Pathfinders of Missouri, Unite!

Local Play

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Dark Archive

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I have had the pleasure of spreading the word of Pathfinder throughout mid-Missouri, and from the number of players that I am seeing on a weekly basis, I think the Pathfinder Society games in all of Missouri could grow immensely with only a bit of organization. I would like this thread to be the place where all Missouri Pathfinders can post where and when games in our area will occur.

Also, I am putting my contact information here as well. If you are interested in getting in on Pathfinder Society games but don't know how or where to find them, please email me at and I will do my best to help you find or start a game.

The first Saturday of every month is the PFS Smackdown at Valhalla's Gate gaming store in Columbia, MO. We typically have 3-5 tables going every time we meet, and there is still plenty of room for new players. If you are interested, come on out! The next one will be Saturday, November 6th from 7 p.m. until midnight. We have a lot of great gamers there that come from as far away as St. Louis, Springfield, and even Wichita, KS! If you are interested in coming but can't find a ride to the game, contact me at the above email and I will see if I can find you one.

Hope to see lots and lots of new Pathfinders there!



Hope to see more new faces at the PFS Smackdown events at the Gate! :D

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Sounds Awesome! I used to live in Columbia. Now I'm in Rolla MO. My love for RPGs has been rekindled when I played my 1st PFS game back in August.I'm going to try and make the trip up in November. Hope to see you there!

Also, on Oct 22-24 Cog-Con 19 will be at the Havener Center in Rolla MO. There will be running the following scenarios:
#2-06: The Heresy of Man—Part I: The First Heresy (PFRPG)
#55: The Infernal Vault (PFRPG)
#56: The Jester's Fraud (PFRPG)

+ tables for PFS open library for every slot. Here is the link! I hope your group in COMO will come down to Rolla and join the fun!

Dark Archive

I will send a message out to everyone in our group. Also, if you would like, you are welcome to join our Facebook group page--you can find it under PFS Smackdown!!!! (Yes, there are four exclamation points in the group name.) From there, you can post messages to 50+ gamers every time you have an upcoming event!

CogCon sounds really cool. I will see if I can get down there. Thanks for making me aware of it!

Sovereign Court

Always a blast at the Smackdown. Good GMs and so far not a single lame scenario. Kudos on the adventure selections guys.

Thanks for all your hard work to make this fun for everyone Jason.

Dark Archive

LionAzure wrote:

Always a blast at the Smackdown. Good GMs and so far not a single lame scenario. Kudos on the adventure selections guys.

Thanks for all your hard work to make this fun for everyone Jason.

Thanks, man! I appreciate that very much!

Dark Archive 4/5

There is quite a following of Pathfinder down SE Missouri way as well. (mostly the Cape Girardeau area). We just finished up with our little con Brewfest over the weekend. I wish I had known of this post and I would have pimped the con. Oh well...

Scarab Sages

We play quite a lot in St. Louis too. The next game day is Sat Oct 30th.

Here is a Link to our Yahoo Group for Pathfinder Society:


Dark Archive

To the previous two posters:
Where do you guys play? Keep me in the loop, and I will see if I can get over there to roll some bones with y'all!

Liberty's Edge

kikai13 wrote:

To the previous two posters:

Where do you guys play? Keep me in the loop, and I will see if I can get over there to roll some bones with y'all!

For St. Louis -- we play a lot of home games whenever we can, but game days tend to be here:

St Charles Fantasy Shop
2426 West Clay Street
St. Charles, MO 63301
(636) 947-8330

Scarab Sages

Maybe I ran into you lately, we had in missouri...

Archon 34 - St. Louis Oct 1st-3rd

Brewfest ?? - Cape Giarudo Oct 8th-10th

Cogcon 19 - Rolla, 0ct 22nd-24th

All of which had/will have Pathfinder mods,

Liberty's Edge

emontague wrote:
Maybe I ran into you lately, we had in missouri...

