Braddikar Faje

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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

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Will this adventure path be sanctioned for PFS play?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'm sure Major Maldris has his reasons for rejecting this Blakros girls offer. We've heard from a lot of Absalom's more prominent figures with some strong ties to the society today. Perhaps the good Major will make a public statement about the matter before this years Grand Convocation.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Mortran wrote:
I'm going to run a monthly online PFS game using Gametable. Has anyone else tried this yet? If so what issues have you faced? How was the over all gaming experience? I'm interested to see how many other people have tried this approach and other thoughts on the subject.
Have you inquired at the Pathfinder Society Online Collective? The fine folks there have a ton of experience with online play.

I didn't know about the Online Collective. This is great! Thanks a bunch Mark.

Shar and Paly,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. I'm looking forward to trying this myself.


Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'm going to run a monthly online PFS game using Gametable. Has anyone else tried this yet? If so what issues have you faced? How was the over all gaming experience? I'm interested to see how many other people have tried this approach and other thoughts on the subject.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Not a problem. BrOp, please let me know the next time you run another one. Enjoy the module everyone!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

No credit? As in no XP, gold, or PA?

Liberty's Edge

Hello All. My name is Dan. I started playing PFS in August of this year after running into some old friends who I used game with from about 5th to 10th grade. I pretty much stopped playing table top RPGs in high school because of the stigma that comes along with it but I would occasionally organize a D&D game over a holiday weekend or something. I'd say I was a closet gamer. Long story short I stopped caring so much about what people think and have fully embraced my inner geek. I'm addicted to PFS and I love what the Piazo team has done with the 3.5 system.

I'm right there with the other guys whose wives are non-gamers. Mine is an anti-gamer. My favorite quote from her is "Dungeons and Dragons is like birth control." She was joking of coarse but she is not into it at all.

In this group i am playing a 2nd lvl taldin Sorcerer named Silus R. Night III. He's a rather extravagant type of fellow and a bit of an elitist.

Anyway,this is my 1st PBP game and I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with all of you :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I've played this mod with another character. Under the current rules i believe that I can replay with a different character who has a different faction and still get the AR. Is that still the case or is it only applicable if I'm needed to make a legal table? Let me know...

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I'd like to play with a group that was committed to at least posting a couple of times /day.

Can everyone agree to that?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I've been interested about PBP and I think I'd like to give it a try. On average how long does it take to complete a mod? A week? Two weeks?

I'm having a hard time visualizing this working. What happens if someone stops posting for instance? I'm sure there a lot of unique challenges to running a PBP game....

Can I scan and email you my character sheet? I'll be playing a 2nd lvl Taldin sorcerer.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joko PO wrote:
Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.

I have a freind in Springfield that is interested in PFS. Are you looking to add more players to your group? If so how could he contact you?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Sounds Awesome! I used to live in Columbia. Now I'm in Rolla MO. My love for RPGs has been rekindled when I played my 1st PFS game back in August.I'm going to try and make the trip up in November. Hope to see you there!

Also, on Oct 22-24 Cog-Con 19 will be at the Havener Center in Rolla MO. There will be running the following scenarios:
#2-06: The Heresy of Man—Part I: The First Heresy (PFRPG)
#55: The Infernal Vault (PFRPG)
#56: The Jester's Fraud (PFRPG)

+ tables for PFS open library for every slot. Here is the link! I hope your group in COMO will come down to Rolla and join the fun!