drayen |
Seeking suggestions on canons, running "rennissance" game, major cities controlled by humans or gnomes have BRASS canons (keeping them too expensive for most population centers).
Thank you for any suggestions rendered.
If you're using Golarion as your world for this game, you'll note that cannons have been in existence for centuries. Taldor had a massive cannon that stood on the highest point in their capital city for centuries before being removed and taken along on one of their expeditionary conquests to the Mwangi Expanse. Alkenstar uses them as well. I would imagine that any of the Taldan successor states would also have access to cannon, i.e. Andoran, Cheliax, Varisia, Molthune, Sargava, Galt, possibly even Brevoy.
If on the other hand you actually meant canon, as a religious edict or body of laws, yeah, they're all over the place.
vuron |
I go with Bombards and Great Bombards rather than true cannons in my games (if I use firearms).
Typically I use the following stat-line
Bombard 2d10 vs personnel 19-20/x2 / d6 X10 vs inanimate objects like walls
With a two round loading time.
Personally I'd also advise giving the bombard an independent BAB to represent that even in the hands of a master bombards aren't particular accurate to aim and shoot.
moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Seeking suggestions on canons, running "rennissance" game, major cities controlled by humans or gnomes have BRASS canons (keeping them too expensive for most population centers).
Thank you for any suggestions rendered.
I run a pirate/thief game set in what is approximately a Georgian time period, and use the Monte Cooke rules for firearms and cannons. The work great with Pathfinder.
KaeYoss |
Seeking suggestions on canons
Their inkjet printers a great, and of course the cameras are top notch, too.
(Sorry, couldn't resist. It does remind me of someone I know, and his Diablo II barbarian. He wanted a barbariany name. He want with "Canon". He had to retire that character because he was fed up of the printer jokes :D)