Gamer Connection [Paizo PbP]

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Would it be possible to create 2 separate Gamer Connection threads? One for Paizo PbP threads exclusively and another for non-paizo PbP threads, and live connection.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Would it be possible to create 2 separate Gamer Connection threads? One for Paizo PbP threads exclusively and another for non-paizo PbP threads, and live connection.

I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you mean you'd like to see the Play By Post forum split into subforums for Paizo and non-Paizo products? I'm not sure if there's enough traffic in the non-Paizo products to merit that... and which one would a homebrew campaign using the Pathfinder RPG count as?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
Would it be possible to create 2 separate Gamer Connection threads? One for Paizo PbP threads exclusively and another for non-paizo PbP threads, and live connection.
I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you mean you'd like to see the Play By Post forum split into subforums for Paizo and non-Paizo products? I'm not sure if there's enough traffic in the non-Paizo products to merit that... and which one would a homebrew campaign using the Pathfinder RPG count as?

Or do you mean you want the Gamer Connection forum split into sub forums for "play-by-post on the paizo boards" and "everything else"? I definitely don't think there's enough traffic in either category to justify that...

Liberty's Edge

I think the latter.

The question might be due to the fact that there appears to be a play by post game going on in the gamer connection forum, which is not the intent of that forum. I'll flag it so you know which one.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mothman wrote:
The question might be due to the fact that there appears to be a play by post game going on in the gamer connection forum, which is not the intent of that forum. I'll flag it so you know which one.

Moved it. Thanks!

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