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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

Correct. Which is why many sources from 3.5 are still viable options for Pathfinder. I find that a lot of hard-core Pathfinder players seem to completely have abandoned anything 3.5.

Doesn't make sense to me really.

Sovereign Court

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I was referencing the fact that the Core Rulebook has had several erratas since it was released in Hardback. Most of those errors should have been caught and dealt with before the initial final printing.

Adventurer's Armory is so full of errors I can't believe it made it to the final printing. Were the editors asleep or what?

(Heirloom Weapon complaints have their own thread and needs not be discussed here), however that is one example of releasing something that was not finished before it should have been.

The Campaign Setting is another. We have two totally different books on the same thing. The newest is so different there is no reason to keep the older book. (Wizards did this when they upgraded from 3.0 to 3.5 in their Core Books).

My primary complaint is that once again MONEY, not necessarily PRODUCT seems to be the driving force.

Paizo started out as a seemingly great company that had my support 100%. Now I find myself wondering if they will become another Wizards tyrant seeking to simply take our hard earned dollars with less and less quality product being created.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is anyone else tired of buying a new book, only to have to print out an errated extension of the book and keep it with you at all times? Sometimes having to print out multiple versions of the same thing.

Pathfinder has quickly went the direction of Wizards of the Coast with their products. High output, low quality. I think playtesting is an awesome idea and I over-all like the Pathfinder Rules and the game (including PFS).

But stop throwing products out for purchase that are not fully developed or correct. Carefully weigh all options before releasing a FINAL published product and stick with it.

Also, it seems that balancing things for PFS has quickly taken over the larger market of private RPGing. PFS can be fun, but I would stop gaming if that was my only option. I can't speak for every game, but most of the one's I've seen don't even bother with actual ROLE PLAYING anymore (it has become kind of a joke around my area) and most GM's seem fine with that.

This is not showing the newcomers what true RPGing is about.

True ROLE PLAYING is fun, creative, and can take time worth investing. Otherwise, I might as well be at home playing a computer game.

Come on PAIZO! Keep our dream alive!

Sovereign Court

Always a blast at the Smackdown. Good GMs and so far not a single lame scenario. Kudos on the adventure selections guys.

Thanks for all your hard work to make this fun for everyone Jason.

Sovereign Court

Sounds like a blast. I've been playing and GMing D&D for over 25 years now. This will be my first convention type event. Can't wait! Pathfinder Rules are a breath of fresh air.

DOWN WITH 4.0! :)