Interest in PFS via Paizo Messageboard PBP?

Local Play

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I've recently started a PFS group in Portland, OR (Portland Pathfinder Society) and have been thinking and wondering about all those folks who don't have a regular PFS game in their neck of the woods.

Anyone interested in legally running a PFS mod online via PBP on the Paizo messageboards? Like all PBP games, it would naturally take a good while, so I would recommend only playing a mod that you are sure you won't be playing live and in person anytime soon. It might also be a good way of playing a scenario that you missed at a regular game or convention. I'd be happy to run almost anything, but if you have a preference of scenario, please post that as well.

Logistically, I would ask you to create an alias for the PFS character here on the board and post your full character sheet there, just so that I can look it over and make sure it is kosher. Once you complete the scenario, I would scan and email you the completed chronicle sheet.

So, anyone interested?


Liberty's Edge 1/5

I've been interested about PBP and I think I'd like to give it a try. On average how long does it take to complete a mod? A week? Two weeks?

I'm having a hard time visualizing this working. What happens if someone stops posting for instance? I'm sure there a lot of unique challenges to running a PBP game....

Can I scan and email you my character sheet? I'll be playing a 2nd lvl Taldin sorcerer.

Dark Archive

I’m definitely interested in a PFS PBP, since I’ve never manage to get to cons due to lack of funds and no one organises PFS around here

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Pace is a definite concern for a play-by-post game. Since I have never run a Pathfinder Society scenario via this method, I'm guessing that each would take at least a month, and possibly as long as two or three, depending on how often everyone posts. Because of the inherent slowness of this communications medium, this is probably not something for those just wanting to play as many scenarios as possible to rise in level.

The other issue with playing a PFS scenario here is quitting. Because I would have to treat it like a normal PFS game, anyone who dropped out once the scenario had begun would receive 0 PA and 0 XP for the scenario. That means that folks would really have to commit for the long haul. On my end, I would seriously commit to not flaking out myself and making a serious effort to post at least once (and generally more than once) a day.

Grand Lodge 2/5

You are pretty spot on about the time. Takes about 2 months for one moving at a decent pace. 3 months seems about average, though a group posting at a very fast pace may well finish in a month.

Liberty's Edge

I want to play in this group, if you please.

I have a lot of Pathfinder society legal lvl 1 characters, so... what do you need? I'm pretty sure I have one character for the needs of the group.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

I will lurk right now. I would have a first level - never played yet. So if need be - I can be here with one or two days notice (maybe I should build that character now to ensure it can be 10 min notice :)
But I'm happy to let others go first as I'm right now in a PBP game of an Adventure Path.
I was contemplating myself to GM here - but not before December as first I want to have Dragonmeet out of the way where I'm the organizer in 2 weeks.

Just my thoughts about a PFS PBP game.

Take care in selecting the scenario. Some work better - some are a real problem. My experience in the Serpent Skull AP is - the most difficult/time consuming issue is to get to a consensus if a task needs input from multiple players.
Fights tend to be fine - but decisions to go left/right or elsewhere can take time - especially the 'elsewhere'. A more railroady scenario is therefore a better one in my view for PBP.

Players should ensure they are committed and don't use a character they plan to use elsewhere. The 0XP/0PA should be an incentive to play through.

Good luck


Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'd like to play with a group that was committed to at least posting a couple of times /day.

Can everyone agree to that?

Liberty's Edge

So, is there any "players" list for this game? I would like to know if I'm in.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So it seems that there is some interest in my running a PFS scenario using PBP, great! Let's continue talking about the specific issues that might come up playing PFS by messageboard. I'm not new to PFS or PBP, but am always interested in hearing about's people's experiences.

I agree with Thod that there are special issues when it comes to PBP. When faced with a group decision, I generally let people talk it out IC, unless people are not posting or a very simple decision (go left or go right?) is taking too long, in which case I just flip a coin to decide for them.

Mortan, I would love it if people could post multiple times a day, but I realize that people's schedules can sometimes be difficult. I would ask that everyone can post AT LEAST once a day, unless there is a major problem that arises. If there is an issue, I expect the player (or GM) to let everyone know in the OOC thread we'll be starting. The only exception to this is (in my experience) weekends. Real life (family, conventions, short vacation, etc) tends in intrude on weekends, so I am willing to be a bit more understanding. Once again, if issues arise, I expect people to let the rest of the party know ahead of time if at all possible.

This means that everyone who is interested should be able to commit to a two month window in which they can post at least once a day (preferably more often), and not be called away for long periods. That means that we'll be playing through the holidays and New Years, which I am obviously able to make exceptions for. Most PBP games tend to slow down during this period naturally anyway.

I'd like to start off with a Tier 1-2 scenario from Season 1 or 2. If you are interested in playing in this TBA game, please email me a fully completed PFS level 1 or 2 character sheet. Also, please include which Tier 1-2 PFS scenarios from Season 1 or 2 you have already played (if any). I'll pick the scenario based on what people tell me. Maximum number of players for this game will be six.

My email address is: brandingopportunity at gmail dot com

Liberty's Edge

Done! I have sent you the sheet!

I have a lot of experience in PbP games. Not here in Paizo messageboards, and not in Pathfinder PbP, but I'm running some games and playing a few more in a spanish PbP comunity called "Comunidad Umbria".

I hope I can play here with you all! It will be my first Pathfinder PbP game ever!


