German Diver

eldaryth's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 9 posts (10 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 22 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

Thoroughly deserved Carol, well done.

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 7

Tom Forkbeard wrote:

But does it grab the average voter's attention? Or the voter who is just clicking until a friend's item pops up? Or am I being too cynical.

On the other hand, Beowulf was written in alliterative long lines, so maybe it is the proper way to write in English.

Sorry to be pedantic, but Beowulf is written in Anglo-Saxon.

Shadow Lodge

The weekly blog is loading and then going blank after a couple of seconds. It then stays blank and 'loading' indefinately. I am using IE. The problem also occurs on Mozilla. This has been a problem for a couple of months now.

Shadow Lodge

When I click on the blog page link on the Pathfinder organised play page, the page goes blank and tries to load. It stays in this state for at least 15 mins. I use Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7. I have the circular refreshing icon on the tab header.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am so looking forward to this game. I have played pathfinder pnp for a year now after dumping the disappointing dnd 4e. I am a subscribing casual gamer for DDO; which is good, but suffers from the problem of grind like most MMO's.

The chance to play in Golarion is the main pull for me. I think there will be no problem in filling the small player caps listed with such a large pnp player base.

Good luck and hopefully I will achieve noob status. (Might be my first characters name...)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

There will be a meeting on Fri 25 Feb at The Shooting Star public house in Southampton at 1930 hrs (7.30 pm)?
The web site is:

The main idea is to agree what we will be doing, where, when etc, based on what people want.

The questions I have at the moment are:

1. Organised Play, Adventure Path or Freeform Pathfinder?
2. Days of the week to meet.
3. Location - DM's house, Shooting Star, other?
4. How many are willing to DM?
5. Costs - All Org Play and Adv Path mods cost money.

These cover just the basics, so if you have any other questions, please ask at the meeting.
Feel free to bring people along.

If anyone is unable to attend for any reason, please email me ( beforehand with your preferences and any "can't be done capt"!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

MisterSlanky wrote:

I think the "don't be a jerk" rule trumps any claims that it's not PvP. In the words of the guide "Player vs. player conflict only sours a session."

I heartily agree with this. The idea is to have fun with this and make the scenario more interesting. If players reactions to the missions threaten to disrupt play or distress other players in some way, the DM needs to step in and rectify.

As usual, this relies on the DM (and occasionally other players), applying their wisdom and experience to steer the players back to a more enjoyable experience. If a PvP situation due to faction missions ever developed I would consider that a failure on all involved.

We all have a responsibility to provide entertainment to other players, even as players; as this is an inclusive game for the enjoyment of all. If people are being irresponsible, show them a better way first (carrot), before applying a stick.

People are naturally competitive and one of the true tests of a DM is to provide what each player needs (and themself) in an entertaining way; within time limits etc etc. The load on DMs is high, but having experienced players willing to share some of the load has large benefits; allowing the DM to concentrate on other sections.

I realise that a fair amount of this 'speech' is very nebulous, but most of the decision making relies on the DM's judgement; unfortunately this has to be learnt the hard way. Some people come to it naturally (not me) but most people have to put the hours in.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I think it is important to ask why the factions were introduced. The most likely explanation is that they add an individual challenge (both roleplaying and 'physical')for the players (and DM!) to play with. The intent is to make the game more fun and exciting to play.

If it is not achieving this goal, the DM must act to neutralise any 'bad' or distressing actions by the players and make the playing atmosphere happy again.

As with all 'tricky' situations it should be left up to the DM in concert with his players to decide how to interpret the factions.

Personally, I was persuaded to play Cheliax against my better judgement. But I have found, in particular, the missions given to Cheliax are amongst the more entertaining (and sometimes down right dangerous). The way the faction mission are written are also extremely funny.

The main idea of playing is to have fun; most people remember mistakes fondly; INDULGE them!!!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I would just like to say I thoroughly enjoyed all the pathfinder scenarios I played at Conception 2011. Thanks to Dave and all the GM's for a fantastic few days of pure pathfinder. It made a greatly refreshing change to get back to proper roleplaying instead of the tactical wargames of 4 Ed.