Smerg's Dresden Files DFRPG - Omens Thread B


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Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Okay, I am splitting Munroe and Pernilla in the Acquisitions Warehouse to this thread.

Please post future items inside of this thread for your characters.

Monroe considers a witty one-liner, but Pernilla's got it covered. His gun out, he prepares to get in a shooting. The basement should insulate the sound from the party.

Female Valkyrie/Human

Her battle axe before her she moves into the room, ready to become a Weapon of the Norse while she becomes a Troll Slayer. "Good evening... might we lend a hand... or just the end of an axe?"

The norse woman looks at the five individuals before her to gauge their reaction...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Initiative Order

Munroe 3 Athletics 0 < Will use Weapons instead of Athletics for Munroe do to Stunt Knifework but currently Munroe is using his gun. >

Permilla 2 Athletics 3

Boss T

Other Trolls

Munroe is first. What is your action?

The five faces turn to face you and the smaller turns and chuckles.

'Looks like we're going be bringing Ma home a bit of something extra for the stew pot.'

Guns 4d3 - 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 1) - 6 = -1
Guns Reroll, Savvy Retired Cop 4d3 - 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 3) - 6 = 3

Monroe brings his gun up to the small one. "Darlin', does a gunshot kill a troll?" He fires the Colt at the boss, hoping to catch it unprepared. Trolls weren't his specialty, so he wasn't quite sure if a regular bullet would do the trick. If not, he had other types of rounds and his knife to fall back on.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Guns 4d3-6

Guns Reroll, Savvy Retired Cop 4d3-6

Monroe brings his gun up to the small one. "Darlin', does a gunshot kill a troll?" He fires the Colt at the boss, hoping to catch it unprepared. Trolls weren't his specialty, so he wasn't quite sure if a regular bullet would do the trick. If not, he had other types of rounds and his knife to fall back on.

Boss T rolls his Athletics 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 2) - 5 = 5

Normally, he could dodge your shot but he's going to choose to compel his Aspect 'Cocky Bastard' to give Munroe a +2 to his Guns and earn a Fate Point (low level Named NPCs don't start with Fate Points so they need to earn them and this seems a good time to earn a Fate Point).

With the Re-roll, and assist from Boss T, Munroe gets a Guns 5 and Boss T has Athletics 5 which is a tie. No shifts of extra damage. Munroe is using an old Colt Revolver so I'm giving it Weapons 2. It is currently loaded with silver ammunition.

'David Munroe' wrote:

Completing the costume were a bright sheriff's badge on the duster and an old Colt revolver on his hip. He hoped that no one would think it was real, even though the cylinder was filled with silver bullets. He had a backup set of ammunition (one set of cold iron, one set of lead) in his pocket and his dagger strapped to the inside of his left wrist.

The Weapon 2 gives 2 stress of damage and the Troll has Armour 1 which reduces this to 1 since the Silver doesn't seem to bother the Troll.

Boss T gets hit with the slug in his upper left chest a bit above the heart.

'He he, that tickles.'

He then uses his fingers to dig the bit of silver from his thick hide and shove it into his teeth.

'Been meaning to get that filling fixed for a while. You got anymore of those? The missus been wanting me to make her a new bracelet.'

Boss T +1 Physical Stress and +1 Fate Point.

Female Valkyrie/Human
Smerg wrote:

The five faces turn to face you and the smaller turns and chuckles.

'Looks like we're going be bringing Ma home a bit of something extra for the stew pot.'

"Iron affects the fae...badly. Frowned upon when confronting them, but when do they play fair." Pernilla quickly answers her friend's question.

Feeling the weight of her weapon she grasps the strong wood of the haft of her iron axe. With a smear she moves forward quickly to take on the other trolls and swings her iron axe in a large swath in an attempt to try to hit more than one of the large brutes bellies.

Weapons 4d3 - 3 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 1) - 3 = 6

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Just a note on Stress Boxes for your character Sheet. Your Mental and Social Stress Boxes are short a stress box. You have +2 or Fair ability in conviction and presence and should have 3 Stress boxes in those categories.

