Specialized Wizard Spellbooks

Rules Questions

Hey folks, just learned that specialist mages HAVE to learn one spell of their specialized school per level that they gain... Is this accurate?

Also, why isn't it mentioned in the class description?

1) Yes. The information is listed on page 219 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. The section is "Adding Spells to a Wizard's Spellbook" and the subsection is "Spells Gained at a New Level." The last sentence covers it.

2) I have no idea. It was either an oversight, or they felt that the section above covered the situation adequately.

I just checked my 3.0 and 3.5 D&D PHBs.

They did the exact same thing. In the wizard description, they refer you to the Magic chapter. Pathfinder does the same thing (although the PHBs actually list a page number, the Core Rulebook just directs you to the chapter).

So, I feel that Paizo just followed the pattern. Personally, I agree that duplicating that one sentence from page 219 about specialists in the wizard description would have been nice.

Sovereign Court

Once more thing we should have caught in the play test, ka-sigh. :(

Liberty's Edge

I've just known this since forever, and I suspect most folks who DM or play wizards know it as well- so they weren't looking to see that it's in a good spot, because they "know it already".

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