In the Shadow of Gallowspire


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Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian looked the woman over briefly before nodding at her words.

"I think it unlikely that he was alive when the window was smashed. I could be wrong, but that type of thing tends to alert people and it's damned hard to cut someone's throat when they know you're there. I'm almost thinking two different people here."

He frowns slightly as more thoughts come to him.
"Whoever it was ransacked his rrom, but left a poorly hidden sack of gold under the bed. They were looking for something particular. I'm guessing if we get a chance to talk to the dwarf upstairs, he may shed some light on things. Maybe he can tell us why the guy was here in town to start with."

He sits then, thinking over the murder and his purpose for being here. It was unlikely that this was chance, ever since the priest had died he hadn't had too many events that happened "by chance" in his life.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cavalier 1

That is strange,"Gwynn muses in response to Uldhazel and Irian, I must wonder, if magic is involved, might the assailant's unnecessary brutalty have been for some fell ritual purpose?" He stares off into the distance, pondering for another moment,"Or mayhap the magic brought forth some sort of ravenous beast with a grim hunger?" He scratches his head. "As for the girl and the shout, I was quartered down the hall and only heard the scream of the innkeeper's daughter, overwhelmed with horror at the grisly sight, I imagine." He spares a glance over his shoulder, to see if breakfast is being served in the common room. Returning to the conversation, he concludes "I am afraid to say, I spied little else of note, and feared rousing the proper lawman's ire by taking the case in my own hands. I am no inquisitor, sadly. I can see some of you are better trained in such arts than I. A single pair of eyes, even the lawman's, is unlikely to see everything. I hope he will listen to you when he has concluded his own inquest."

Dark Archive

As a heads up; this afternoon I was informed that there will be a test that I'd forgotten about in my Poli Sci class tomorrow, and as such I'll be a little busy and won't be posting at length until tomorrow afternoon.

Ghorum looks into the room one last time, shaking his head. At the words of P'Aye, he smiles weakly. "Thank you for your words, my lady. Perhaps one day my honor will be restored".

He sighs, and proceeds to head downstairs to join the others.

@ DM Grim:

Any additional bits I might know about my former employer would help a bit. That way I can formulate an answer and post in character. I like ti so far! Thanks!

Dark Archive


Maryn has dark blonde hair, while Thiera has chestnut brown hair.

Are you separating from the others to search for her?

The Sheriff nods, his eyes not quite rising to the level of P'Aye's. "Oh, of course. Tell ya what, I'll take a quick look at the mess up here and meet you downstairs to compare notes."

The mood in the inn's humble common room is one rife with tension and fear. A handful of other travelers sit huddled in a corner by the fire, their weapons clearly displayed at their sides as they speak in hushed tones and eat the hearty breakfast of smoked sausages and potatoes served by a shaky looking Maryn.

You notice that she pauses occasionally as she goes about her duties, conferring in whispers with her worried looking father.


You don't know much about your employer. He was a nice enough fellow, with a few tales of his exploits as a pathfinder, but he didn't seem eager to share too much of his past, and he was slightly evasive when asked about what his business in Ustalav had been or why he needed a bodyguard.
He had mentioned wanting to depart Daven's Rest during the later hours of this morning, and Maryn had likely been instructed to wake him.
Anything else you'd like to now?

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Strapping on her form fitting leather armor I muse to myself, Men, so predictable... so pliant. Best to keep that sheriff as an ally though as there's no knowing what this situation will turn into. The swordsman is such a strong, quiet type and the gnome... such a darling. Odd that I would feel such a maternal bond with her. Such an odd assortment of people... I wonder what drives their interest in this matter?

Coiling my scoripon whip and affixing it to my belt I think, Well, you wanted to quicken your life P'Aye and here it is. Such a brutal existence they lead... never knowing when the hours that make up life will end. Admit it. It's exhillirating... and terrifying. But this is what you wanted. You're not even here a week and already tangled up in this business."

Testing the pull on my bow before shouldering it and my quiver I ponder to myself, "Where are you going? You came here wanting to sing but it's not enough and now there's this surge in your blood. Is his what people talk about... that "sense of adventure" that drives people into the mouth of danger to risk everything for the sake of greatness?"