Rolled your weapons skill with a Skill of 5. I think your character sheet has your Endurance of 5 and Weapons 4. That would give you a 5 as your success roll. Using a Two Handed Weapon gives you Weapon 3. Now, two hit more than one troll with a sweeping attack you would either need a stunt like 'Wall of Death' which allows you to do Spray Attacks see pg 326.

Troll checks Athletics 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 3) - 5 = 3

Pernilla wins by 5 to 3 and hits with +2 Shifts. Total Damage is 3+2=5. Troll has Armour 1 but Pernilla has chosen to use an Iron weapon that defeats the Trolls Toughness catch. The troll takes a 5 stress hit.

Pernilla hits solidly into the side of the Troll. The creature's hulking size protects it from a blow that would fell a lesser creature. The cold touch of iron has been felt and the creature is enraged.

'I know strike you with stinking metal. Why so you do so to me? I'm going to flatten you like daddy said and have mommy make you into flat jelly jam to spread on my morning biscuits.'

The troll that you are fighting picks up a large crate like he was Donkey Kong's kid brother and hurls it down upon you.

Troll using improvised Weapon is -2 4d3 - 6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 2) - 6 = 3

Make an athletics check Pernilla.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Boss T on his action looks at Munroe and waves one of his trolls forward saying, 'Grab him junior and stuff him in a bag for later. I've got work to do.'

One of the Trolls says, 'Sure, pappa.' and comes towards Munroe.

The Troll was in the back half of the warehouse and needs to move and do its action to grab. Moving a zone is a 'supplemental action' and imposes a -1 on the Trolls main action of grabbing.

Before the Troll gets to sink his claws in Munroe he must first Tag him with a condition that he can latter use to initiate the grapple. The Troll is going to try and inflict 'Quarterback Tackle' on Munroe.'

Troll using Fists w -1 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 1) - 5 = 2

Munroe needs to make his defense roll. You have Knifework so you can use Athletics or Weapons to defend.

Female Valkyrie/Human
Smerg wrote:

'I know strike you with stinking metal. Why so you do so to me? I'm going to flatten you like daddy said and have mommy make you into flat jelly jam to spread on my morning biscuits.'

The troll that you are fighting picks up a large crate like he was Donkey Kong's kid brother and hurls it down upon you.

Changed the stresses... my bad on the dice. Not sure why I thought 5 instead of 4. Is there any bonus from Troll Slayer, when fighting Trolls? Or is that something I spend a Fate Point to add/rereoll/alter when fighting trolls

The woman moves to side as the large box comes crashing down at her (Athletics 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 1) - 5 = 3 ) She comes up balancing her axe in an arc for another swing at any incoming Troll. "Come now, it is the advantage mortals have over you. Of course it is going to be used. Would you hinder yourself in battle if you had too?" She gives a smirk, "I thought not."

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Alright, Troll had 3 and Pernilla had 3 which is a tie with +0 shifts of damage. The troll picked up a heavy crate but it really isn't designed as a 'weapon'; so, I'll say it is Weapon 2 (instead of 3). The Troll has Supernatural Strength which adds +4 shifts bringing it to Weapon 6. Pernilla is wearing Armour that is worth Armour 2. 0+2+4-2=4 Physical Stress.

Yes, you need to spend a Fate Point to invoke Troll Slayer to get either a re-roll, +2 to a roll, or make some sort of related declaration (if you were hunting trolls then you might declare some 'facts' that allowed you to find them more easily).

For example, rather than get hit by the crate, you might spend a Fate Point and invoke 'Troll Slayer' to increase your athletics roll by +2 so that you win 5 to 3 and the crate is a miss. You only have so many fate points; so, you have decide is this the point to spend it or should I save it.

'Well, that didn't work.' As the troll taunts him about silver bullets not working, Monroe holsters his weapon and pulls out the Enchanted Dagger. "Iron it is," he says quietly to Pernilla, now distracted with her own troll.

Normally, he would be worried about a lone woman fighting a hulking man. However, the Scandinavian was not a normal woman and the men were trolls. They stood hardly a chance.

Knifework 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 3) - 4 = 4

As the troll charges towards him, Monroe's dagger comes up. His feet fall into a practiced stance, allowing him to sidestep if necessary. The trolls sees the knife and senses its magical energy. He tries pulling himself to a stop, but the Quarterback Tackle has too much momentum.

