Recruiting take-over PbP characters for...

Gamer Connection

Expedition to White Plume Mountain

The Following Characters are currently without active players:

Delwyn Mane Half-elf Mystic Theurge

Geriant Altidor Human Cavalier

Kurgand August Dwarven Fighter

We're approximately 1/4 through the adventure, if you're interested in joining this game pick a character and let me know. The character's are beat up pretty bad at the moment after a nasty encounter.

If you want to re-work the character some that's fine with me, just keep the name, faction affiliation, and class, everything else is free to be re-worked.

Hmm ... I have found my spare time back and looking for a PbP again.

If you will still have me, I can rejoin. Just need to read up on the adventure so far and I should be good to go.


Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

Expedition to White Plume Mountain

The Following Characters are currently without active players:

Geriant Altidor Human Cavalier

Kurgand August Dwarven Fighter

We're approximately 1/4 through the adventure, if you're interested in joining this game pick a character and let me know. The character's are beat up pretty bad at the moment after a nasty encounter.

If you want to re-work the character some that's fine with me, just keep the name, faction affiliation, and class, everything else is free to be re-worked.

Need two more then

The Exchange

I am interested (especially with the fighter or cavalier), but I have a few questions:

1. Instead of reading through 13 pages worth of posts, can I get a concise summary of what has happened so far?

2. What lvl is everyone? I am guessing 7th from the Mystic Theurge's char page.

3. How often do everyone post? What is your posting expectations? Does it change during combat?

4. Is this a campaign with enough space for the cavalier's mount? A lot of time a large horse simply doesn't fit pass medium sized dungeon doors.

5. After you get the needed players, how soon do you expect to start?


Wilhem wrote:

I am interested (especially with the fighter or cavalier), but I have a few questions:

1. Instead of reading through 13 pages worth of posts, can I get a concise summary of what has happened so far?

Encounter with The Sphinx

Rogues with a Andoran fugitive
2 Chuul

Wilhem wrote:

2. What lvl is everyone? I am guessing 7th from the Mystic Theurge's char page.

Yes the existing characters are 7th level

Wilhem wrote:

3. How often do everyone post? What is your posting expectations? Does it change during combat?

Most times daily, sometimes there are lulls, especially on the weekends. I sometimes miss days when my workload is extreme.

Wilhem wrote:

4. Is this a campaign with enough space for the cavalier's mount? A lot of time a large horse simply doesn't fit pass medium sized dungeon doors.

I could add a magic item which allowed the horse to reduce size.

Wilhem wrote:

5. After you get the needed players, how soon do you expect to start?

We're not stopping, the players are resting, trying to recover from a brutal encounter with a pair of Chuul in water.

Then I should be healing everybody up .. just wondering how much spells I have left at this point. Then I can start from there.


The Exchange

Alright then, count me in! I'll take the fighter and see what I can do with him. Please give me today to fix him up and present for your examination. As for equipment, I suppose I just look at the stuff that the character currently have and swap them out with stuff of equal value? Or do you have a hard # of gp for me to start from scratch? Thanks!

The Exchange

I found this on the original recruitment thread:

In the spirit of it being Pathfinder Society, change the point build to 20.

Full 7th level gold, no more than 20% on any one item.

2 traits.

These rules still apply, I assume?


Liberty's Edge

This is VVilhem. I got the basic ability scores done (20 point buy) as well as fixed up the back story. I will work on the other details tonight.

Edit: I just saw that the orginal Kurgand posted in the original thread. Let me know whether or not you still need me. I would still like to play.

Wilhelm if you'd like to just rework a melee or hybrid melee character with Geriant's name you can have that spot, I'm letting Kurgand keep his original character, I know how hectic life can get at times...

The Exchange

Thanks! I'll see what I can do to whip up a cavalier.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Wilhelm if you'd like to just rework a melee or hybrid melee character with Geriant's name you can have that spot, I'm letting Kurgand keep his original character, I know how hectic life can get at times...

Thanks for your patience.

The Exchange

Quick question on cleave. Here's the wording:

As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

In the diagram below:

Enemies: A, B, C
My Char: O
Empty Square: X


According to the wording of Cleave, if I successfully attack A, I would be able to cleave B, but not C, is that correct?

Wilhem wrote:

Quick question on cleave. Here's the wording:

As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn.

In the diagram below:

Enemies: A, B, C
My Char: O
Empty Square: X


According to the wording of Cleave, if I successfully attack A, I would be able to cleave B, but not C, is that correct?


Liberty's Edge

I am done (ended up staying a 7th lvl fighter). Please review. One note is that I still have a lot of unspent gold. I'll post in the actual thread to say hello and ask for suggestions. Let's get rolling!

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