UK Pathfinder Society at Conception (January 26-30th 2011)

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The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

I'm starting to organise the Pathfinder Society games for Conception in 2011.

So if you are interested in GMing some Pathfinder Society games then let me know

If you are going to be attending and playing Pathfinder Society then please post here and let me know if you have any scenario requests.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

E-mail with all the scenarios I'm happy to GM is under construction.


Grand Lodge

I will bring a few to run if there is spare time (never seems to happen) or if needed to fill a block (much more likely). Otherwise I am happy to run whatever is organised.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

David Harrison wrote:
If you are going to be attending and playing Pathfinder Society then please post here and let me know if you have any scenario requests.

I'll be attending and will be trying to play Pathfinder in every single slot! :-)

I would love some tier 7+ games, but anything will do!

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Auke Teeninga wrote:
David Harrison wrote:
If you are going to be attending and playing Pathfinder Society then please post here and let me know if you have any scenario requests.

I'll be attending and will be trying to play Pathfinder in every single slot! :-)

I would love some tier 7+ games, but anything will do!

Excellent - 2 Venture Captains in attendance. Euro-plotting ahead!

I want to run some higher level games myself so I'll try and include them in the schedule.


I'd be interested in playing "Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible" - I likes me them Craig Shackleton adventures.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

From another thread:

Mark Moreland wrote:
We've also got a third scenario releasing in January, available to Venture-Captains and 4-star GMs. It'll be Tier 1-7, and will thus cover the largest swath of levels. At first it may be rare in some regions, but eventually we'll open it up to be run by anyone.

I'd like to play this one! :-)

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I will be around from day 1. I'm looking ahead to meet some of you again.

Not sure how Wintergreen wants to organize what will be on schedule. He has the list of all my scenarios. I will try to ensure there is a good experience and if possible that I will GM what players want. And I hope to get a huge steo forward towards my second star. I might even be able to reach it if I don't play much ...

Whatever can be build up easily with DwarvenForge and what I gmed before is my favorite - but I'm flexible.


The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Auke Teeninga wrote:

From another thread:

Mark Moreland wrote:
We've also got a third scenario releasing in January, available to Venture-Captains and 4-star GMs. It'll be Tier 1-7, and will thus cover the largest swath of levels. At first it may be rare in some regions, but eventually we'll open it up to be run by anyone.
I'd like to play this one! :-)

Got a feeling I may run this a few times :D

Sovereign Court 2/5


And that 3 slot scenario - definitely want to play in that one!

Also - we sorted out what's on offer yet per game slot? Might be bit early (Christmas and all that), but just getting into PFS marathon mood! :P

Just for info - might not be able to get there for Slot 0, but definitely there for Slot 1.

Paul H

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****


Are you playing or gming (or both) ?

I looks you have a good chance that the Godsmouth Heresy will be run at least on Thursday. If you are around on Thursday, then I might be able to trade in my slot if I manage to get onto a pre-Conception one.

I just saw that the Penumbral Accords is up. If Wintergreen is fine with it, then I plan to do a Blakros Trilogy - featuring all the three scenarios in the Blakros Museum.

I know Penumbral Accords might be the most sought after one - so I could start doing this one twice on Wednesday as slot 0 and 1.


The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

I'm sorting out scenarios to be run at Conception. If anybody has any special requests then let me know now!

Hope to see plenty of Pathfinders there this year!

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I would like to play part two of the Kaer Maga scenario. I think I'm not the only one who left PaizoCon on Sunday lunch time. So maybe enough people to fill a table and probably sow GMs around who have GMed or played it.
Jazz would also play - so it should be Friday or later. Apart of that I'm mainly available as game master. Any tier 5-9 would be nice as Theodum needs one or two more game to qualify for tier 7-11. Only plaed Rebels Rasom - so anything would be fine.
Apart of that - any season zero low tier I haven't played (half of them) would be nice as that allows me as GM to play them and take back home to GM without eating them. One or two would be more than enough for me.
So I guess as long as there is a mix - I will be fine and likely other might appreciate it as well. I doubt you would want some of these multiple times - but some GMs could have them in their repertoire and might be able to GM without too much extra preparation. Maybe even leave one slot for each GM to his choice. That might get a mix as above ensuring GMs do a scenario they enjoy.

