Shaundakul DM |

It is the 4th of Neth. Last night, the mayor announced that tomorrow the quest to the Crypt of the Everflame will be performed by the young people in town that have come of age. They will be accompanied by a newcomer to town, a dwarf of unknown origin. The five townsfolk: Atia, Vahn, Tulip, Alanthion and Brother Onsal wait alongside Jan in the townsquare.
The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song,
echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals
begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the
square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly
fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground,
their eyes downcast and mournful. After a few moments,
a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let
Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver
lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with
backpacks and supplies.
Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops
and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. “Once again the
winter winds blow through the Fangwood, marking the end
of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at
our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just
as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen
himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are
the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to
Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community
safe for another winter?”

Alanthian Darlok |

Standing with the others Alanthian looks around at his soon to be companions. Four he knows from growing up in the village, but the dwarf is a mystery to him. Straitening his tunic he steps forward. ”I am Alanthian Darlok, and I will go to retrieve the flame.”

Tulip Weatherhollow |

A very small young halfling girl with long blonde hair of a shade so light as to be almost white stands amongst the young folk who have been brought before the villagers. She is dressed in the simple brown garments of a farmer and the only obvious weapon is a small sickle hanging from her simple leather belt. She looks at the others near her and swallows nervously before stepping forward. Her voice is so faint as to almost be a whisper.
"You -- you all know me..." She flushes. "I -- I am Tulip. Tulip Weatherhollow and I...I go to fetch the fl--flame.
The girl falls silent, looking down at her feet.

Brother Onsal |

I am Atia Moon and I go to retrieve the flame.
** spoiler omitted **
Brother Onsal groans inwardly. Oh, no, it's her. Because this trip just had to be as inconvenient as possible. Now I'll have the witch to worry about.
I'm thinking Onsal is of the opinion that Atia's abilities are 'unsavory', and is a little bit afraid of her (though he'd never admit that).
Shaundakul DM |

The mayor thanks Alanthian for his bravery and hands each person a package. Each package contains 5 days worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, a full waterskin, and part of a map. In addition the following:
The mayor once again speaks to the townsfolk. “I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Kassen’s footsteps to retrieve the Everflame! Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten. Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the eternal fire.” With that, the mayor points to the south, the direction of Kassen’s tomb. The townsfolk begin waving goodbye with cold, solemn looks on most of their faces.

Brother Onsal |

"Oof!" Onsal takes the package and nearly doubles over. "That was..." he wheezes, "...a bit heavier than I...expected. Knew I should have bought the backpack." He manages to tuck the brandy, waterskin and map into his pockets, and wraps the blanket around the tent (using the cord to hold it as a sort of briefcase). "Well, let's go," he mutters.
I'm down to a medium load, not that it matters for Onsal.

Brother Onsal |

Jan takes the pack with a nod and sorts through the items. He's unimpressed, but doesn't say anything about it. He looks to the others with interest and puts out his hand
"Yan." he leaves his hand out for it to be shaken.
Brother Onsal starts to put out his hand to do so, then thinks better of it. "Brother Onsal. Happy to meet you, mercenary."

Brother Onsal |

Alanthian straps the package to his backpack and heads off with the others.
He takes the dwarf’s hand, “Alanthian.”
"Hello, Mr. Darlok. Congratulations on your soon-to-be wife. I look forward to calling you Alanthian Moon." Onsal's eyes glint. "So has she gone down on one knee yet and proposed, or is she waiting for the right moment?"

Brother Onsal |

Alanthian looks down at the fat Halfling, “ I think you meant to insult Vahn, not me.” He then repositions his pack and continues along the path.
Gah! All these longshanks look alike....I suppose I'll blame Onsal's slip on average intelligence and trying to avoid the witch.
Onsal winces, but tries not to let his surprise show. "Insult? And why should I do that? I just thought I would...remind us all that Vahn's romance, and any such romances...arepronetochangeokaynowwhowantsabrandy? Let's get moving! Beautiful day, no?" Onsal makes a courageous effort to start running on ahead, away from the others. He fails, ending up wheezing a few feet away.This adventure can't end quickly enough. Already off to a miserable start.
While he is a fairly fast talker, Onsal's good at backing himself into a corner and ticking people off while trying to avoid looking like an idiot. He generally succeeds on all but the last bit. Oh well, Vahn and Atia probably weren't going to much like him anyways. As long as Onsal doesn't tick anyone off badly enough to affect combat, it shouldn't be a problem. :P

Vahn Hawkwing |

Actually it was me who asked, and she will be taking my last name. Vahn says with a glare towards the small halfling.
He whispers as he pats his quiver of arrows at his side.
Intimidate 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7
Vahn's never been known for being cool headed he is very quick to anger and starts fights probably the one thing he is well known for his temper.

Brother Onsal |

Actually it was me who asked, and she will be taking my last name. Vahn says with a glare towards the small halfling.
** spoiler omitted **
Vahn's never been known for being cool headed he is very quick to anger and starts fights probably the one thing he is well known for his temper.
Onsal stares at Vahn coolly. "Understood. I wasn't sure." He does not seem at all intimidated.
Erastil help me, he and his witch wife will be my death...
Vahn Hawkwing |