Pulling my pack on to my shoulder, I take one last sweep of the room to make sure no other belongings have been left in the room. "I wonder if I will even get to see Karcau."

Closing the door on the preamble to my story, I make my way downstairs to the assemblage below.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

@P'Aye: Oh, do you really think I have admirers? Carawyn says with a blush. Maybe I should go get dressed, though. Everyone else seems to be.

However, friendship is more important than modesty. Carawyn will first look around upstairs for Theira. If she's unable to find her, she will duck into her room and pull on a change of clothing -- a blouse and skirt, not adventuring gear, since she's not feeling threatened at the moment -- and then go downstairs and try to find her. (If she sees the innkeeper when she goes downstairs, she'll call out to him and ask where Theira is.)

As Gargos entered the common room he tucked into the corner nearest the stairway. I don't know what it is, but I feel strangely drawn to these strangers. Maybe it was their quickness to action or shared curiosity toward the mangled pathfinder. All I know is this could be my way out of here, so I should stay with them.

When Gargos sees P'Aye and Carawyn descending the stairs he steps forward and extends his pale emaciated hand. I am Gargos, I have lived in this town all my life. It is a pleasure to make both of your acquaintance. I am sorry about my appearance if it startles you, it is my lineage. Would you care to take a seat so we can discuss what should be done next while we wait for the sheriff? As Gargos finishes speaking he extends his arm and rotates out toward the room letting the ladies by, then taking a seat at one of the tables.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian watched as the crowd grew ever larger. He swore softly under his breath, preferring not to have so many people around to take note of things should he have to do his mistresses work here.

As the dwarf moved downstairs, he watched him carefully. His movements were competent and fluid, a warrior trained obviously. The others were harder to read. His gazed lingered long on the gaunt looking one trying to lurk in the shadows. He had a touch of the dead about him, and it set the inquisitor on edge. Maybe this was who he was meant to see to here?

Bringing himself back to the murder upstairs, he moves across to the dwarf and speaks quietly to him "It has been suggested that you may be able to shed some light on the dealings of our dead friend upstairs. Would you know why he was here, or what he might have had that others would kill to gain from him?". The question was blunt, and the look intense. Some habits were hard to lose, and Iirian's previous career hadn't been one where he often got to use his cheery disposition.

Dark Archive


A quick search of the upstairs portion of the inn doesn't show any trace of your friend. The only other person with you on the second floor seems to be the sheriff, who's searching about the murdered man's room and muttering to himself.

When you hurry downstairs, you see Thiera's father and her sister Maryn conferring in hushed tones at the bar. As you approach, they abruptly fall silent, and when you ask about Thiera old man Thorson beckons you closer and mutters at you to keep quiet. He looks worried, and Maryn won't meet your eyes. In a hushed tone he murmurs to you "Don't say nothin', but we can't find her. She just disappeared last night, and we're getting worried. Sometimes she sneaks out to see that no-good Varisian gypsy boy Varnis, but she's always back by morning. And..." The man trails off, and a second later his daughter continues.

Barely speaking above a whisper, Maryn says "That dwarf, the one who was drinking down her last night, said something about seeing a girl who looked kind of like her sneak into the Pathfinder's room."

Thorson meets your eyes for the first time, and in a hoarse whisper says "Theira may be a troublemaker, and she might've gotten involved in some bad stuff lately, but she ain't a murderer, but that's just what the sheriff'll assume."

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

@Gargos: Oh, I don't think your appearance is strange at all. I mean, the cloak is kind of dark, but nothing a bright handkerchief or something couldn't take care of. I can see if I have one in my room, if you want. I thin the sheriff's upstairs. I just have to go ask the innkeeper something.

For DM Grim:
To the innkeeper: Oh, but we have to tell someone! What if whoever killed the man has Theira! If you don't want to tell the sheriff, maybe we can tell those other people, who really seem to want to help. P'Aye especially seems so nice. I just KNOW she wouldn't think Theira's involved!