Okay - better stop here ... Should be fine whatever is on offer


Sovereign Court 2/5


I'll be there on the Weds, for Slot 1. Not sure if I'll be there in time for Slot 0, as I'll be sharing a lodge with different people this year (all part of the fun)!

Happy to GM Weds, possibly a game on Friday, if needed. And Sunday is normally reserved for our club games. Otherwise I'll be playing PFS until the end!

Two weeks to go....... :P
Paul H
PS If Penumbral Accords has a free space - count me in for Slot 1! (Thanks)

Ill be there


PS anyone know how i get the chronicle sheets for the 'godsmouth heresy' sanctioned module?

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

thenovalord wrote:

Ill be there


PS anyone know how i get the chronicle sheets for the 'godsmouth heresy' sanctioned module?


If you go to the module in the shop, scroll down the description. In the last paragraph there is a link to a free download describing the rules for PFS play. This is a three or four page pdf file - the last page is the chronicle sheet.



may run some PFS if you find yourself short on the day (s)

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

thenovalord wrote:


may run some PFS if you find yourself short on the day (s)

Thanks. It looks like we are going to have a real Pathfinder Society invasion of Conception this year!

Should be fun.


The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Pathfinder Society will be offering the following scenarios at Conception this year:

2.11 Penumbra Accords
2-06. The Heresy of Man—Part I: The First Heresy
2-07. The Heresy of Man—Part II: Where the Dark Things Sleep
2-09. The Heresy of Man—Part III: Beneath Forgotten Sands
56. The Jester’s Fraud
2-01. Before the Dawn—Part I: The Bloodcove Disguise
2-02. Before the Dawn—Part II: Rescue at Azlant Ridge
2-03. The Rebel’s Ransom
33. Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible

Master of the Fallen Fortress (1st level characters only)

The Godsmouth Heresy (1st and 2nd level characters only)

And hopefully I will also be running:
The Midnight Mauler

Tasked by the Society to look into the fate of Absalom's former Master of Blades Vonran Vilk, you must travel to the former crown jewel of Ustalav's royal courts, the decaying city of Ardis. What you discover will lead to exploration, diplomacy, murder, haunted pasts, and tragic love. Can the you discover the identity of the Midnight Mauler before it kills again?
"The Midnight Mauler" is exclusively available to the 4-Star GMs and Venture-Captains of the Pathfinder Society to run for their lucky players and will not be released to the general community until 2012.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

David Harrison wrote:
Pathfinder Society will be offering the following scenarios at Conception this year


Any pre-con sign-on?

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Auke Teeninga wrote:
David Harrison wrote:
Pathfinder Society will be offering the following scenarios at Conception this year


Any pre-con sign-on?

Officially no, but we can't deny a Venture Captain a place at a Pathfinder Society game ;)

Liberty's Edge 5/5

David Harrison wrote:
Officially no, but we can't deny a Venture Captain a place at a Pathfinder Society game ;)

It's good I know you never turned anyone down for a game or I'd have to report you for partisanism.

Auke Teeninga wrote:
David Harrison wrote:
Officially no, but we can't deny a Venture Captain a place at a Pathfinder Society game ;)
It's good I know you never turned anyone down for a game or I'd have to report you for partisanism.

the whole 'pre signup at conception' is something that gets discussed quite a lot for conception

for a general game, including, PFS/LFR game the answer would be no.
But you say if you planned a 12 hour long godsmouth (then id say sign up for session 1, signs u up for whole game) Or perhaps you where running part 1,2 and 3 of an arc, signing for one may give u sign up for all three

it is something of a free for all is sign up

cya in the frenzy in a few days time

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Pre sign-up would be nice!

