Pathfinders of Missouri, Unite!

Local Play

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Dark Archive

Tim Statler wrote:
HI, another of Cape's GMs. Also joined the Smackdown group.

Hi, Tim!

Glad you joined us on the Smackdown page!!
When are you guys having another game day? Also--when is the next con down in Capetown?

Scarab Sages 3/5

kikai13 wrote:

I'm not familiar with Games To Order--where on Campbell is it?

BTW- is Boneheads still open down there?

Hrmm not familiar with Boneheads.

GTO is a block north of Incredible Pizza close to the Andy's.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Our next game day is December 4th. We are running Before the Dawn parts 1 & 2. On December 18th we have Shadows Fall on Absalom and Hall of Heroes.

Our next major convention (Cape Comic Con) is usually slatted for early May. As soon as I have more info, I will post it here. You can also check us out on Facebook at River City Pathfinder Society.

Dark Archive

Joko PO wrote:
kikai13 wrote:

I'm not familiar with Games To Order--where on Campbell is it?

BTW- is Boneheads still open down there?

Hrmm not familiar with Boneheads.

GTO is a block north of Incredible Pizza close to the Andy's.

Got it! I'll have to check it out next time I'm down there!

Maybe we can schedule a game day and roll some bones!

Dark Archive

The next PFS Smackdown is happening this Saturday, December 4th, at Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, MO. The entry fee is a toy or donation to Toys for Tots.

This Smackdown, by the way, is named in honor of a horror film and a Paizo employee! Come and check out our Facebook page (PFS Smackdown!!!!) to find out who. Feel free to sign up while you are there. Extra bonus points if you can name the film from whence this title came.

Hope to see lots o' folks there!


Dark Archive

Just an FYI guys, Ogre's Games in St. Louis runs Society twice each Sunday.

4501 South Kingshighway
STL 63109

Dark Archive

Just to fill everyone in, the December Smackdown was a blast! We had our smallest turnout so far (only 16 players) but the games were a great deal of fun. I was impressed by the group I have dubbed the "super-gamers!" At the November Smackdown, just one short month ago, they all showed up with brand-new baby fresh characters as they had never played Society before. Then they showed up at the December Smackdown--all with sixth level characters! They played at least 15 games in less than four weeks! Kudos!

The next Smackdown is gonna be on January 8th, and hopefully more folks have gotten their holiday travelling out of the way and can come roll some bones with us at the Gate!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

While not in Missouri, I do want to extend an invitation to the Missouri players (especially those in NW MO) to come to Omaha and play a game every once in a while :) We'd love to see some new faces.

Dark Archive

cblome59 wrote:

While not in Missouri, I do want to extend an invitation to the Missouri players (especially those in NW MO) to come to Omaha and play a game every once in a while :) We'd love to see some new faces.

When and where do you play? I have a painfully unusual schedule at work, but if I can make it up I would be happy to play a game or two with you guys!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

kikai13 wrote:
cblome59 wrote:

While not in Missouri, I do want to extend an invitation to the Missouri players (especially those in NW MO) to come to Omaha and play a game every once in a while :) We'd love to see some new faces.

When and where do you play? I have a painfully unusual schedule at work, but if I can make it up I would be happy to play a game or two with you guys!

We play 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month (allowing for holidays). Two slots per day, one around 11 and the other around 5-6. We play at Ground Zero in Bellevue, NE which is just south of Omaha proper. We have at least 1 table per slot in the winter months with up to 3 and more than enough judges to support it should we need to.

Most of our player base is in the 1-4 range, although we do have a small group creeping into the 5th level. I'm looking forward to running some of those higher teir mods :).

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Just posted the events for January and February on our Facebook page, River City Pathfinder Society.

I know it's not an election or anything, but if we need a Venture Captain for Missouri, I totally recommend Kikai13!

Dark Archive

Raya wrote:
I know it's not an election or anything, but if we need a Venture Captain for Missouri, I totally recommend Kikai13!

(blushes) Thanks, S. You always have been my favorite. Your bribery check is in the mail.

Seriously, though, if Paizo needs me, I am willing to answer the call.

Dark Archive 4/5


I play and DM PFS. I might be moving to the Cape Girardieu area. Where is PFS played there?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

We play at Championship Games, just off of Broadway past the college. It is located behind Burritoville in a little plaza there. We have games scheduled every other Saturday, and one Wednesday every month. You can usually find a "pick-up" game any weekend though.

Come join us and feel free to join our Facebook page, River City Pathfinder Society, for more information!

Scarab Sages 1/5

hey ernie, if you wish man throw me an email at i'll be happy to tell you everything about our local pfs games.

Scarab Sages 1/5

hey i know this is going to be rather close to last minute, but this weekend at our local shop, down here in cape. were going to rerun the year of the shadow lodge event to allow those that didn't get to play it the chance to. if theres any of you who would like to come down and join, just msg me or arnim or tim. we'd be happy to have you, and i'm in a heavy debate with my funds at the moment, but i'm thinking that in early march (vacation time) i will probabaly go around to all the missouri pathfinder games i can in like a week or two. been anxious to meet you guy's. o and ogresgames in stl will be the first stop if for no other reason then to stop in and say hello.

Dark Archive

Greetings, Missouri Pathfinders!

I would like to make everyone aware of RagnaroKon taking place this weekend, March 4th, 5th, and 6th. Pathfinder Society games will be available all weekend, starting at 1 p.m. on Friday. I will be running The Midnight Mauler twice on Friday and once late Saturday night. For more info, check out

Hope to see lots of Pathfinders there!

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Any chance of you making it to Cape Girardeau for Cape Comic Con? The date is set for June 24-26.

Dark Archive

Ayup! Unless something weird happens at work, I plan to attend! I'm very much looking forward to it!