Self-compel for a Fate Point to move to the knife? Also, I plan on a free invoke of the troll's special tag to use his momentum against him when it's my turn again.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Knifework 4d3-4

As the troll charges towards him, Monroe's dagger comes up. His feet fall into a practiced stance, allowing him to sidestep if necessary. The trolls sees the knife and senses its magical energy. He tries pulling himself to a stop, but the Quarterback Tackle has too much momentum.

Self-compel for a Fate Point to move to the knife? Also, I plan on a free invoke of the troll's special tag to use his momentum against him when it's my turn again.

Munroe wins the exchange 4 to 2 and dodges then attempt to be tagged with the 'Quarterback Tackle'. Okay, the Troll didn't 'land' the tag; so, you would need to spend your action doing a maneuver to create a 'tag' on the Troll. You would basically right it as you have by trying to use the Trolls momentum to 'Overbalance' the troll. If you had the Stunt 'Redirected Force' then you could have used your defense roll to have achieved that result with your defense roll.

Alright, so the Troll missed and you have your chance to act. If you want to 'Knock of Balance' or 'Knock to the Ground' that is a maneouver which requires a Fist or Weapons roll by you since you have Knifework Stunt.

What did you mean by 'self-compel'? If you want to used the aspect Enchanted Dagger to get a re-roll or a bonus of +2 on a related skill roll then that is an 'invoke' and costs 1 Fate Point. It would be a 'compel' if something were to 'happen' to the knife or the shaman spirit that inhabits the knife made a demand on you (which might happen before the night is over).

The huge troll is unable to scoop up into his arms the savy cop with plenty of experience fighting big people. It's not the first time that he has had to deal with someone from the 'Super Size Me' generation.

Do the trolls go now or is it my turn?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

The other two trolls directed by Boss T are continuing their search of the Acquisitions. Boss T doesn't feel the pair of you are of a big enough concern for him to have all the trolls attack you at the same time. It just wouldn't be the fae way of doing things.

You can take your Round 2 action Munroe.

Weapons (Knife) 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 3) - 4 = 6

Monroe sidesteps and plunges the dagger into the back of the troll's neck, twisting it into place. He takes a few steps backwards and remains in a low crouch. Holding the dagger in front of him, he says, "You know the best thing about Iron Age artifacts? Made of Iron."

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Weapons (Knife) 4d3-4

Monroe sidesteps and plunges the dagger into the back of the troll's neck, twisting it into place. He takes a few steps backwards and remains in a low crouch. Holding the dagger in front of him, he says, "You know the best thing about Iron Age artifacts? Made of Iron."

Sorry on the delay. Okay the Troll checks his Fists skill against the attack. 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 1) - 4 = 4

Munroe wins with 6 to 4 which is +2 Shifts. A knife is Weapon 1 but it is currently functioning as cold iron which means the troll doesn't get his normal armour. The troll takes a full 3 Stress Physical wound.

The troll grunts in pain as the knife plunges into his hulking frame. The blade hurts and sizzles as it burns the creature and it roars its displeasure.

'Pa! The stinking hu-man is using metal. I'm going to grind his bones special for that.'

Monroe snarls at the troll, "Bring it on, ugly!" He points the knife at the hulking figure, hoping to make it cautious for fear of another slash of iron.

Weapons - Knifework 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 2) - 4 = 5

Pre-rolling his defense.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Monroe snarls at the troll, "Bring it on, ugly!" He points the knife at the hulking figure, hoping to make it cautious for fear of another slash of iron.

Weapons - Knifework 4d3-4

Pre-rolling his defense.

Okay, it is Pernilla's turn.

Female Valkyrie/Human

"By the gods, I have never heard Trolls whine so much." Pernilla comments as she shrugs of crate that was thrown her way.

(not sure... Would using rune be a supplemental action, since they are like potions? or is that an action all it's own? I will change if ruled differently.)

She reaches into a small belt and pulls out a small tile and crushes it taking in the power of the Rune of Strength. She looks up and eyes the Troll before her... and moves at it with her battle axe firmly in hand.

