Eye for Talent + Animal Companion =

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

An animal companion with 4 intellect at level 1. Additionally because of this all feats open up to them. There is nothing like an adopted Bison with Nonchalant Thuggery and World Traveler.

Sovereign Court

Carbon D. Metric wrote:
An animal companion with 4 intellect at level 1. Additionally because of this all feats open up to them. There is nothing like an adopted Bison with Nonchalant Thuggery and World Traveler.

Would you please cite your feats and/or traits.

Grand Lodge

Well, I know that Eye for Talent is an alternate Human trait... they give up Bonus Feat I believe...

EDIT: Oops, APG Alternate Racial Features... ^_^

Dark Archive

Level one a human can give up his racial bonus feat to add +2 to any stat their animal companion would have. This means at level 1 they can have a sentient animal companion which opens up any skills, feats, and even language for them.

The PC's feat selection itself is of little importance but the companion can now choose to take the feat "Additional Traits" and choose from any number of traits. I personally think it is appropriate to give them adopted as you are in many ways like a parent to your companion.

But yea, just stumbled across this last night when prepping a friend for a Kingmaker game.

Sovereign Court

Carbon D. Metric wrote:

Level one a human can give up his racial bonus feat to add +2 to any stat their animal companion would have. This means at level 1 they can have a sentient animal companion which opens up any skills, feats, and even language for them.

The PC's feat selection itself is of little importance but the companion can now choose to take the feat "Additional Traits" and choose from any number of traits. I personally think it is appropriate to give them adopted as you are in many ways like a parent to your companion.

But yea, just stumbled across this last night when prepping a friend for a Kingmaker game.

Cool, with so many options it's hard to keep track of which book they are in. It's easier than having to sum up or cut and paste descriptions.

I like intelligent animal companions.

Carbon D. Metric wrote:
An animal companion with 4 intellect at level 1. Additionally because of this all feats open up to them. There is nothing like an adopted Bison with Nonchalant Thuggery and World Traveler.

This made me actually laugh out loud.

Brian Brus wrote:
Carbon D. Metric wrote:
An animal companion with 4 intellect at level 1. Additionally because of this all feats open up to them. There is nothing like an adopted Bison with Nonchalant Thuggery and World Traveler.
This made me actually laugh out loud.

Long as your bison is an Ox and its blue and you're playing a canadian sounding mountain of a man wielding a two handed axe I'm sold.

TarkXT wrote:
Long as your bison is an Ox and its blue and you're playing a canadian sounding mountain of a man wielding a two handed axe I'm sold.

Hehehe... Have any of you read the "Fable" comics? ...or rather the spin-off "Jack of Fables"?

If not, I present: Babe the Blue Ox :)

Dark Archive

It is certainly a good way to give your animal companion a 1d4 bite attack, also most of the good ones already have one.

Dark Archive

Sorry - I'm confused. Why does an Int of 4 unlock all feat options?

Garden Tool wrote:
Sorry - I'm confused. Why does an Int of 4 unlock all feat options?
Core Rulebook wrote:
Animal companions can select from the following feats: Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. GMs might expand this list to include feats from other sources.

But why not just use the first bonus attribute point your animal companion gets for that?

The +2 is much better spent in STR in most cases. With the lagging HD compared to PC's, companions need all the to hit bonuses they can get.

Or was this solely to get the Adopted Trait and through that the Bite attack? - Most good animal companions already Have a Bite attack.

Yes, funny, not optimal though. :-)

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