SweetDee |
In most games that I play in, the player gets two traits, they have to be different styles, so no 2 combat trait. In the adventure paths, u generally get 1 trait from the adventure path, and one trait from the APG or trait guide (they are the same thing).
Do you think that two traits are the equivalant to a feat? And if they are would that then mean that you loose a feat? Traits seem to powerful to just get them for free.
Thanks againSweet Dee
Drejk |
Traits are separate mechanics from feats and unlike feats they are optionalm, depending upon GM's call, who might allow each PC one, two or none (more than two could be indeed unbalancing, however I think that APG allows PC to buy two more traits beyond standard limit at the cost of single feat).
They could be a small bit unblanacing within party if some PCs got two and some would take none but they are mostly intended to add a bit of story/background flavor to character and if everyone is allowed to take two for free it does not cause serious imbalance in party versus enemies encounters.
baron arem heshvaun |
I am new to the pathfinder game, and I was wondering if stoy-building traits, not racial traits, take up a feat slot or if they are an additional feature added onto your character. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Sweet Dee
James Jacobs has said in the past that he considers Traits akin to half Feats BUT they do not take up a 'feat slot'.
The Traits PCs start with (normally two) are a 'bonus' to help each player flesh their PC out. While normal Pathfinder PCs (and Organized PFS players) are allowed two at the start of the campaign, you as the DM can elect to give them one, none or three or more for your own campaign - it varies with each DM.
In a Kingmaker Pbm I run I allowed two traits to each player; in the Kingmaker table top game I plan to run next year I think I may drop that to one trait per player if its a big group of PCs. In the Council of Thieves game I'm a player in each of out players had two traits to start. Lastly, as I said above, all Organized PFS play PCs start off with two Traits.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Asteldian Caliskan |
The traits are a nice touch and can add to the story but they are not overpowered especially when you consider they cannot stack.
Half a Feat is exactly what many of them are.
For example there are some that give +2 to initiative (as opposed to Improved Initiative that gives +4), so if you have this and the feat you have +6 initiative. However, there are multiple traits to give +2 Initiative but because it is a trait bonus you cannot get them both to stack. So you cannot get +8 initiative by having two traits and Improved Initiative. Same goes for saving throws.
A lot of the traits focus on giving a character an additional class skill, again this is a nice touch and adds flexibility, but I definately would not say 2 traits for each char is going to throw the game out of balance