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

@Carawyn: Walking down the stairs at Carawyn's side, I say, "Any why shouldn't you have admirers? You are lovely and charming. You know, I once was told a story about the lovely gnome ladies of Kaer Maga once from a man I once knew for a brief time. There was a particular story about a gnome girl he told me about, a madam. It was a story about a love she and a human merchant shared. Now, I was told that story a long time ago so many of the details elude me but I recall it was both a beautiful and tragic story. The point is that the multiverse is full of opportunity but it is up to us to be open to it, pay attention, and be receptive. Not all opportunitites end up as we plan, as the story of 'The Merchant and The Madam of Kaer Maga' illustrates, but it is not ours to choose the destination... the multiverse only affords us choices in which path to take us there." Leaning in closer to tuck in a piece of hair that had broken free I whisper:

Whispered Conversation to Carawyn:
"I know you are anxious to find Theria but use discretion dear. Not not all eyes that fall upon you will be as friendly as mine."

Gliding to the table with all the grace I can muster, I pause as Gargos speaks. Not wanting to be rude but obviously uncomfortable, I do not take Gargos' extended hand but respond in a very polite and formal manner. @Gargos: "Well met Sir Gargos. You will excuse my forwardness but what manner of lineage is it that makes you so gaunt and so pale? Is it an... affliction?"

Taking a seat, I half listen to Gargos' response while keeping eye contact with him and glance Irian's way at his pointed question for Ghorum, but the focus of my attention is elsewhere. I strain my ears to try and overhear what Carawyn and the inkeeper are talking about without making it obvious I am listening.

Perception = 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Grim: Not sure of distance between us or other conditions like crowd noise so please feel free to modify the roll above accordingly based on those factors.

Irian Du'Lac wrote:

Bringing himself back to the murder upstairs, he moves across to the dwarf and speaks quietly to him "It has been suggested that you may be able to shed some light on the dealings of our dead friend upstairs. Would you know why he was here, or what he might have had that others would kill to gain from him?". The question was blunt, and the look intense. Some habits were hard to lose, and Iirian's previous career hadn't been one where he often got to use his cheery disposition.

Eyeing him cautiously, Ghorum hesitates answering, only for a moment, but softens slightly and shrugs. "Alas, there really isn't much to tell. He's a Pathfinder, here in Ustalav on business, but what he wouldn't say. He just was a cautious fellow, I'd guess".

"By the way, the name's Ghorum. I hadn't been paid yet for this week, but at the moment, I'm between jobs. So...if I can be of any help, my axe is yours".

Dark Archive

P'Aye, the small knots of people in the inn's common room are all speaking in rather hushed and subdued tones, so your delicate senses allows you to hear most of the conversation between Carawyn and Thorson.
Go ahead and read the spoilers regarding their conversation.


Thorson and Maryn look extremely worried, and when Thorson speaks his voice breaks slightly. "I know, but the sheriff is going to look for someone who can be blamed for the murder, and when he hears that someone looking like her went into his room...well, it'll look pretty open and shut to him."
Maryn looks to you and asks, barely above a whisper "Would you try to find her for us? Please? We don't have much we could pay you with, but we would do what we could."

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

For DM Grim and P'Aye:
Oh, you don't need to pay me. Of course I'll try to find her. She's my friend. Let me go talk to those other people, since they seem like they want to know what happened too, and seem like they know what they're doing. We never had anything like this happen at home.

At that point, Carawyn will take up Gargos on his earlier invitation and sit down -- next to P'Aye, whom she smiles up at -- with the group. Hi, I'm Carawyn Ellyzig Finwinkle, she announces to the group at large.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Scooting my seat a bit to make room for the gnome, I smile warmly at Carawyn and speak to her in a soft tone while being careful not to name any names, "Everything okay? Were you able to find where your friend is?"

Knowing little about dwarven temperament and interests, other than what I learned in my studies (and the brief interaction with the sheriff upstairs), I say to Ghorum, "What was your contracted rate for the pathfinder?" Thinking to herself... Perhaps I can seek a similar arrangement once this business is concluded.

She then surveys the assemblage carefully before saying, "I think it prudent to consider for a moment what becoming entangled in this business could imply. I let that thought hang in the air for a moment recalling the technique the Mistress of Toasts once used to impress the importance of a visiting client. "There is a person or creature (or more than one for that matter) in command of arcane arts that is willing and savagely capable of murder. We are seeking to pry into affairs most nefarious and may find ourselves the target of their malicious ire."