Atia Moon |

Alanthian Darlok wrote:Alanthian looks down at the fat Halfling, “ I think you meant to insult Vahn, not me.” He then repositions his pack and continues along the path.Gah! All these longshanks look alike....I suppose I'll blame Onsal's slip on average intelligence and trying to avoid the witch.
Onsal winces, but tries not to let his surprise show. "Insult? And why should I do that? I just thought I would...remind us all that Vahn's romance, and any such romances...arepronetochangeokaynowwhowantsabrandy? Let's get moving! Beautiful day, no?" Onsal makes a courageous effort to start running on ahead, away from the others. He fails, ending up wheezing a few feet away.
This adventure can't end quickly enough. Already off to a miserable start.
While he is a fairly fast talker, Onsal's good at backing himself into a corner and ticking people off while trying to avoid looking like an idiot. He generally succeeds on all but the last bit. Oh well, Vahn and Atia probably weren't going to much like him anyways. As long as Onsal doesn't tick anyone off badly enough to affect combat, it shouldn't be a problem. :P
My,my, is that Brother Onsal already casting out judgment before even getting to know me? Well I personally do not fancy your remarks and I am not going to let that cloud my judgment of you. I hope that as time passes on, you will see I am nothing to fear. I notice your nerves get a bit sparkly around me eh? I'm not going to turn you into a toad or snail, I promise. Pleasure to meet you!
Throw her head back and belts out an overly exaggerated cackle all the while extending a hand for a shake.
Brother Onsal |

** spoiler omitted **
Oslan laughs, seeming to ignore Vahn. "May Erastil guide our journey! May the demons who lurk all around us, in the air, in the grass, be beaten back so we may complete this mission."
He smirks, and recovering form his exhaustion, begins walking--very slowly--forward.
Brother Onsal |

Brother Onsal wrote:Alanthian Darlok wrote:Alanthian looks down at the fat Halfling, “ I think you meant to insult Vahn, not me.” He then repositions his pack and continues along the path.Gah! All these longshanks look alike....I suppose I'll blame Onsal's slip on average intelligence and trying to avoid the witch.
Onsal winces, but tries not to let his surprise show. "Insult? And why should I do that? I just thought I would...remind us all that Vahn's romance, and any such romances...arepronetochangeokaynowwhowantsabrandy? Let's get moving! Beautiful day, no?" Onsal makes a courageous effort to start running on ahead, away from the others. He fails, ending up wheezing a few feet away.
This adventure can't end quickly enough. Already off to a miserable start.
While he is a fairly fast talker, Onsal's good at backing himself into a corner and ticking people off while trying to avoid looking like an idiot. He generally succeeds on all but the last bit. Oh well, Vahn and Atia probably weren't going to much like him anyways. As long as Onsal doesn't tick anyone off badly enough to affect combat, it shouldn't be a problem. :PMy,my, is that Brother Onsal already casting out judgment before even getting to know me? Well I personally do not fancy your remarks and I am not going to let that cloud my judgment of you. I hope that as time passes on, you will see I am nothing to fear. I notice your nerves get a bit sparkly around me eh? I'm not going to turn you into a toad or snail, I promise. Pleasure to meet you!
Throw her head back and belts out an overly exaggerated cackle all the while extending a hand for a shake.
** spoiler omitted **
Onsal looks a bit nervous when she offers her hand. "I...I'll pass, thank you." He quickly regains his composure, though. He smirks. "You don't frighten me, do not worry. I worry for your fiance, though. How long have you two known each other?"

Brother Onsal |

We have known each other since we were children. We are extremely close. Why do you ask?
Steps back trying to figure what he is trying to get at. Studies him for a bit.
Why does our relationship fascinate you so?
Begins to smile at him with a little bit of curiosity in her eyes.
"Oh, nothing." The halfling smiles, but there's the slightest bit of sarcasm in his voice.
Atia notices that he's not quite so nonchalant as he wants to seem, and he avoids eye contact with the witch.
Vahn Hawkwing |

Noticing the other two members of the party looking over their maps Vahn nods his head towards them and walks over. What do we have here? He asks as he pulls his map out and lays it next to theirs.
Would it be ok for me to add supplies since it would seem in Vahn's infinite wisdom he decided he needed none?

Alanthian Darlok |

Alanthian lays out the map pieces so the map is completed. ”Okay, now can anyone transcribe this map to a whole piece of parchment? I am not very good at it. I would understand it, but the rest of you might not be able too.”

Shaundakul DM |

Noticing the other two members of the party looking over their maps Vahn nods his head towards them and walks over. What do we have here? He asks as he pulls his map out and lays it next to theirs.
Would it be ok for me to add supplies since it would seem in Vahn's infinite wisdom he decided he needed none?
Of course, go ahead.
Whoever is going to transcribe the map, make a survival check.

Jan Whetstone |

The Dwarf is ready and willing to head straight out.
Looking over at the halfling, Jan shakes his head.
"Don't worry lass. I don't much care fer map making." he explains to her and pats her on the shoulder perhaps a bit too hard without realising it. "Let's leave the book worms to do the map reading." his dwarf bluntness showing brightly as he says this, not caring if the others cared or not.

Brother Onsal |

The Dwarf is ready and willing to head straight out.
Looking over at the halfling, Jan shakes his head.
"Don't worry lass. I don't much care fer map making." he explains to her and pats her on the shoulder perhaps a bit too hard without realising it. "Let's leave the book worms to do the map reading." his dwarf bluntness showing brightly as he says this, not caring if the others cared or not.
Onsal smiles. "Yes, we all have our purposes. I hope you're good with that axe of yours, for that reason."

Shaundakul DM |

The group leaves Kassen south heading for the Crypt. You have been traveling for about 2 hours.
The narrow path winds through the raking claws of the trees,
now bereft of their leaves, which crunch loudly underfoot. Up
ahead, a fallen tree trunk blocks the path. Suddenly a trio of
snarling humanoids leaps up from behind the log, all greenish
skin and fearsome tusks, bellowing vulgar challenges.
Initiative please. Also, what order are you traveling in?