Weapons 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 3) - 4 = 5 (I believe that it would be a 4, with a -1 for a supplemental action?)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Pernilla Tharaldson wrote:

"By the gods, I have never heard Trolls whine so much." Pernilla comments as she shrugs of crate that was thrown her way.

(not sure... Would using rune be a supplemental action, since they are like potions? or is that an action all it's own? I will change if ruled differently.)

She reaches into a small belt and pulls out a small tile and crushes it taking in the power of the Rune of Strength. She looks up and eyes the Troll before her... and moves at it with her battle axe firmly in hand.

Weapons 4d3-4 (I believe that it would be a 4, with a -1 for a supplemental action?)

You have Lore 3; so, I'll say the Rune gives the Equivalent of Inhuman Strength (+2 shifts damage) for two Exchanges. It is +2 shifts damage for Lore 2 and +1 shift of duration to last for two exchanges. You could alternately go for +1 Shift of damage for three exchanges/rounds or +3 Shifts damage for 1 exchange.

It is a supplementary action because you aren't casting from scratch and just triggering a prepared item and then attacking. This does apply a -1 to your Weapon skill.

The troll rolls its defense against Pernilla 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 3) - 5 = 7

Wow, that was unexpected. The troll rolled a perfect set of threes. Okay, there is an optional rule called Spin when a person rolls a defense that beats the attackers roll by 3 shifts or more. It allows the defender to get a +1 to their next exchange provided it is directed against the person that just attacked them. It is an optional rule to avoid it being used by players in 'broken' ways. Since you automatically roll a 'free' defense against every attack the idea is to avoid people with high skill purposely engaging four or five lesser opponents along with a bigger opponent to get 'Spin' to use against the bigger opponent (though I know of many online MORPGs with heroic themes that have defenses that automatically scale to number of attackers; so, players will purposely drag around a small group of enemies just for this purpose).

Okay, the Troll won 7 to 4 and such a heroic roll of dice does deserve something. A troll doesn't need any extra shifts to beat someone up; so, I'm going to allocate the spin to the searching team to help speed them up.

The Pernilla's enhanced hammer howls with increased power as it sweeps in might strokes but the troll proves extremely nimble and all her hammer manages to connect with is some shelving which starts crashing into other shelving knocking loose the contents of several boxes that go scattering across the floor.

One of the other trolls suddenly notices something in the freshly distributed treasures and scoops it up saying, 'Hey, Pa, I found it. I found the thingamajig that we were looking for.'

'Well, don't just stand there brainless son of my loins like you're waiting for the sun to turn you to stone. Bring it to me. Oh, and grab that pair of ear rings that I see. Ma, will want those.'

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I'll do Boss T and the other Trolls later tonight. Deirdre is joining this thread on Round 3.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Monroe snarls at the troll, "Bring it on, ugly!" He points the knife at the hulking figure, hoping to make it cautious for fear of another slash of iron.

Weapons - Knifework 4d3-4

Pre-rolling his defense.

The Troll angry at being stabbed with cold iron snaps a claw at Munroe.

Troll Fists 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 1) - 4 = 2

Well, that was a lousy roll. The troll loses 5 to 2 to Munroe. Munroe has a defense that won by 3 shifts; so, he is awarded spin and can get a +1 shift on his next attack.

Munroe dances nimbly past the trolls claws as they slash badly by his body and just reduce an inspection table to rubble.

You don't see any sensors have been tripped but you think you hear the sound of a fire alarm going off in the building.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

The troll fighting Pernilla attempts to smash her with its claws.

Troll Fists 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 2) - 4 = 6

Pernilla needs to make a defense roll of Athletics or Weapons.

While this is going on, the other trolls are approaching Pa Troll.

Female Valkyrie/Human
Smerg wrote:

The troll fighting Pernilla attempts to smash her with its claws.

Troll Fists 4d3-4

Pernilla needs to make a defense roll of Athletics or Weapons.

Pernilla brings her axe up to avoid the claws of the nasty troll attacking her. Weapons Defense 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 1) - 4 = 2

(invoke Weapon of the Norse to re-roll... -1 fate point)
Weapon Defense 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 3) - 4 = 4

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Pernilla Tharaldson wrote:
Smerg wrote:

The troll fighting Pernilla attempts to smash her with its claws.