My gaze lingers on Carawyn momentarily before scanning the faces of the rest of the group. I continue by saying, "We all have our own motives for wanting to involve ourselves and the extent to which we are permitted to pursue this matter may be dictated by the law of these parts... or it may not be depending on how vested we are in the closure of this incident. If we do this... if we get involved, know that I will rely on each of you like I am prepared to be relied upon."

With that said, I scan the room of assembled townsfolk whispering among themselves with the brief thought, What if that person is here... watching us now." Dismissing the thought, I draw again on the lessons of my youth and set my mind to the task at hand.

Perception to Listen in on some of the whispered conversations around the room = 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 and Sense Motive as I look to search the faces of those downstairs for anyone carrying themselves in a suspicious manner = 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian looks at the dwarf and smiles thinly before replying. "Unfortunately friend I have no cash with which to pay you"

AS the beautiful girl at the table speaks, Irian turns and regards her curiously. Interesting she feels as if she is getting involved already. Then he smiles as he realises that he was already committed to the task of finding who the murderer was, by the very fact his goddess had placed him here.

"Certainly getting involved would be dangerous m'lady, otherwise a man would not be dead. Unfortunately, the fact we were there and had a quick gander before the sheriff came along has us involved whether we like it or not."

He also looks cautiously around the room before contiinuinig quietly Best not to say too much before the local law gets here and questions us."

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Quietly, to P'Aye: No, I couldn't find her. I think whoever killed that man must have taken her for some reason. I hope if we find out what happened, we'll be able to find her.

Carawyn's perched on the edge of her chair and keeps looking toward the stairs. She's obviously waiting for the sheriff to come down. Sitting here doesn't seem to be getting us any closer to finding out what happened. There has to be something we can do!

Irian Du'Lac wrote:
Irian looks at the dwarf and smiles thinly before replying. "Unfortunately friend I have no cash with which to pay you"

Ghorum simply smiles and says "I'll settle for an ale...".

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Leaning down a bit to hear Carawyn, I turn to look at her silently thinking to myself, So trusting... I pride myself on lessons learned but perhaps there is another one here.

Looking away to address Irian, I say, "You are correct sir. My inference was only if in reference to if we move beyond mere witnesses to the event."

Standing quickly I move to the inkeep while still paying attention (Using the rolls above.) and arrange for a meal for the assemblage (Presuming common meal quality for a day is 3 sp so a single common meal would be 1sp per person for a total of 6 sp... let me know if a different price is warranted.) and a mug of ale (Mug Ale = 4 cp).

Returning to the table, I set the mug down in front of Ghorum I say,"Let us consider this your first installment Ghorum," with a smile.

I have deducted 6 sp and 4 cp from my sheet tracked in a journal under tracked resources in my character sheet.

"Carawyn, in order to find the girl we need to look for clues. Was she in any kind of trouble before this? Who did she hang out with? Let us find them and interrogate them or stake them out? We need to act now and find out what really happened before the sheriff sets the wheels of justice in motion."

ie. Varnis the Varisian - Uldhazel does not know about him yet.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Yup. Was just trying to see if the sheriff was coming down, as I thought we'd initially all gathered to wait for him. ButI'm fine with continuing on if everyone else is. Still getting used to game flow, as it's my first PBP.

I don't think she was in any trouble. Her father said she sometimes spends the night with a gypsy boy named Varnis. I've only known her for a few days, but she seemed really nice to me. Oooh, maybe she was with Varnis last night and just didn't come back yet! We should go look. Though if we're worried about trying to find whatever killed that poor man, maybe I should put on my armor. Do you think Varnis might know anything? I can't imagine Theira would be involved with anyone who'd be involved with something like this.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian's interst is piqued by the conversation occuring about another person who may be imvolved in this. "Pray tell, ladies, who is this other person you're talking about. Was she in anyway connected to the man upstairs?"

His eyes are intense again, berning with a fervor to know what mysteries surround the death of the pathfinder and what part his goddess wants for him to play in it.

I think we need to chat to the sherrif before we all go heading off after other clues. I was waiting for our DM to drop him into the conversation. I need to go back over and read all of thsi thread again now so I can keep up with other players and their threads to this tale to date.

