New Order of the Stick Strip Up


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Brilliant: "Enough! Take it to the fanfiction sites!"

Now, with the Xykon's astral-fortress-tomb in service, I have a vision of the party (or some other party) coming there to destroy the phylactery and succeed, only to be surprised by Xykon during the process ("what the hell you think you are doing?!") or in later time ("we destroyed your phylactery!" X:"Uh, weird, it really is destroyed").

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I liked the desert/dessert joke, since it really only works when written, despite the fact that the characters were speaking.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Balodek wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
2) He's going to say 'she was messing with my stuff, and you would have done the same.'

If Redcloak understands Xykon, which I think he does, he would use this line.

And it defeats a Zone of Truth, because it is absolutely true.

Good call both of you.

Also I feel bad for that poor roach in the last panel.

The demon roaches are awesome. :)

I wonder if we'll be moving back to the heros now. That makes me sad. I find the villains in the story much more interesting.

Edit: I agreee that the demon roaches are awesome

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

I wonder if we'll be moving back to the heros now. That makes me sad. I find the villains in the story much more interesting.

Edit: I agreee that the demon roaches are awesome

See, I normally feel the opposite. I get bored when the story's not focused on the Order. I did like Redcloak vs Tsukiko though.

Grand Lodge

The story keeps getting interesting although I get the feeling we'll soon be at the end of the current arc and that will mean the next compilation book will be coming up.

Also just as a note the Kickstarter page is here and it is somewhat interesting to see some of the plans Rich is making for it. Dim Sun, anyone?

New comic! Be sure to wash in those hard to reach places!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8


Ohh, and talking of Belkar's skills, someone's favored enemy type is with Varsuuvius...

Drejk wrote:

Brilliant: "Enough! Take it to the fanfiction sites!"

** spoiler omitted **

Nope it won't be there -- the duplicate will be. Redcloak still has the original so he can destroy it at his leisure.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Brilliant: "Enough! Take it to the fanfiction sites!"

** spoiler omitted **

Nope it won't be there -- the duplicate will be. Redcloak still has the original so he can destroy it at his leisure.

This is exactly what I suspect - someone will destroy the fake and will be surprised to find Xykon aliv... er, unlive.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DeathQuaker wrote:


Ohh, and talking of Belkar's skills, someone's favored enemy type is with Varsuuvius...

True, otherwise, the has not ranks in "Survival" with which to track.

Grand Lodge

Remember, you still have to destroy the lich to find out the fake was, well, fake.

Yeah what TriOmegaZero said.

Liberty's Edge

As part of the Kickstarter rewards, Rich has promised new comics every day for the remainder of the drive (so until the 21st).

That poor kobold.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

There needs to be an alignment somewhere between Evil and Neutral called "Dick". As in, "What V did (or allowed to be done) to the Kobold was clearly a Neutral Dick move."

New Strip: A Dish Best Served Warm After All

Odd. I was under the impression that V preferred the Kobold to Belkar.

I mostly agree with Durkon's assessment of the situation.

Hey! Maybe we shall see it as a bonus story in one of the books!

Sebastian wrote:
There needs to be an alignment somewhere between Evil and Neutral called "Dick". As in, "What V did (or allowed to be done) to the Kobold was clearly a Neutral Dick move."

Repayment of harm done to a cat? It was certainly Chaotic Just action.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games


That is all.

I have cats. I have a long haired cat with dairy issues.

That was pure evil.

Dark Archive

And yet I can NOT rule out an awesome climactic battle on the steps of the place.

And 'Surprise burn.' Heh.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

That was pretty funny.


Elan has a plan...

New comic up

Bards: coming through in the clutch

Keeping the kobold around is going to bite them in the ass.

Xabulba wrote:
Keeping the kobold around is going to bite them in the ass.

After that matter with the cat and it's digestion problems, maybe literally!

Liberty's Edge

Xabulba wrote:
Keeping the kobold around is going to bite them in the ass.

+1. They really should have killed the kobold first. Too bad V and Belkar dumped WIS.

The black raven wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Keeping the kobold around is going to bite them in the ass.
+1. They really should have killed the kobold first. Too bad V and Belkar dumped WIS.

Aye. Or V is just too sure of his high saving throw DC on dominate person spell. Either he will force another will save by ordering him to take an action against it's nature (natural 20) or will forget to concentrate for one round to prevent daily save or will be hit with rogue dispel magic effect.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Drejk wrote:
The black raven wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Keeping the kobold around is going to bite them in the ass.
+1. They really should have killed the kobold first. Too bad V and Belkar dumped WIS.
Aye. Or V is just too sure of his high saving throw DC on dominate person spell. Either he will force another will save by ordering him to take an action against it's nature (natural 20) or will forget to concentrate for one round to prevent daily save or will be hit with rogue dispel magic effect.

I am betting of the "rogue dispel" at the most inopportune time. :)

Lord Fyre wrote:
I am betting of the "rogue dispel" at the most inopportune time. :)

Or antimagic field. Hell, I still think that "I am curious, however... what would happen if we turned magic off(...)while I? I am still a dragon." is one of the best boasts in the whole series.

Rogue dispel? I didn't think they upgraded to pathfinder yet.

Abraham spalding wrote:

nuff said.

Shadow Lodge

Human senses: not up to snuff, or would that be sniff?

"Are we talking about the kobold, or Belkar?"

Shadow Lodge

Drejk wrote:
"Are we talking about the kobold, or Belkar?"


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games


well... sort of... :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Why can't it be both?


Wow. Rich is cranking out the strips lately. I like it.

therealthom wrote:
Wow. Rich is cranking out the strips lately. I like it.

A strip a day until his Kickstarter campaign is finished.

Speaking of which, there's less than two days left, and the campaign is still going amazingly strong. The initial goal was to raise $57,750 to be able to fund the re-print of a few out of print books, but the current total now stands at over $985,000, which is enough to fund additional print runs of all of his books, a few other projects, and with a goal of topping 1 million bucks by the time the campaign ends. The whole time he's been throwing in all sorts of additional goodies for backers.

If anyone is interested, ten bucks will get you a TON of PDF content that's not on the website. The other gifts might appeal, too. Update #22 has a handy chart for all of the bonus content backers will get (the chart shows only the bonuses, not the main rewards.)

The Exchange

The Kickstarter is going to pass the $1 million mark in the next half hour!

Come join the craziness! t-drive/comments

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

$998,761 as of right now!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

my mistake


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games



Or, to be more precise,


and counting!

OMG, he's a millionaire!!!

Alright, he's only a millionaire if he doesn't spend all that money on reprinting the books and sending out the rewards and everything else he promised... Hmm, should we be worried?

With so many backers Rich may sprain his wrist from the sheer work needed to autograph the promised books...

500 posts of love for the OOtS

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Now almost 1.2 million! If you want a mountain of pdfs, 400+ OotS paper minis, stickers, hitpoint pads and all sorts of free stuff... you've got 8 hours to get in there :-)

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