"

BAM! Mother is fine, I'm fine again, AND it's the weekend. You better believe this is still on. With a VENGEANCE. I have to go pick up the baby brother in about 10 minutes, but when I return - oh when I return - some very anticlimactic turns will be taken by my npcs... <_<.

In all seriousness though, I'm back in business and ready to go.

Female Human Cleric 12/ Rogue 3

Two quick questions for Elros and Kibeth:
-Is the position of Elros on the map correct or has he continued his movement after missing Marcus?
-Where is Seriah on the map?

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