On that note, I have to run a camp for some year 11 science students this week, so will be absent for the first few days of the week. Sorry, that's twice in a fortnight I've left off. Hopefully it won't slow you down. Cheers

Stepping up to the table, Gargos pulls out a chair and sits with the seemingly destined group. To be perfectly honest P’Aye, my distant relatives were members of the whispering tyrant, Tar-Barphon’s, army. He and his followers did horrendous experiments to them and it carried on through the blood of my parents.

Looking toward the three males situated around the table. Directing his first introduction to Ghorum, I don’t believe we have been formally introduced. I overheard that you, master dwarf, were hired by the deceased as a bodyguard. I am sorry for the loss of your charge. I am Gargos.

Catching the eye of the follower of the lady, Gargos gives a slight nod. I see that the lady speaks to you. I have not had the pleasure of that connection. I look forward to hearing of some of your duties. As you have heard my name is Gargos.

And you sir. Looking at the young man with the poise of a knight. You have a commanding look about you, It is a pleasure.

I agree with Uldhazel in some respect, but I believe we should wait for the sheriff to speak to us before we go out and investigate more. Mostly to keep the ire of the law on the perpetrators.

Sorry for the non-existent posting, shouldn't happen during the week again.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2
Irian Du'Lac wrote:
Irian's interst is piqued by the conversation occuring about another person who may be imvolved in this. "Pray tell, ladies, who is this other person you're talking about. Was she in anyway connected to the man upstairs?"

It's my friend Theira, who's the innkeeper's daughter. I don't think she's connected to the man upstairs. She does have brown hair, though. I'm worried that maybe she was going into his room to bring him food just when he was being attacked, and she got kidnapped. Though maybe it was someone else with brown hair, and she's with her friend Varnis.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

gotta get me some Knowledge: Local

Hearing this and still a little hesitant, I extend my hand to Gargos saying, "I must beg your forgiveness for my rudeness Gargos, it seems there is much I have to learn about this land... I did not mean to offend."

As the assemblage enjoys the meal, I stand for a moment and go to speak to the Thorson, "Your food is excellent sir, I wonder if you could share with me how you get the meat in the sausages so flavorful. Don't be bashful, your secret is safe with me..."

Stepping in closer for a hushed Conversation with Thorson as I turn my ear toward him like I am listening:
"For the sake of your daughter Theria, I would speak with you plain now. It it not clear to what extent she is mixed up in this business but surely you must know that having her be one of the last people seen going into the dead pathfinder's room casts a shadow of suspicion on her. A girl's heart can often be easily swayed to do things they would not normally do so the meager protestations of her father that she would not be involved with something like this does not easily sway me. However, I find that I want to help in this matter and the assemblage at my table seem prepared to do the same. We need to quickly locate your daughter and this man Varnis so it would be prudent to help us and fast before the ire of the people is roused. The last thing that you want is to leave matters of justice into the hands of frightened townsfolk. Did she confide with you or maybe her sister about her liasons with Varnis. Quickly! Tell me where they met or where Varnis stays."
Diplomacy Check to Gather Information = 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 1 = 25

"Really?" I say backing away as if he has just told me a clever culinary tip. Then pausing for a moment to give a knowing look..."That can't be the only secret."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cavalier 1

Gwynn raises an eyebrow at Gargos's comment. "Commanding, eh? He frowns. "Rarely do I hear words such as those on my behalf, though I'll gladly shoulder the burden of command if none other are versed in the art to my satisfaction. He offers a handshake. "My name is Gwynn-" He stops with the next word on the tip of hos tongue. "Hmm...Gwynn will do. Apologies for the exclusion of the rest, but I assure you, it holds little in common with that which is current." He pauses for a few seconds, staring off into the distance, and then returns his gaze to Gargos. "I am not held to this situation by anything aside from personal interest in seeing justice done. However, if an extra swordarm is needed, I'll gladly volunteer, I admit, for as little as a few days' lodgings, though you'll never catch me turning down pay..."

Dark Archive

I apologize for not posting lately; my computer has become somewhat non-functional the last few days. I will compose a full post tomorrow afternoon from the school computers.

Dark Archive

As Thorson and his daughter depart from the table after delivering food, ale, and hearty apple cider to the group assembled there, he hears P'Aye call out to him and stops. Turning to face her as she steps towards him, he looks somewhat surprised as P'Aye comments on the quality of the food, stammering some quiet response before making a worried and uncomfortable escape behind the bar.