Troll Fists 4d3-4

Pernilla needs to make a defense roll of Athletics or Weapons.

Pernilla brings her axe up to avoid the claws of the nasty troll attacking her. Weapons Defense 4d3-4

(invoke Weapon of the Norse to re-roll... -1 fate point)
Weapon Defense 4d3-4

The troll won 6 to 4 which is by 4 shifts. Troll is using Claws which are weapon 2 +4 for supernatural strength +2 shifts for combat = 8 total. Pernilla's armour gives 2 protection reducing this to 6 physical stress.

The hit from the crate filled your 4 box on physical stress. You can take multiple consequences to reduce the stress.

You could take a Minor consequence which would reduce the total to 4 stress. Your 4 box is filled; so, you would need to roll the damage to avoid getting taken out which means taking a second minor consequence along with the first minor leaving you with a hit that fills your 2 box.

You could take a moderate consequence to result in filling the 2 physical stress box.

You could take a Severe consequence which would reduce the total by 6 to 0 physical stress.

Stress points take till you have a chance to get out of a scene and rub your muscles.

Mild consequences last for one scene after you start recovery.
Moderate consequences last for one session (a few scenes) after you start recovery.
Severe consequences last till the end of the current scenario.

You have Inhuman Recovery which means that you treat the recovery time as one step less then the times given above. Mild just require you to get out of the current scene and flex your muscles a bit and Moderate requires you to put up with till the end of the next scene.

One other advantage is that once during any scene, you may cancel out a mild consequence (recover) as a supplemental action. You could thus take the 2 mild consequences choice and on your next attack take a -1 to hit and clear one of the mild consequences.

The troll shows amazingly good aim as it fights past Pernilla's Weapon of the Norse to slash through her armour.

Weapons (Knife) 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 2) - 4 = 5
Supplemental Action, Investigation (Quick Eye) 4d3 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 3) - 3 = 5

David Monroe first learned how to use a knife during basic training. He was fresh out of high school, ready to serve his country. The first lesson in knife combat is that the goal is not to avoid being cut, but to kill your enemy before he kills you. He never had to use a knife during Desert Storm, but he still carried a backup knife in his boot after becoming a police officer. He had used it a few times in some dire straits, but had never killed anyone with it.

Anything, however, was a very different story. Since gaining the enchanted dagger during Katrina, he had used it against many, many things. While he admitted that he was more comfortable with his guns, he was quite a bit more deadly with the knife. Monroe did not know if it was because of his own natural talent and training or if it was part of the knife's powers. Kaniko, during his manifestations, was always fairly mysterious about it.

This particular thing was a troll, a brute who was both stupid and incredibly dangerous. Monroe could only offer a quick glance at the item that the other troll had picked up and was bringing to the one they call "Pa," lest this one tear him open. Fortunately, the troll he was fighting was clumsy, unlike the one Pernilla was engaged with. He needed to dispatch the troll before she was overwhelmed.

He was not used to saving her. Usually, he ran interference while she hacked everything to pieces.

Monroe takes a sidestep as the troll crashes into the table, then another sidestep to get to its back. He thrusts the dagger towards the troll hard, powerfully driving it forward by putting the base of his offhand on the bottom of the hilt.

As he is doing this, he is a bit distracted as he tries to figure out what the item is.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:

Weapons (Knife) 4d3-4

Supplemental Action, Investigation (Quick Eye) 4d3-3


This particular thing was a troll, a brute who was both stupid and incredibly dangerous. Monroe could only offer a quick glance at the item that the other troll had picked up and was bringing to the one they call "Pa," lest this one tear him open. Fortunately, the troll he was fighting was clumsy, unlike the one Pernilla was engaged with. He needed to dispatch the troll before she was overwhelmed.

He was not used to saving her. Usually, he ran interference while she hacked everything to pieces.

Monroe takes a sidestep as the troll crashes into the table, then another sidestep to get to its back. He thrusts the dagger towards the troll hard, powerfully driving it forward by putting the base of his offhand on the bottom of the hilt.

As he is doing this, he is a bit distracted as he tries to figure out what the item is.