I suspect I can only make the Saturday and I'll be driving down really early, then driving back really late... Can I please check the following:

1) What's the earliest I can arrive, get in to the venue, and sign up for games? If I get there for 6am will it help?
2) Can PFS games be booked 24 hours in advance, or just from the morning of the relevant day?
3) If I can get there on the Friday night to sign up can I sleep in my car at the venue (or is that forbidden?)
4) Do I need to book in at the front desk before I sign up, and if so what time does the front desk open?
5) If I sign up early and then go to the front desk when it opens to pay for the games I signed up for, but they're so busy I'll miss the first slot, can I play first and pay later? It nearly happened to me at another Con.
5) Is there plenty of car parking on site and are there any costs associated with it?
6) the novalord suggested one sign up for a multi-part mod might sign you up for all parts. Is that definitely the case, or just a suggestion? Will it be clear on the sign-up sheets?

Thanks in advance. Next year I'll book my holidays better and aim for a more leisurely experience!

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Stormfriend wrote:

Pre sign-up would be nice!

I suspect I can only make the Saturday and I'll be driving down really early, then driving back really late... Can I please check the following:

Thanks in advance. Next year I'll book my holidays better and aim for a more leisurely experience!

Check out the convention website here.

Sign up sheets go up the day before. I'd suggest coming to the Living Games area and finding us.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Correct link here.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

David Harrison wrote:

Check out the convention website here.
Sign up sheets go up the day before. I'd suggest coming to the Living Games area and finding us.

Did you mean ask my questions on the Living Games area of the UK roleplayers forum, or physically at the Con? I'm trying to decide when to travel down and it depends to a large part on when I can get in to the clubhouse. I know it closes at midnight, but I can't find when it opens.

Thanks for the links

Liberty's Edge

Stormfriend wrote:
David Harrison wrote:

Check out the convention website here.
Sign up sheets go up the day before. I'd suggest coming to the Living Games area and finding us.

Did you mean ask my questions on the Living Games area of the UK roleplayers forum, or physically at the Con? I'm trying to decide when to travel down and it depends to a large part on when I can get in to the clubhouse. I know it closes at midnight, but I can't find when it opens.

Thanks for the links

If memory serves, I believe the morning slot starts at 9am. Mustering is shortly before that.

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Stormfriend wrote:
David Harrison wrote:

Check out the convention website here.
Sign up sheets go up the day before. I'd suggest coming to the Living Games area and finding us.

Did you mean ask my questions on the Living Games area of the UK roleplayers forum, or physically at the Con? I'm trying to decide when to travel down and it depends to a large part on when I can get in to the clubhouse. I know it closes at midnight, but I can't find when it opens.

Thanks for the links

I meant find us at the con. First slot of the day starts at 9, mustering at about 8:45. I'm pretty sure the place opens very early. Plenty of parking space and it is free.

Maybe we can find a spare couch for you to kip on too!

PS Thanks Auke for correcting the link ;)

Liberty's Edge

Hi there,

I will be in Conception with some friends for our second year and I would be interested in trying out Pathfinder.

Will you have any pregen character sheets so that I could pick up one and just play a session? Or, similarly, do you accept the pregen character sheet on your website? (I assume at level 1.)

I am not very good with char generation rules and I would like to have character so that I can sit at a table and try a game! If that is possible, of course.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Many thanks,

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

FeiLian wrote:

Hi there,

I will be in Conception with some friends for our second year and I would be interested in trying out Pathfinder.

Will you have any pregen character sheets so that I could pick up one and just play a session? Or, similarly, do you accept the pregen character sheet on your website? (I assume at level 1.)

I am not very good with char generation rules and I would like to have character so that I can sit at a table and try a game! If that is possible, of course.

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Many thanks,

Hi Elina,

You'll be very welcome. We'll have copies of the pre-gens from this website ready so you can just jump into a game. We are running a large number of games and the majority of them are suitable for 1st level characters.