P'Aye or Perception DC 18

Thorson casts you a glance that is both worried and angry "Listen here girl. My daughter may be a trouble maker and we might not agree on everything, but one thing she ain't is an accomplice to murder. That Varisian riff-raff she hangs around might be, but she ain't. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Varnis and his friends killed the fellow and took her away with them." Sighing heavily, he starts towards the bar saying "Maybe you're right. I'll tell the sheriff that I think she got nabbed by the killers. If you wanna track down that gypsy, he and his friends usually hang around the stables."

As you converse within your eclectic group, the sheriff noisily descends the stairs. Looking around, he makes his way through the increasingly crowded main room of the inn towards you. "Alright fellows. And of course, ladies." he says, bowing to P'Aye before continuing in a smug tone. "I looked around the scene and I found something you lot missed."
The armored dwarf flips a small silver coin onto the table. Upon closer examination, you find the coin to be blackened around the edges and quite old looking. A series of runes can be made out around the scorched edges of the coin.
"Now what I don't know is what the little bugger is. If any of you could identify it...and I also need to know anything more you've learned about the murder."

Gargos grabs the coin to examine it closer.

Knowledge Arcana 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Spellcraft 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

When Gargos is finished, Uldhazel will also have a look - pulling out her her lense and uttering a short incantation.

Cantrip: Detect Magic

Appraise with lense:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Elven Magic:Add +2 to identify a magic item

Know Arcana,Planes,Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Uldhazel tries to identify and decipher the runes as well.

Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

If Gargos and Uldhazel can't make anything of it, Carawyn will speak up,

Can I see it? My parents always complained all I cared about was conjuring, so maybe I'll be able to recognize something about it.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 knowledge: arcana
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 spellcraft

If no one else has been able to determine what the runes are by the time Carawyn has gotten the coin, she'll cast read magic and see if that gives her any information.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian quietly informs the sheriff of his findungs upstairs, making sure to let the man know the cause of death and his current suspicions about possibly two crimes here. Once he's done, the inquisitor steps bck and waits patiently for the others to try their hand at identifying the silver coin.

Ghorum just sits quietly, listening to the others.

Sheriff wrote:
"Now what I don't know is what the little bugger is. If any of you could identify it...and I also need to know anything more you've learned about the murder."

Ghorum shakes his head, and speaks to the Sheriff in dwarvish:

Dwarven language:

"I wish I could tell you more, but I'm at a loss at who he really was or why he was here. He hired me for protection, not small-talk. This I swear by Torag's beard."

Dark Archive

Detect Magic

The coin radiates the same type of Conjuration as was detected in the Pathfinder's room

Read Magic or Spellcraft 20+

You recognize the runes as the ones typically used in a spell to create a zone of silence.

The sheriff looks to Ghorum and nods, replying to him in quiet Dwarvish.

"I believe you brother. This crime is beyond what we've had to deal with before. I'd take it as a kindness if ya'd look into it."

Spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Not sure if "Elven Magic +2" applies. Either way she fails the check.

I can prepare a cantrip to decipher these runes later. I cannot make it out now. But these runes definitely are magical. A conjuration. This is what I sensed upstairs. I still do not know what it would be, though.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"Can anyone read what the writing says?"

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

Oooh, it's a spell to create a zone of silence, I think. My parents used to use something like that when I was asking lots of questions while they were trying to work!

Carawyn Ellyzig Finwinkle wrote:
Oooh, it's a spell to create a zone of silence, I think. My parents used to use something like that when I was asking lots of questions while they were trying to work!

Is that so? And yet it leaves the trace of a conjuration rather than that of a glamer. This is interesting magic.

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

"The silence is perhaps how the killer was able to perpatrate this act under the noses of everyone without rousing the inn,"[/b} looking on quizzically, I continue, [b]"It does not seem to silence our words now... is it's magic spent? Is it something that can be used again with the proper spoken word?"

P'Aye De T'Aime wrote:
"The silence is perhaps how the killer was able to perpatrate this act under the noses of everyone without rousing the inn,"[/b} looking on quizzically, I continue, [b]"It does not seem to silence our words now... is it's magic spent? Is it something that can be used again with the proper spoken word?"

With some preparation I think I can find the answer to this question. I will need to think on this.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

"Well Sheriff, we have told you what we know and what we suspect. Is there any other way we can assist.?"