Dark Archive 4/5

jason roeder wrote:
Ayup! Unless something weird happens at work, I plan to attend! I'm very much looking forward to it!

That's cool Jason! We look forward to seeing you.

Scarab Sages

The Saint Charles Fantasy Shop has already been mentioned, and the Pathfinder Society Gamedays there are held once a month (usually on the first Saturday) starting at 12:00 PM and running until about 9:00 PM or so (two sessions, with multiple tables running per session). Our next get-together is tomorrow, March 5. New players are most welcome.

Also, for those folks closer to the south St. Louis city area, there are weekly games at Ogre's Games on South Kingshighway. Those start at 1:00 PM, and there are typically two sessions. This is a newer scheduled event, and could use support as there are usually 4-5 players and a single table. Their information:

Ogre's Games
4501 S. Kingshighway
Saint Louis, MO 63109
(314) 353-6473

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

jason roeder wrote:
Ayup! Unless something weird happens at work, I plan to attend! I'm very much looking forward to it!

WOOOT!!! Anything you need to make this happen or to make it easier on you? The convention sponsor has asked what he can do to facilitate your attendance. You can reply here or through my Facebook page, since you ARE added to the River City Pathfinder Society group.

-Michael VonHasseln

Dark Archive

Arnim Thayer wrote:
Anything you need to make this happen or to make it easier on you? The convention sponsor has asked what he can do to facilitate your attendance.

Just find me a table and a player or two, and I will be a happy guy!

Dark Archive 4/5

jason roeder wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:
Anything you need to make this happen or to make it easier on you? The convention sponsor has asked what he can do to facilitate your attendance.

Just find me a table and a player or two, and I will be a happy guy!

I think we can handle that with no problem! *chuckle*

Scarab Sages 1/5

ok so jason wants 1 table and 2 players for his special mod? ok i got it written down, shouldn't be a problem there, but if u change your mind and want 3 or 4 players well, i'm sorry sir i just won't be able to help you there. :)

Dark Archive

Greetings, my fellow Pathfinders!

I am hereby announcing the Pathfinder Society Smackdown #11: This Is Actually Our 13th Smackdown, coming April 2nd at Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, MO.

It starts at 7 p.m. and ends when everyone has had so much fun that they can't take any more.

Hope to see everybody there!

Dark Archive 4/5

You know since Jason is gonna come down for Comic Con, we're gonna have to make a road trip to Columbia sometime. (Heh. Look at my no driving self suggesting this.)

Dark Archive

Hey, all! All kinds of awesome Pathfinder stuff is happening in the great state of Missouri!

June 4th is gonna be a huge festival of Society scenarios hosted by the now-famous Valhalla's Gate store!

Shortly after that is a little get together in Seattle that I encourage all Missouri Pathfinders to attend--from June 10th-12th!

Free RPG day is June 18th, and yours truly is planning to run "We Be Goblins!" for anyone and everyone who would like to play!

And who could possibly forget Cape Comic Con on the weekend of June 24th-26th? I haven't been to Cape Comic Con before, but from what I have heard it's gonna be a blast!

June's gonna be a great month for Pathfinder in Missouri!

Grand Lodge

But truly the BEST part of June is the June 4th PFS Smackdown at Valhalla's Gate.

Looking forward to seeing some new faces!

GarageCon 2012

Aug 17-19, 2012!

We have at least 2 tables running in all 5 slots at GarageCon, if you know you'd like to play then let us know! :D We'll have the most tables running Saturday, with 4 that I know of. :D

Friday Noon
3-21 The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (1-5)
3-18 God's Market Gamble (1-5)

Fri 6pm
3-9 Quest for Perfection Pt 1: Edge of Heaven (1-5)
0-13 Prince of Augustana (1-5)

Sat Noon
3-2 Sewer Dragons of Absalom (3-7)
3-7 Echoes of the Overwatched (1-5)
1-40 Hall of Drunken Heroes (7-11)

Sat 6pm
Blood Under Absalom (all levels, cooperative table event)

Sun Noon
3-19 The Icebound Outpost (1-5)
3-6 Song of the Sea Witch (3-7)

I'm going to get a post up at the Gate's forums and at GameCoMo with a complete schedule as soon as I can.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

We are looking to start running PFS sessions down in West Plains, MO. We have played a great deal of regular Pathfinder games but I am looking to become involved in society gaming. If there are people in the area that are looking for a group, or already have an established group, please let me know.

If there are groups nearby, I would love to get involved as well.

I just organized a meetup group at to link players up with DM/GMs to form groups. If you are looking for a roleplaying group in Springfield, MO come check us out and look see what upcoming events we have or start your own!

Jason Roeder wrote:

I have had the pleasure of spreading the word of Pathfinder throughout mid-Missouri, and from the number of players that I am seeing on a weekly basis, I think the Pathfinder Society games in all of Missouri could grow immensely with only a bit of organization. I would like this thread to be the place where all Missouri Pathfinders can post where and when games in our area will occur.

Also, I am putting my contact information here as well. If you are interested in getting in on Pathfinder Society games but don't know how or where to find them, please email me at and I will do my best to help you find or start a game.

The first Saturday of every month is the PFS Smackdown at Valhalla's Gate gaming store in Columbia, MO. We typically have 3-5 tables going every time we meet, and there is still plenty of room for new players. If you are interested, come on out! The next one will be Saturday, November 6th from 7 p.m. until midnight. We have a lot of great gamers there that come from as far away as St. Louis, Springfield, and even Wichita, KS! If you are interested in coming but can't find a ride to the game, contact me at the above email and I will see if I can find you one.

Hope to see lots and lots of new Pathfinders there!


Looking for GM/Party to play PFS in Sedalia, MO. Do anyone know of any going on?

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