Eddie, this is Jason Stockmann :)

Scarab Sages

Ricky Bobby wrote:
emontague wrote:
Maybe I ran into you lately, we had in missouri...
Eddie, this is Jason Stockmann :)

Yes, you I know, using your rogue's name in here.

I have no idea who Kikai13 is, do you?

It's not Larry is it?

Mortran wrote:

Sounds Awesome! I used to live in Columbia. Now I'm in Rolla MO. My love for RPGs has been rekindled when I played my 1st PFS game back in August.I'm going to try and make the trip up in November. Hope to see you there!

Also, on Oct 22-24 Cog-Con 19 will be at the Havener Center in Rolla MO. There will be running the following scenarios:
#2-06: The Heresy of Man—Part I: The First Heresy (PFRPG)
#55: The Infernal Vault (PFRPG)
#56: The Jester's Fraud (PFRPG)

+ tables for PFS open library for every slot. Here is the link! I hope your group in COMO will come down to Rolla and join the fun!

Mortran, I couldn't find in which slots the PFS stuff is running. Am I just blind, or is that not listed?

Grand Lodge

emontague wrote:
Ricky Bobby wrote:
emontague wrote:
Maybe I ran into you lately, we had in missouri...
Eddie, this is Jason Stockmann :)

Yes, you I know, using your rogue's name in here.

I have no idea who Kikai13 is, do you?

It's not Larry is it?

Kikai13 is Jason from Columbia. I'm also in Columbia.

Krome wrote:
emontague wrote:
Ricky Bobby wrote:
emontague wrote:
Maybe I ran into you lately, we had in missouri...
Eddie, this is Jason Stockmann :)

Yes, you I know, using your rogue's name in here.

I have no idea who Kikai13 is, do you?

It's not Larry is it?

Kikai13 is Jason from Columbia. I'm also in Columbia.

work slacked up any, Krome? haven't had a chance to read through your adventure yet. :p

Dark Archive

We miss ya at the Smackdowns, Krome! Do you think J.Burns will let you off early enough to make the next one? If you ask in advance, he might let you go at 6--plenty early enough to make it to Val's!

Scarab Sages 1/5

hey just another missourian, player here. good friend to dayne. any of u guys get to play the year of the shadow lodge?

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, a group of us in StL have both played and run it now; a whole host of Cape-ites have now run it too.

Dark Archive

We are running it in Columbia on November 6th at 7 p.m. All are welcome to come and participate!

If anyone from St. Louis or Cape who has already played in it would be willing to make the trek over to Columbia to help run, I would appreciate it greatly!

Contact me if you are interested!

Scarab Sages 1/5

ahh man sorry, that is the day i have to run down to carbondale, and start running games for them, (they don't have a captain) but good luck with the mod, depending on the overlord gm it can be bad or good fyi

Dark Archive

luke vyseblade wrote:
ahh man sorry, that is the day i have to run down to carbondale, and start running games for them, (they don't have a captain) but good luck with the mod, depending on the overlord gm it can be bad or good fyi

Sorry you can't make it, Luke. I look forward to meeting fellow Missouri Pathfinders.

I had a problem come up at work and it took my entire weekend, making it impossible to get down to CogCon. I hope you Rolla guys won't hold that against me and will still make the trek up to play Year of the Shadow Lodge on November 6th!

So far, I have six GMs ready to go and two more on standby. We have room access for 78 people. Expecting a great turnout!

Dark Archive 4/5

kikai13 wrote:

To the previous two posters:

Where do you guys play? Keep me in the loop, and I will see if I can get over there to roll some bones with y'all!

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I don't have regular internet access...

We play at Championship Games in Cape Girardeau.

And sadly on the 6th I'll be with Luke in Carbondale, IL helping GM over there to hopefully get a player base there. I know they're hungry for PFS. We had seven players drive over from C-dale to Cape last Saturday to play.

Hopefully we can all get together at some point.

Dark Archive 4/5

Ricky Bobby wrote:
Yeah, a group of us in StL have both played and run it now; a whole host of Cape-ites have now run it too.