See you there.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

David Harrison wrote:
Stormfriend wrote:
David Harrison wrote:

Check out the convention website here.
Sign up sheets go up the day before. I'd suggest coming to the Living Games area and finding us.

Did you mean ask my questions on the Living Games area of the UK roleplayers forum, or physically at the Con? I'm trying to decide when to travel down and it depends to a large part on when I can get in to the clubhouse. I know it closes at midnight, but I can't find when it opens.

Thanks for the links

I meant find us at the con. First slot of the day starts at 9, mustering at about 8:45. I'm pretty sure the place opens very early. Plenty of parking space and it is free.

Maybe we can find a spare couch for you to kip on too!

PS Thanks Auke for correcting the link ;)

I saw mustering started at 8.45; I was worried the doors wouldn't open until 8.00 or 8.30 which would have made getting to the first slot a nightmare. I'll get down as early as I can on the Saturday and try to beat the queue.


The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Stormfriend wrote:

I saw mustering started at 8.45; I was worried the doors wouldn't open until 8.00 or 8.30 which would have made getting to the first slot a nightmare. I'll get down as early as I can on the Saturday and try to beat the queue.


See you there!

Liberty's Edge

Many thanks. See you at Conception. I cannot wait for tomorrow!

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

FeiLian wrote:

Many thanks. See you at Conception. I cannot wait for tomorrow!


Fantastic. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of Pathfinder Society players there. We should have games running from early Wednesday afternoon.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I got 12 cans of DrPepper half price when I shopped for provisions. The Blakros Museum still needs to be carried to my car. So all the important bits are in place. Provided I'm not stuck in traffic I should be there and GM Penumbral in slot 0 and 1, followed by the whole Blakros Trilogy on Thursday.


Dark Archive 4/5

Stormfriend wrote:

Can I please check the following:

1) What's the earliest I can arrive, get in to the venue, and sign up for games? If I get there for 6am will it help?
2) Can PFS games be booked 24 hours in advance, or just from the morning of the relevant day?
3) If I can get there on the Friday night to sign up can I sleep in my car at the venue (or is that forbidden?)
4) Do I need to book in at the front desk before I sign up, and if so what time does the front desk open?
5) If I sign up early and then go to the front desk when it opens to pay for the games I signed up for, but they're so busy I'll miss the first slot, can I play first and pay later? It nearly happened to me at another Con.
5) Is there plenty of car parking on site and are there any costs associated with it?
6) the novalord suggested one sign up for a multi-part mod might sign you up for all parts. Is that definitely the case, or just a suggestion? Will it be clear on the sign-up sheets?

I struggle to get there for morning sign-up so no idea if it opens before 845!

In practice: Sign ups for all games go up a maximum of three slots in advance (23.5 hours in advance) or when the GM arrives and puts it up, whichever is later.

So first day generally you have to be a bit flexible. Though we have a lot of Pathfinder GMs and are running lots of parallel Pathfinder games so we shouldn't run out. It is generally the number of slots in advance you arrive that determines available choice. Though arriving before the other day visitors gives you some choice advantage.

No idea about car patrols. Though that sounds uncomfortable.

GMs collect tickets from players at the start of the games. Its a charity thing.

Lots of free car parking on site.

For Godsmouth it is one module spanning mutliple slots, for others almost certainly multiple sign-ups, though some series need to be played in sequence, or make more sense doing so, so playing in the first would tend to imply you are in the later ones.

Dark Archive 4/5

Stormfriend wrote:

Can I please check the following:

1) What's the earliest I can arrive, get in to the venue, and sign up for games? If I get there for 6am will it help?
2) Can PFS games be booked 24 hours in advance, or just from the morning of the relevant day?
3) If I can get there on the Friday night to sign up can I sleep in my car at the venue (or is that forbidden?)
4) Do I need to book in at the front desk before I sign up, and if so what time does the front desk open?
5) If I sign up early and then go to the front desk when it opens to pay for the games I signed up for, but they're so busy I'll miss the first slot, can I play first and pay later? It nearly happened to me at another Con.
5) Is there plenty of car parking on site and are there any costs associated with it?
6) the novalord suggested one sign up for a multi-part mod might sign you up for all parts. Is that definitely the case, or just a suggestion? Will it be clear on the sign-up sheets?

