Baleful Polymorph: Too powerful?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been away from 3.x version of the game since, well 3.5 was released pretty much. I'm impressed with Pathfinder. So I was absent from a lot of the evolution of the Polymorph spells. SO I have a question.

In comparing other 5th level spells, it seems that Baleful Polymorph has the greatest potential to wreck a BBEG encounter. Seems like a lost save means fight is over. Yet, most (all) of the spells of this type are 6th level. Should Baleful Polymorph be 6th, too? Is there something I'm missing?

I'm getting ready to run a campaign and was thinking of uping the spell level for BP. Thoughts?

Remembering that all BP is going to do is impose a strength and size penalty on your BBEG, why do you assume that the encounter's over if it fails its save?

Liberty's Edge

AvalonXQ wrote:
Remembering that all BP is going to do is impose a strength and size penalty on your BBEG, why do you assume that the encounter's over if it fails its save?

Well, it will usually turn off his ability to swing a weapon or cast a non-silent spell, right? And if he fails the will save then it's much more devastating. Heck, can you do somatic components if you are a lamb?

cfalcon wrote:
AvalonXQ wrote:
Remembering that all BP is going to do is impose a strength and size penalty on your BBEG, why do you assume that the encounter's over if it fails its save?
Well, it will usually turn off his ability to swing a weapon or cast a non-silent spell, right? And if he fails the will save then it's much more devastating. Heck, can you do somatic components if you are a lamb?

Yep, from experience, turning a red dragon into a bunny rabbit pretty much ends the combat by the dragon. Two 1s in a row on the saves! We still laugh about it.

Of course, if he didn't fail the second save then you would have a red dragon that is harder to hit, not much weaker, and still all its inherent "kill you to death" abilities.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ok. Doesn't look like I'm missing anything then...So why would this spell be 5th instead of 6th level?

Due to the change in Polymorphing and Baleful Polymorph relying on Beast Shape instead of working independently, it is actually a pretty terrible spell.

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