"Cape-ites"?? Beats being called "red-necks"! :P

Sovereign Court

Jason, I just wanted to let you know that you'll have probably 3 more new guys showing up this next session. We're all fairly experienced gamers and Pathfinderers (?) just new to Society.

See ya there.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

I think it is safe to say that I got the ball rolling on Pathfinder in the Cape Girardeau area! Starting running PFS in Season 0, back before any form of GM Rewards system was set up.

I've dragged a few others into GMing for PFS who are familiar on these forums (Dayne and Luke, to name a few) and so far we have ran or played a majority of the scenarios released to date! We run games out of our FLGS, Championship Games just about every weekend, seating anywhere from two to four tables each time.

Recently, we have branched out to help Castle Perilous Games in Carbondale, Illinois establish a PFS chapter, drawing people in with a fair showing at the local con Little Egypt Wars. I coordinate (as in, help schedule PFS events) two local conventions, Brewfest and Cape Comic-Con, every year and we have grown quite a bit from those early days! But I couldn't do it without the aid of the GMs that work with me!

Dark Archive

drennier wrote:

Jason, I just wanted to let you know that you'll have probably 3 more new guys showing up this next session. We're all fairly experienced gamers and Pathfinderers (?) just new to Society.

See ya there.

That is awesome! Great to have you coming!

Can't wait to meet you all!

See ya Saturday,

drennier wrote:

Jason, I just wanted to let you know that you'll have probably 3 more new guys showing up this next session. We're all fairly experienced gamers and Pathfinderers (?) just new to Society.

See ya there.

Well I am level two, some would refer to me as a veteran.

Dark Archive

Thanks to all who attended the Year of the Shadow Lodge event last night! It was really cool to be able to see all the new faces there--I hope everyone had a really good time and will be back on December 4th to have more great adventures!

A special thank you to Dallas, Matt, Bradley, Martin, and Evan for running. Hope you guys enjoyed the evening as well!

If anyone out there is interested in finding our little group, we are on Facebook under PFS Smackdown!!!! You can also find info about us on Valhalla's Gate's website.

Scarab Sages 1/5

glad things went good for you kikai, maybe one of these weekends i'll drive up and play with you guys in a couple of mods :)

and glad to see arnim loves me.. and daybe lawl. we love you too arnim.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

@ Ricky Bobby: What store do you and your crew play out of? Or is it just home play?

Scarab Sages 3/5

Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.

Dark Archive

Joko PO wrote:
Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.

Do you guys play at Meta-Games down there?

Liberty's Edge

Arnim Thayer wrote:
@ Ricky Bobby: What store do you and your crew play out of? Or is it just home play?

We typically just home-play, though lately, there's been a small gathering playing at a monthly Game Day at the Fantasy Shop in St. Charles.

If anyone's ever in the area and wants to see if anything is going on, feel free to drop me a line at jstocks80 at yahoo dot com.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joko PO wrote:
Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.

I have a freind in Springfield that is interested in PFS. Are you looking to add more players to your group? If so how could he contact you?

Sovereign Court

kikai13 wrote:

Thanks to all who attended the Year of the Shadow Lodge event last night! It was really cool to be able to see all the new faces there--I hope everyone had a really good time and will be back on December 4th to have more great adventures!

A special thank you to Dallas, Matt, Bradley, Martin, and Evan for running. Hope you guys enjoyed the evening as well!

If anyone out there is interested in finding our little group, we are on Facebook under PFS Smackdown!!!! You can also find info about us on Valhalla's Gate's website.

Just wanted to let you know that my gang and I (in total four guys new to the group) had a blast on Saturday. You'll most certainly be seeing us at the start of December. It was an awesome event and was run great. Fantastic job by Jason and Martin who ran our table (and I'm sure all the other DMs).

If anyone wants to get into PFS or needs a place to play, I'd highly recommend it!

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

I invite anyone with more computer aptitude than I (which is a considerable amount!) to set up a Missouri Pathfinder web page that we can all sign into and post events. That way we are informed as to what is being played where in order to help all of us better plan out our individual events.