I struggle to get there for morning sign-up so no idea if it opens before 845!

In practice: Sign ups for all games go up a maximum of three slots in advance (23.5 hours in advance) or when the GM arrives and puts it up, whichever is later.

So first day generally you have to be a bit flexible. Though we have a lot of Pathfinder GMs and are running lots of parallel Pathfinder games so we shouldn't run out. It is generally the number of slots in advance you arrive that determines available choice. Though arriving before the other day visitors gives you some choice advantage.

No idea about car patrols. Though that sounds uncomfortable.

GMs collect tickets from players at the start of the games. Its a charity thing.

Lots of free car parking on site.

For Godsmouth it is one module spanning mutliple slots, for others almost certainly multiple sign-ups, though some series need to be played in sequence, or make more sense doing so, so playing in the first would tend to imply you are in the later ones.

Hope things are going well down there!
Don't forget that Jason Bulmahn's looking for feedback posts on the Ultimate playtest classes. ;)

Scarab Sages

Have a good time, everyone!

And see you in July (?)

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I'm back from Conception and I had a blast.

From Wednesday to Saturday night (or should I say early Sunday morning) I did GM the whole Blackros Trilogy twice, Penumbral an extra two times and Sniper in the Deep and Murder on the Silken Caravan once. And yes - I even got in a game - the Rescue at Aztant Ridge.

Sunday morning I was spaced out - so instead of playing as planned I had a nice walk on the beach with my wife, ample time to pack up and get home in time to the kids who had been waiting with the grand parents.

The highlights:
The spirit of community. You really feel that the Pathfinders in the UK form a nice group.
The double Nat 20 I rolled in the very first encounter - followed up by a 20, 19 to confirm. A few jwas dropped around the table when they saw the dice fall.
People coming back to my table, wanting to play with me again. At one stage I was filling out a sign-up sheet for the next game and already four of my players on the table had their name down before I had it up.
The pints of beer brought to my table by players. It's great as GM if you care for them. And if a GM doesn't even pay a single time - THANKS.
The second star I reached on Friday morning as GM. We had some sparkly ready to celebrate at the table.
The dead gunslinger with his brain being eaten. I'm not out to kill characters - but I needed at least one kill to nominate for the Golden Badger (joke !!). But you really feel you have done a good job if you kill a character and the player leaves the table and thanks you for a great game. Death is part of the dangers - without them - what is the challenge.
The players of the Voices of the Void on Saturday. It was the seventh time to GM this (my favourite) scenario. You were worthy to try to throw all the scenario offered at you and not holding back the slightest.
And a special thanks to Russ - my 'backseat GM' for the Murder on the Silken Caravan. You helped to make that game special. We did overrun by at least 1 1/2 hours - but as it was the last slot - who needs sleep if you can have great role play.
And then there was my son (10) - waiting for me to come back. And a whole scenario build up on the dinner table to be played immidiately once I was home.

I will be back next year. Not sure I will run that many slots a second time - actually I was down for one less to GM. I blame my wife who convinced me to prepare a tier 5-9 in the early morning to get her character legal for the Everwar scenarios. I don't think this was a good idea - and while it went great - I surely felt my brain had been sucked out after that one as well.

Thanks to Dave for organizing the Pathfinder GMs - thanks to all the other GMs. And a thanks to all the players. You are the ones who kept me going.


The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Just a quick post from me as while I'm back from the convention I've lost my voice!

That might have something to do with all the Pathfinder Society adventuring that happened.I ran 9 games of PFS, (GM'ed two other D&D campaign games) and even got to play one game of PFS (thanks Pete!)

I had an absolutely amazing time so a big thank you to everybody who played at my table (and a thanks to the organisers for making sure I had the same location throughout the con so everybody could find our Pathfinder Lodge!)

