Drow Rage Prophet


I am playing an 8th level Drow Noble Bone Oracle of Zura 5th daughter of House Rasivrein, yatta, yatta. In the last sessions I acquired an adamantine elven court blade, enchanted it with the keen property and was having fun hacking people apart and becoming the bane of wooden doors. It was suggested I should go into rage prophet just to add to the fun of my 110lb 10 STR Drow becoming like Conan. Theme wise would this fit the character as a noble drow? It seems odd taking levels of barbarian but from what I gather from worshipers of Zura it something akin to “blood rage” as well as madness seems to be part of the religion.

Since I am 8 levels into Oracle I could go 2 Barbarian and finish off with 10 of Rage Prophet. Currently my party has a Dwarf Druid, a Drow Cleric (of Zura), and a Halfling Alchemist, so healing is not an issue since every character can heal themselves. My character has become the party’s “tank” due to some lucky table rolls with treasure rather than the party healer I started off as.

STR 10
DEX 18 (20 with belt)
CON 12 (14 with belt)
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 20 (22 with headband)

AC 35 (+4 Mithril Breastplate, +3 Buckler, +5 Dex, +1 Natural Armor, +2 Deflection, +2 Profane, +1 Insight)
Fort +6 (+2 Base, +2 Ability, +2 Resistance)
Ref +9 (+2 Base, +5 Ability, +2 Resistance)
Will +9(+6 base, +1 Ability, +2 Resistance)

Weapon Finesse
Craft Wondrous Items
Craft Magical Arms and Armor
Forge Ring

Armor Expert
Heirloom Weapon (Court Blade)

Would an Oracle 8/Barbarian 2/Rage Prophet 10 be viable for play? I am not looking for something completely optimal or min/maxed but I wouldlike to avoid making a bad combination.

Hey, I'm kind of doing the same thing! I'm playing a faun PC, and I have to opportunity to build up to the 13th level with him.

1 - Barbarian 1
2 - Barbarian 2 (for Moment of Clarity)
3 - Oracle (Battle Mystery) 1
10 - Oracle 8
11 - Rage Prophet 1
12 - Rage Prophet 2
13 - Rage Prophet 3

14-20 - Oracle

So at level 20 (ha!) he'll be a Barbarian 2, Rage Prophet 3, Oracle of Battle 15.

He's got a build of: (built from a roll generator)

Str: 16 = base 16
Dex: 14 = base 12, racial +2
Con: 10 = base 8, upgrade at lvl 4, lvl 8
Int: 10 = base 10
Wis: 11 = base 13, -2 racial
Cha: 20= base 17, racial +2, upgrade at lvl 12

Revelations (3):
- Maneuver Mastery, Trip
- Weapon Mastery, Fauchard
- War Sight

Feats (7):
- Toughness
- Dodge
- Mobility
- Spring Attack
- Critical Focus
- Extra Revelation: Surprising Charge
- * and one more I have yet to select

Going with Maneuver Mastery (Trip) and Weapon Mastery (Fauchard) for my primary combat revelations, and become a springing, jumping, raging, tripping machine of death! Going to be fun.

I think this is a really strong combination because the Barbarian levels afford the ability to use martial weapons, without having to spend a Battle revelation on it (and heavy armor). That way I can take more useful revelations, but still have the use of rage while in heavy combat, and can heal myself without having to leave rage or use Moment of Clarity, due to that third level of Rage Prophet.

How does that sound?

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