Is it just me, or has the Paizo messageboard community become more antagonistic?

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Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

So, he's not dead anymore?!? So, that means he's...undead!

Yay! Bruce Willis has joined the heartbeat challenged! We finally have our famous spokesman!

So Nicholas Cage doesn't count? His acting seems pretty dead to me. </tongue in cheek>
I'm still look forward to his new comedy.

I can't wait for Jack's new romantic comedy!

Studpuffin wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

So, he's not dead anymore?!? So, that means he's...undead!

Yay! Bruce Willis has joined the heartbeat challenged! We finally have our famous spokesman!

So Nicholas Cage doesn't count? His acting seems pretty dead to me. </tongue in cheek>
I'm still look forward to his new comedy.
I can't wait for Jack's new romantic comedy!

Oh, the romanity!

All work and no foreplay makes Jack a horny boy!

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:

I finally understand why cosmic horrors and fiends lords break down and weep like children when I mention your name;

No, that's just envy.

Asgetrion wrote:

truly, no evil on Golarion or the planes can compare to your dark and perverse nature!

Why can't *I* be as Evil? I have tried *so* hard, haven't I? I dance naked on public places, I refuse to wash my hands after I pee, and I have even stolen ladies' underwear from Wes and wear those flimsy thongs and corsets in horrible nightly ceremonies to fiendish powers! What am I doing wrong here?

I think you misunderstand evil. Poor evil, it's always understood.

You need to do evil stuff. Like kill nuns, talk in the opera, or make money with spam mail. Scaremongering is always a good bet, too!

Take the kind of stuff people wanted to make other people afraid of: Satanic cults, roleplaying games (the former two were often confused), razors in candy floss, rectal-probing extraterrestrials, computer games, re-runs of that Titanic film - the list goes on!

I also suggest that you start too look the part. I have compiled a shopping list for you:

You need this and this.

Well, I *do* have a rapist's beard (sort of a combination of your links). Maybe I need more tattoos?

You know, I *have* studied at the Infernal Academy, and I even took advanced classes in Villainy. The lecturers even said no other student could match my maniacal laughter! Hey, weren't you on those classes, too?

Re-runs of Titanic? *Shudder* That would be *too* Evil! And you know just as well as I do that in Westcrown it's better *NOT* to talk dirty to nuns... they might want to rape *you*!

Dark Archive

Snorter wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Why can't *I* be as Evil? I have tried *so* hard, haven't I? I dance naked on public places, I refuse to wash my hands after I pee, and I have even stolen ladies' underwear from Wes and wear those flimsy thongs and corsets in horrible nightly ceremonies to fiendish powers! What am I doing wrong here?

You'll need to steal a pair of assless chaps.

Only then will you see grown men recoil in horror.

Har har! Now that's a good idea... will it work on women, too? I *do* have a ... er, sort of another beard growing down there... (I can send you pictures, if you want to see it?)

Mr. Fishy went to the bathroom what are we talking....WTHF! Why does that dwarf have a bread on both ends is that normal for an airbreather? Should Mr. Fishy call

Are the nun rapist hot or scary...freaky nuns so maybe it's a win win.

Asgetrion wrote:

Well, I *do* have a rapist's beard

No, you don't. That's more the "venerable elder" or "religious fanatic" kind of beard. You take too much care of it.

Asgetrion wrote:

You know, I *have* studied at the Infernal Academy, and I even took advanced classes in Villainy. The lecturers even said no other student could match my maniacal laughter! Hey, weren't you on those classes, too?

I switched the curriculum when nobody was looking.

Ah, the blind obedience to instructions. A more chaotic person would have wondered why a whole month of tuition is taken up by "Not eating your veggies 101"...

Asgetrion wrote:

Re-runs of Titanic? *Shudder* That would be *too* Evil!

*too* Evil? See, you just don't have what it takes!

Did you know that I managed to convince your Infernal Majestix to watch that film again after convincing her that this time around, the pretty boy toy would live?

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Are the nun rapist hot or scary...

Nunny Graul...

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

This thread has pretty well gotten off its original topic. If y'all want to continue this (creepy) train of discussion, please take it to Off Topic.

Thread locked.

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