The Inquisitor looks the dwarf in the eye as he adds "I feel my Lady's hand in directing me here this evening. I am offering my assistance to you, if you'll have it."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Cavalier 1

Gwynn nods to the sheriff, "If you feel the need for extra swordarms in this matter, mine's not spoken for yet, either. I'm not able to bring forth witnesses to vouch for my skill or virtue, but I'll take any test of either you would feel necessary to put me to. If you want to question my motive, I'll try to be plain - I don't want to risk staying or fleeing if the region's still stalked by some unknown slayer, and I doubt the man who was put to untimely death in this place was guilty of something deserving that fate. Call it petty boredom if you like, but I'd prefer to help put down a dangerous criminal rather than walk away or hide."

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

Once the assembled draw near finishing their ale, cider, and meal, I say to them in an unexpected shift of topic from details of the murder, "I am on my way to Karcau to sing in the opera house there. I will likely need an escort there as the way is perilous. Tell me, would any of you be willing to accompany me? I have various means to... compensate Raising an arched eyebrow and casting a sidelong glance first at Gwynn then at Irian you for the journey if you require it."

Looking at Carawyn I say, "I read once that the folk of the first world have a mysical connection with animals of this world and some manifest that connection with the ability to converse with animals. I wonder... do you, Little Lady, posess those gifts? If so, would you be willing to accompany me to the stables to speak with the horses? I need to find a quality mount for the journey to come that is pliant to command and strong enough to bear me that distance."

Bluff check to convey a secret message to Carawyn amid the words above: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Secret Message to Carawyn (DC 20 sense motive for all others to interpret the message as well):
I know were we might find Theria, get your things and let's go to the stables.

Female HP 18, AC 14, T 14 FF 12, Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +5, Per +8 (low-light), CMD 11 Gnome witch 2

"Oh! Yes, I can speak to animals. I do it a lot, actually. Um, let me get some things from my room, and then I can come try to find you a good horse. Though I'm sure there are no bad horses. I mean a horse that'll want to carry you to Karcau."

And with that, Carawyn runs upstairs.

for DM Grim:
Upstairs, Carawyn puts on her armor and grabs her equipment, before running downstairs and to the stables.

"Talking horse?" Ghorum mutters to himself, chuckling.

Speaking aloud, he says "Let me gather my gear, and I can lend whatever help I can". He proceeds upstairs to his room to gather his equipment.

Male Human Inquisitor (1st)

Irian also heads upstairs to gather his equipment, packing eveerything as he is not sure if or when he'llbe able to return to this place.

Returning downstairs he settles his account with the innkeep and prepares to follow the Sheriff's instructions or the lead of one of the others seemingly caught up in this mess.

Anyone heard from our DM lately? I think he's having internet troubles but was wondering if others had heard from him or not

Dark Archive

Had a busy Hallow's Eve weekend, sorry for my absence.

The sheriff looks to each of you before nodding "Consider yourselves deputized. My men are good fellows but like you saw with Devin earlier, they're a little green. If you can quietly bring me the culprit, I'll make it worth your time. Where are you heading first?"

Female Half Elf Bard (Street Performer) 1

I am playing it close to the vest with the authorities as I am not sure how "free spirited" this community is. Until I know the extent of Theria's involvement, I am not entirely sure that I can rely on the Sherrif. I would like to make sure Carawyn's friend is not wrapped up in this mess more than her trusting father assures me of. I want to discern the situation for myself. Based on Carawyn's reaction, I trust that my unspoken message was received and prepare to go to the stables.

"Tell me Master Ghorum, I say continuing with the notion that I am looking for a horse for my trip, "I may have need of an escort to Karcau... what is your going rate for a journey of that length? Surely ale is not the only compensation you desire?"

As Carawyn ascends the stairs, I turn pointedly to the sheriff, "After I see to the matter of purchasing horses, Sir Sheriff, perhaps I can look into this matter. Though, I must ask as horses are not cheap to acquire, what matter of compensation for information provided did you have in mind?"

We have a capable seeming crew here. We will catch your man Sheriff, however a more specific promise of remuneration may be necessary as we proceed. Also, can you please provide me with a detailed description of the girl as well as this Varnis fellow?

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