Trolls Fists 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 1) - 4 = 1

Ouch, that is around the worst that this troll can do getting a -3 on the die roll. Munroe wins 5 to 1 which gives an extra 4 shifts of damage. The troll doesn't get his armour do to the cold iron of the knife. Weapon 1 +4 shifts +1 from Spin = 6 physical stress. That almost killed the troll as the last box on its track (not getting the extra two due to the catch). The hulking size of the creature saved it.

The knife bites deep through layers of fat and muscle but the barrel size of the troll prevents the knife from reaching the creature's heart.

'Help Pa! This hu-man keeps poking me with nasty iron.'

Munroe sees what looks to be some sort of bull headdress or Minotaur Mask being handled by the Trolls.

Female Valkyrie/Human

Smerg... The troll won 6 to 4 which is by 4 shifts. Troll is using Claws which are weapon 2 +4 for supernatural strength +2 shifts for combat = 8 total. Pernilla's armour gives 2 protection reducing this to 6 physical stress.

6-4 is 2 shifts is it not?
So... 2+2+2= 6 stress hit, -2 for armor = 4 stress damage?

So I will take a mild consequence (You Cut Me! Deep cut on the arm) and a 2 stress hit.

She briefly touches her symbol to Odin and attempts to strike the troll. "By Odin you will pay for that... literally!"

Weapons 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 1) - 4 = 5

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Pernilla Tharaldson wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

She briefly touches her symbol to Odin and attempts to strike the troll. "By Odin you will pay for that... literally!"

Weapons 4d3-4


Sorry, when I started that post, you hadn't spent the Fate Point to re-roll your defense; so, I had written originally "6 to 2 which is by 4 shifts" . I though that I had cleaned up and corrected all the relevant points in that post. I'll total the damage below to show the math.

Weapon 2 due to Troll Claws = +2 damage

Troll won 6 to 4 resulting in 2 shifts = +2 damage

Trolls Supernatural Strength is +4 damage = +4 damage

Total is 8 damage

Armour 2 reduces this to 6 physical stress.

Before you spent the Fate Point, I had been writing up a post with you suffering 8 physical stress and was going to encourage you to spend that Fate Point to help yourself out.

Troll Fists to defend 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 1) - 4 = 5

Okay, we have a tie of 5 to 5 which means no additional shifts of damage. Pernilla has Weapon 3. She has used a Strength Rune for +2 shifts of damage making that Weapon 5 (this is the last exchange for this bonus). This makes the total a 5 physical stress. Pernilla's weapon doesn't allow the troll to apply it's armour. The troll previously had this 5 box filled and has to 'roll up' and fill the 6 physical stress box.

The hammer smashes hard powered by its enhanced nature and cracks into the ribs of the troll. It almost stumbles from its feet but it stays up do to its huge size.

'Pa! This one's using magic now.'

Deidre is up

I think the troll that David is engaged with has yet to go.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I was waiting to give Deidre a chance to post first but she can post in a bit. I'm going to put the Trolls action.

'Geir, Magne, topple the shelves on those trouble makers. We've got what we came here for. Time to go.'

This will be a block action. The trolls will use their might to set up the Block.

They have Supernatural Strength which gives Superior Lifting which gives +6 to their Might score for this type of maneuver. 4d3 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1) - 2 = 5

Boss T is going to cash in the Fate point that he got from acting cocky and allowing himself to get hit to add +2 the roll as 'Protects the Family' to toss his own muscle behind the toppling.

It requires an athletics or might skill roll to get out of the block. The block is 7.

The trolls are heading out as a supplemental action.

Is the troll Monroe's been fighting still in the room? Also, are the shelves on top of us or just in the way of catching up?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:
Is the troll Monroe's been fighting still in the room? Also, are the shelves on top of us or just in the way of catching up?

The trolls that you and Pernilla were fighting are pulling out along with the others. For them, the movement won't be a supplemental action. On your turn, you can attempt to catch the Troll if you beat the Block of 7 (luckily, one roll does both jobs but the Troll will still get to resist by attempting a Fist or Athletics roll).

I'll leave it up to you to describe how the shelving has blocked you. You can describe it as having objects pinning on top of you or that the shelves fell trapping you in a pocket of space. It won't change the mechanics which are to use either Athletics or Might to escape.

Deirdre bursts into the room just in time to see shelves falling onto Pernilla and another guy. She freezes in the doorway quickly assesses the situation...

