Feat every level for a Fighter?

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Hi guys!

I am using a .pdf sheet (can't find it at the office right now) to track my character advancement. Jägger the Dwarven Fighter is almost at level 5.

The «software» wishes me to select a feat at this level?!?!? Checking in the Rulebook, I don't see a bonus feat for level in the table, but in the text, it says «Starting at level 1 and every even levels thereafter, the fighter receives a bonus feat, giving him a feat at every level».

I'm confused.

Which is correct? No feat at level 5 (and 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, for that matter), or a feat every level?


Sovereign Court

Normal Feat Progression-


Fighter Bonus Feat Progression-



Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Normal Feat Progression-


Fighter Bonus Feat Progression-


QFT...fixed the one typo.

Every character gets a feat at level 5.

Sovereign Court

OK, this must be me not having read the rulebook thoroughly because I thought I knew how to play "3.75" correctly; but you're telling me thet instead of every third level (3,6,9,12,15,18) like it was in 3.5, we get feats every odd level???


Sovereign Court

Yeah, that's one of the reasons it's not the best of ideas to assume it's 3.75 usually. A lot of things have changed from 3rd edition D&D to the Pathfinder RPG and they're not all big and flashy. A lot of small rules tweaks were brought into play too through the play testing phases.

Sovereign Court

I guess we were too excited to move «back» (although it's a step forward to us!) to the game we love to thoroughly read the Core Rulebook!

Guess a second (and maybe third) reading is on!

Thanks guys!


Sovereign Court

ossian666 wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Normal Feat Progression-


Fighter Bonus Feat Progression-


QFT...fixed the one typo.

Thanks :)

Paizo has a conversion document, which I think might be a good first step to find the more generic changes to the system, like the number of feats you get.

I know I'm really late on this, but can someone give me a page number reference from the core book? I really only just found out about this odd level progression thing as well and have never come across it in the core book.

hexa3 wrote:
I know I'm really late on this, but can someone give me a page number reference from the core book? I really only just found out about this odd level progression thing as well and have never come across it in the core book.

Page 30. Table 3-1: Character Advancement and level-dependent bonuses

hexa3 wrote:
I know I'm really late on this

This explains why this thread looked familiar. And why a guy who looks just like me (and has the same name as me) has already posted on it.

Déjà vu!

HaraldKlak wrote:

Page 30. Table 3-1: Character Advancement and level-dependent bonuses

I don't know how I missed it...wow. Thank you.

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