Avalon Games |
Coming in Jan of 2011 Avalon Games Infinite Futures is a Pathfinder compatible Sci-Fi RPG geared to allow you to play any sort of Sci-Fi genre or game. Fully compatible with Pathfinder, you will find that IF is a great game, fully detailed with a loads of great races, classes as wells as skills and feats to make any Sci-Fi game a joy to play.
This Free Preview offer you a look at what is coming and something to chew on until the start of the year.
Look to our web site, www.avalon-games.com for updates and other great games.
You can find the free preview at… http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=86177&filters=0_0_0_ 0&manufacturers_id=645
Dark_Mistress |
Coming in Jan of 2011 Avalon Games Infinite Futures is a Pathfinder compatible Sci-Fi RPG geared to allow you to play any sort of Sci-Fi genre or game. Fully compatible with Pathfinder, you will find that IF is a great game, fully detailed with a loads of great races, classes as wells as skills and feats to make any Sci-Fi game a joy to play.
This Free Preview offer you a look at what is coming and something to chew on until the start of the year.
Look to our web site, www.avalon-games.com for updates and other great games.
You can find the free preview at… Fixed the Link for you.
Fixed the link for you.