I know planning scenarios for Brewfest, as well as Cape Comic-Con, it would have been nice to know if additional GMs could be borrowed from other areas... and which scenarios are not worth planning due to over-saturation. IF even home players can sign in, we as a whole community have an overview of what would be a draw for those players to events we plan.

Dark Archive

drennier wrote:

Just wanted to let you know that my gang and I (in total four guys new to the group) had a blast on Saturday. You'll most certainly be seeing us at the start of December. It was an awesome event and was run great. Fantastic job by Jason and Martin who ran our table (and I'm sure all the other DMs).

If anyone wants to get into PFS or needs a place to play, I'd highly recommend it!

Thanks, man--I appreciate the comment! Glad to hear that Ezra survived the battle!

Dark Archive

Arnim Thayer wrote:

I invite anyone with more computer aptitude than I (which is a considerable amount!) to set up a Missouri Pathfinder web page that we can all sign into and post events. That way we are informed as to what is being played where in order to help all of us better plan out our individual events.

I know planning scenarios for Brewfest, as well as Cape Comic-Con, it would have been nice to know if additional GMs could be borrowed from other areas... and which scenarios are not worth planning due to over-saturation. IF even home players can sign in, we as a whole community have an overview of what would be a draw for those players to events we plan.

I know someone who could set up a page relatively easily, but I think that it may be easier to just connect right here in this thread. My contact information is up at the top, and if anyone needs gms, please feel free to contact me. If I know anyone in your area, I will try to send them your way!

Also, I hope that home players will also post on this thread, with what they have played, enjoyed, and what might get them out of their houses and into the gaming stores!!

Scarab Sages 1/5

you know arnim, you post this after i say i made a grp for southen il (carbondale) how would everyone feel about me making a facebook group and then kikai, myself, arnim, and i think drennier and the springfield guy (sry tired and busy) can post up events for pathfinder and this way we can grow even more.

i'll be happy to make it won't take but a minute or two, and i can do it before britney and i get together 2morro

Dark Archive

Hey, Luke!
I have also already made the Facebook site for PFS Smackdown, and you guys are all welcome to join that page and meet new Pathfinders--there are members from all over the state already, and, while it is currently just being used to discuss mid-Missouri games, it could easily be used to advertise games all over the state!

Sovereign Court

kikai13 wrote:
Thanks, man--I appreciate the comment! Glad to hear that Ezra survived the battle!

No problem. You deserve it. And come on, you can't keep a bard down, we all know that. I chased a dragon off.

Scarab Sages 1/5

allright that works kikai, mind sending me the link and i'll join up

Dark Archive!/group.php?gid=118297654874852

That's the link--sorry, I don't know how to make a linky thingy. The internet is just a series of tubes.

Scarab Sages 1/5

it's fine copy and paste always work for me

Scarab Sages 3/5

kikai13 wrote:
Joko PO wrote:
Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.
Do you guys play at Meta-Games down there?

Sorry for the delay in replying. No, we play at Games To Order a store on Campbell Av.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Mortran wrote:
Joko PO wrote:
Just thought I would mention that SW Missouri has a growing PFS group. We play on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of each month in Springfield.
I have a freind in Springfield that is interested in PFS. Are you looking to add more players to your group? If so how could he contact you?

Again sorry for the lateness in the reply. Yes we are always willing to take on new players. Feel free to have your friend contact me at

Actually anyone interested in gaming in Springfield can contact me. We sometimes add extra games during the month, but they are not consistent. We do keep at email list to keep all interested parties informed.

Dark Archive

I'm not familiar with Games To Order--where on Campbell is it?

BTW- is Boneheads still open down there?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

HI, another of Cape's GMs. Also joined the Smackdown group.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I don't live in Missouri any more, but I do want to say that Valhalla's Gate and the St. Charles Fantasy Shop are truly excellent game stores and it's great to see you guys supporting them.

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