Really would like to play, so send my sheet, hope this will work out.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

I sent mine as well.

The Exchange 4/5 *

Mine has been sent as well.

Liberty's Edge

Good! We'll have a full party in no time!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It's great to see people using the online play option. Just a reminder, though, that you can not play the same character that participates in a PBP in another game until you complete the PBP. You can play other characters through other scenarios, but this one is dedicated to the one adventure for however long it takes.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
It's great to see people using the online play option. Just a reminder, though, that you can not play the same character that participates in a PBP in another game until you complete the PBP. You can play other characters through other scenarios, but this one is dedicated to the one adventure for however long it takes.

That's good to know, thanks for letting us know, Mark.

To all who have already sent me a character via email, let me know if this changes your choice of PC.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So far I have gotten PC submissions for three two fighters, a barbarian, and a wizard. Anybody out there interested in playing a divine caster or a roguish type?

Liberty's Edge

If there is too many fighters I could make a divine caster. What do you say?

And, Mark, we can play the same scenario at the same time as long as we do it with another character of another faction, right?

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Branding Opportunity wrote:
So far I have gotten PC submissions for three two fighters, a barbarian, and a wizard. Anybody out there interested in playing a divine caster or a roguish type?


I would like to join with a second level oracle. I'll send the info in about 10 hours.



Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Ravenath wrote:

If there is too many fighters I could make a divine caster. What do you say?

And, Mark, we can play the same scenario at the same time as long as we do it with another character of another faction, right?

I don't think that's doable as you can only gain a chronicle sheet once as a player. So as far as I'm aware both the scenario as well as the character is off-limits until the game is finished (unless you play one without gaining a chronicle sheet).

Branding Opportunity:
I would have a level 2 Andoran Gnome Summoner. He is more on the roguish site as on the figther site. It's a small Eidolon - Stealth 18 - that's before casting Reduce Person to make him tiny.

I might have problems with scenarios as I have played/GMed nearly all of season 1 by now. I will submit after work.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi folks,

I've received five character sheets via email, and that's enough to get things started! We still have one slot open in case someone would like to join us while we're starting up.

We have a slight problem, tough. There doesn't seem to be single Tier 1-2 PFS scenario that everyone who has submitted has NOT played. This means that someone who has submitted will not get credit for this game.

Here are the top contenders:

#43 Pallid Plague
#45 Delirium's Tangle

So what do people think? Do the folks who have played one of these have an opinion on the matter?


Liberty's Edge

I suggest that the people who had played any of these scenarios doesn't tell anything too revealing. I hate to know the end of a film that I want to see ^_^

GM, are you alright with my PC? Should I make another one? (Is it too obvious that I love to make characters ^_^?)

Edited: if any of those scenarios do has undeads involved, that will have my vote for sure. I love to kill dead-walking things!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Ravenath wrote:
GM, are you alright with my PC? Should I make another one? (Is it too obvious that I love to make characters ^_^

Your character looks fine at first glance, Ravenath. I'll do a more thorough check once everyone is on board.


Grand Lodge 2/5

I'm actually running #43 as a pbp now and have run #45 as an online table in the past. I'll enjoy taking a peek at how someone else handles a table in the pbp format. Two fun scenarios! Win either way. :D

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

Branding Opportunity

Sorry - I should have added a message to you. #43 and #45 are both played with my character (actually they are the only ones he ever played) so I won't even be able to replay with that character without a chronicle sheet.

As timing right now wasn't great anyhow I will just be a lurker. Maybe in December / early next year would be better timing - or I would be even interested to be a GM myself.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Well, since nobody said anything I will pick the scenario, which will be #45 Delirium's Tangle.

Everyone who has submitted a character to me via email can consider themselves part of this game. If you don't want to play this scenario, please let us know, and I will open a player slot up for someone else.

Let's move further discussion over to the OOC Discussion Thread.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I've played this mod with another character. Under the current rules i believe that I can replay with a different character who has a different faction and still get the AR. Is that still the case or is it only applicable if I'm needed to make a legal table? Let me know...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 ****

As per our new overlords you can only get one chronicle sheet from playing and one from GMing.

Mortran wrote:
I've played this mod with another character. Under the current rules i believe that I can replay with a different character who has a different faction and still get the AR. Is that still the case or is it only applicable if I'm needed to make a legal table? Let me know...

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

AxeMurder0 wrote:

As per our new overlords you can only get one chronicle sheet from playing and one from GMing.

Mortran wrote:
I've played this mod with another character. Under the current rules i believe that I can replay with a different character who has a different faction and still get the AR. Is that still the case or is it only applicable if I'm needed to make a legal table? Let me know...

Correct. You can replay but you would be playing for no credit.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

No credit? As in no XP, gold, or PA?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mortran wrote:
No credit? As in no XP, gold, or PA?

It seems the only way to replay is if you are needed to make a legal 4-person table. Otherwise it's not allowed (unless something else has been mentioned on these boards). Sorry, Mortran.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Not a problem. BrOp, please let me know the next time you run another one. Enjoy the module everyone!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mortran wrote:
Not a problem. BrOp, please let me know the next time you run another one. Enjoy the module everyone!

I'll definitely let you know via email, Mortran. Thanks for your interest.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Auke Teeninga wrote:


I would like to join with a second level oracle. I'll send the info in about 10 hours.




I've received Aquila. Are you still interested in playing?


Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Branding Opportunity wrote:
I've received Aquila. Are you still interested in playing?


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