Most of all, a huge thank you to everybody who GMed a game of Pathfinder - you guys did a tremendous job that was very much appreciated by the players and me. The only complaint I got was that there weren't enough games (despite us having at times double the number of tables running that we had planned!)

Phew! Now for some sleep before I start on PaizoCon UK!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I would just like to say I thoroughly enjoyed all the pathfinder scenarios I played at Conception 2011. Thanks to Dave and all the GM's for a fantastic few days of pure pathfinder. It made a greatly refreshing change to get back to proper roleplaying instead of the tactical wargames of 4 Ed.

eldaryth wrote:
I would just like to say I thoroughly enjoyed all the pathfinder scenarios I played at Conception 2011. Thanks to Dave and all the GM's for a fantastic few days of pure pathfinder. It made a greatly refreshing change to get back to proper roleplaying instead of the tactical wargames of 4 Ed.

yep, it seems we out table LFR 2-3:1 in most slots

well done dave and all GMs

only played 4 PFS as i like lots other stuff too

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I met a remarkable number of people switching over from 4e. The downside to that of course was that the PFS games were massively oversubscribed. I ended up playing one new mod and replaying twice, which wasn't ideal, but at least I got some games in - my thanks to all the DMs.

And I didn't meet a single gunslinger! Long may that continue...

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Thanks for the positive comments everybody. Conception was crazy hectic for us but I hope we managed to provide a good Pathfinder experience for everybody.

(PS I believe there were two or three gunslingers being tried out. And at least one of them had his brains eaten!)


Thanks to all I GM'd for at conception I really enjoyed it.
Running the citadel of flame of the cuff was fun & could easily resulted in a party wipe out. Maybe next con.
I was gutted that so many scenario's were being run that I wanted to play but GM'gs a responsibility & its a credit to the gaming community that so many volunteered to jump in & make Conception a highlight in the gaming calender.
And if pathfinder continues being so popular & ever growing expect cries of help from the venture captains. (you dont have to respond straight away they deserve to suffer on occasions :) )

Thanks for the praise Thod maybe dual GM'g is the way forward.
see ya all at the next con


Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, United Kingdom—England—Portsmouth

Stormfriend wrote:

I met a remarkable number of people switching over from 4e. The downside to that of course was that the PFS games were massively oversubscribed. I ended up playing one new mod and replaying twice, which wasn't ideal, but at least I got some games in - my thanks to all the DMs.

And I didn't meet a single gunslinger! Long may that continue...

I was one of those cross overs and I am so glad that I did. I had already purchased the books but was not going to play any 'Living Games' at Conception but got talked into it and played in nearly every slot. I know at least 3 people played one game then went straight to the trade area and spent lots of money.

Thanks to all the GM's - especially Russ and Chris for showing me the way.


Dark Archive 3/5 ***

I'd just like to add a belated 'thank you' to everyone who ran Pathfinder at CONception and a particular thank you to my GMs - Crispy and Dave.

May well see you at Paizocon UK...

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Macachelsea wrote:
Stormfriend wrote:

I met a remarkable number of people switching over from 4e. The downside to that of course was that the PFS games were massively oversubscribed. I ended up playing one new mod and replaying twice, which wasn't ideal, but at least I got some games in - my thanks to all the DMs.

And I didn't meet a single gunslinger! Long may that continue...

I was one of those cross overs and I am so glad that I did. I had already purchased the books but was not going to play any 'Living Games' at Conception but got talked into it and played in nearly every slot. I know at least 3 people played one game then went straight to the trade area and spent lots of money.

Thanks to all the GM's - especially Russ and Chris for showing me the way.


Great to get all these new to PFS players. I hope you continue to enjoy Pathfinder. We will be at other UK conventions and of course at PaizoCon UK you are guaranteed no replays.

I was told that like last year the stalls sold out of their Pathfinder core rulebooks. Luckily they had additional books being brought down halfway through the con. Now if only I could arrange commission for all Pathfinder books sold at the cons :)

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