All 5 of the trolls are still up?
If all 5 are up and retreating and our two guys are down, I'm not so cocky as to start a fight here. Are they leaving by foot? Getting into a vehicle? What or who are they taking with them?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Deirdre Harlowe wrote:

Deirdre bursts into the room just in time to see shelves falling onto Pernilla and another guy. She freezes in the doorway quickly assesses the situation...

All 5 of the trolls are still up?
If all 5 are up and retreating and our two guys are down, I'm not so cocky as to start a fight here. Are they leaving by foot? Getting into a vehicle? What or who are they taking with them?

I put a sketch map in the OOC thread. Deirdre is in the Hall. Pernilla and Munroe are in the Ware 1.

The trolls are heading into the Hall on foot where Deirdre has arrived. If you wanted to get a 'shot' in before they collapse the shelves you can. Two Trolls will be in Hall at the end of the round (injured pair that fought Pernilla and Munroe) while Boss T and the other two will be in Ware 1 as they did their main action to drop the shelves.

Make an Alertness 2 check to spot what Boss T stuffed into a bag.

Alertness 4d3 - 8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 2) - 8 + 5 = 8

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Deirdre Harlowe wrote:
Alertness 4d3 - 8 + 5

Boss T stuffed a bull's head that looks like some sort of headdress into the bag. There are markings on the forehead and the horns like Celtic symbols though you're pretty sure they're actually fae in origin.

Your mother talks to you.

Deirdre only:

'Oh, I thought that thing had been lost for ages. This isn't good. This isn't going to be good at all. That's the kind of thing that starts wars.'

"Damn it!" Monroe is trapped below a bunch of shelves. Fortunately enough, they collapsed in a fashion that did not utterly crush him under their weight, but they are practically impossible for him to move or slip through. Any quick attempt to break free would just make things worse.

He shouts over at Pernilla. "Hey, you okay? Looks like we are kind of trapped."

Female Valkyrie/Human

Athletics 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 2) - 5 = 3

Pernilla cries out and while unable to get clear dives into a space of safety near the wall. As the shelves crash down they only wedge themselves against the wall, leaving her only a few feet to move about in. She hears Monroe and replies, "I am fine, besides being under all these shelves. Yes, it does not look like it will be easy to get out of here."

She slams a fist against the wall in frustration. Letting the trolls getting the best of her.

There is no way Deirdre can lift those shelves, and it doesn't look like Pernilla or David are going to be able to get out in time to stop the get away. Clenching her fists, she nervously calls out "Hey handsome..." then she leans forward into an unearthly shriek as her jaw unhinges and drops open, her teeth grow out into needle-like fangs and her skin darkens into its natural grey-green tone.

Scream 4d3 - 8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 2) - 8 + 3 = 5
The scream deals +2 physical stress as a weapon 2. These guys must be tough so I'll spend a Fate point to enhance that to a result of 7.
I'm not sure how much I can manage here all at once, but if I can do all this I will also apply a temporary aspect of "stunned" on the guy I hit and make a supplement action to move further away.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Deirdre Harlowe wrote:

There is no way Deirdre can lift those shelves, and it doesn't look like Pernilla or David are going to be able to get out in time to stop the get away. Clenching her fists, she nervously calls out "Hey handsome..." then she leans forward into an unearthly shriek as her jaw unhinges and drops open, her teeth grow out into needle-like fangs and her skin darkens into its natural grey-green tone.

Scream 4d3 - 8 + 3
The scream deals +2 physical stress as a weapon 2. These guys must be tough so I'll spend a Fate point to enhance that to a result of 7.
I'm not sure how much I can manage here all at once, but if I can do all this I will also apply a temporary aspect of "stunned" on the guy I hit and make a supplement action to move further away.

Applying a condition of stunned would be doing a maneuver instead of an attack. You've chosen an attack as your focus; so, I'll go with that. The breath weapon is treated as 'thrown weapon that you self generate' which basically means that you have range of up to 1 area and hit 1 target with it. You can do the supplemental action of moving. You can either move to the stairs marked on the map or you can move into a further section of hall (not sketched on the map but this is a museum with plenty of areas).

This is a sonic attack and doesn't defeat the Troll's catch. They can't very well dodge 'sound waves' so they're going to have to roll Endurance to resist the sound effect.

Troll that fought Munroe Good Endurance 4d3 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 3) - 5 = 6

Deirdre wins 7 to 6 (troll rolled a +3 wow ). That is +1 shift of damage for a total of 2 +1 = 3 physical damage minus 1 for armour results in a 2 physical stress hit.

The troll's rubbery nature takes the hit of solid sound like a Shar Pei dog sticking its head of the window on a highway. Beyond blowing off large gobs of troll slobber that land with the slapping sound of pancake batter being dropped on the floor, the troll seems barely affected by the process.

'Hey, Pa, I think she cleared my sinuses. I can hear again in my right ear.'

'Good, then maybe you'll hear me put my boot to your butt if you don't keep going.'

New round. Round 4

Investigation, Quick Eye 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2) - 4 = 3
Investigaton Reroll, Quick Eye 4d3 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 2) - 4 = 7

Monroe's been in a few tight spots before, but none quite so literal. The shelves are perilously close to simply collapsing around him. He scanned the area, looking for a way out. He was not going to let the trolls escape. After a moment or two, he has a plan. If he can kick loose one of the shelves at the right point, he might be able to get out with minimal injury.

Spending Monroe's action to develop the plan. Hopefully it will make the Athletics check a bit easier?

The reroll should actually be an 8, as he is +5 to Investigation, not +4. If he kicks it loose, he's willing to take some stress (Athletics vs the Block value, maybe?) to get out.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
David Monroe, Savvy Retired Cop wrote:
The reroll should actually be an 8, as he is +5 to Investigation, not +4. If he kicks it loose, he's willing to take some stress (Athletics vs the Block value, maybe?) to get out.

Your first action would count as a Maneuver or as an Assessment. What it does is help you create a tag that you can use later or another person can use later like and aspect. When you take an action of Athletics or Might on another round, you will be able to 'tag' the aspect that you created for either a +2 or a re-roll. You used an action to develop this; so, you won't need to spend a Fate point for the first time that you tag this aspect. Further uses of this aspect will require a Fate Point.

We'll call this aspect, 'Careful Planning'

I was hoping to use the 8 in Investigation to declare a minor detail to be able to get out in a different way. Even with +4 from FP plus tag, he would almost surely be unable to escape from a block 7. If he can find a weak spot, he'd be willing to risk the injury of knocking it down in order to get out for a lesser value.

Female Valkyrie/Human

(( Is it possible, to call my Pegasus companion who would open a portal from the Nevernever, enter the portal, and exit to another location within ROM (ie hallway or the like? Not all in one round mind you. Calling and leaving as one. Another action to enter from the Nevernever to the hallway) ))

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I'm thinking these last few posts through. I'll have a response later tonight after my RL gaming.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Smerg wrote:
I'm thinking these last few posts through. I'll have a response later tonight after my RL gaming.

Sorry this pair is taking me a bit longer to puzzle out then usual. Usually, I have a gut instinct on such things but the change in system has me wondering what is fair for declaration and what should be charged a Fate point and how long should it take to use investigation or summon the Pegasus to get you out of the situation.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Pernilla Tharaldson wrote:
(( Is it possible, to call my Pegasus companion who would open a portal from the Nevernever, enter the portal, and exit to another location within ROM (ie hallway or the like? Not all in one round mind you. Calling and leaving as one. Another action to enter from the Nevernever to the hallway) ))

The normal difficulty to make a crossing is Superb +5. I'll figure that there are plenty of artifacts in the museum and that is going to weaken the barrier slightly to Great +4. Your mount is native world traveler of the Nevernever which means it gets a +2 to Lore or Survival (when dealing with the Nevernever) checks which it will need to make a 'breach' in a location that normally doesn't have a rift. Your mount has two levels of Quality giving it a +3 to deal with things that are associated with it's abilities.

Okay, so, make a Fate Roll using a modifier of +5 and your aim is to get a result of 4. You need one roll to get out of the pile of boxes and one roll to get into the hallway.

One last point is that opening these barriers may weaken the normal dimensional strength of the barrier between the Nevernever and the museum for a while.

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