Intelligence 3 = Terrible Twos

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Diplomacy cannot be used on a creature with intelligence of 3 or lower; this is a reasonable addition to PF due to language limitations.

Wild empathy can be used with animals and magical beasts with intelligence of 1 or 2. Handle Animal can be used with creatures with Int 1 or 2.

A creature with intelligence of exactly three....cannot be reasoned with? Throws tantrums due to lack of comprehension?

DMG 3.5 had a section on mounts with intelligence of 5 or higher...such creatures were controlled via Diplomacy, but trained via Handle Animal as well. That section is not in the SRD (or I can't find it); I don't see similar rules in PFCR.

What skills are used to interact with a creature of Intelligence of exactly 3?

None. These unfortunate creatures are the misbegotten accidents of demi-gods hungover from too many celestial orgies. They're too smart for hand signals and grunts, but too dumb for actual words. It's just best to kill them and put them out of their misery.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's OK, that's all part of the Planescape rule of three.


A creature with intelligence of exactly three....cannot be reasoned with? Throws tantrums due to lack of comprehension?

What skills are used to interact with a creature of Intelligence of exactly 3?

If its an animal or magical beast I'd go with handle animal or diplomacy.

If its a humanoid, diplomacy. Even a toddler can (on occasion) be calmed down and made compliant with a few kind words (and bribes)

I'm inclined to think this is a typo. Primarily, because there are no language limitations. Characters with and Int of 3 can still read and speak Common and all racial languages. (ex. A Gnome with Int 3 can read and speak Common, Gnome, and Sylvan).

I'm inclined to think this is a typo. Primarily, because there are no language limitations. Characters with and Int of 3 can still read and speak Common and all racial languages. (ex. A Gnome with Int 3 can read and speak Common, Gnome, and Sylvan).

Liberty's Edge

Quantum Steve wrote:
I'm inclined to think this is a typo. Primarily, because there are no language limitations. Characters with and Int of 3 can still read and speak Common and all racial languages. (ex. A Gnome with Int 3 can read and speak Common, Gnome, and Sylvan).

PC classes with Int 3 who are not illiterate can speak/read as you've indicated. It doesn't apply to all characters or creatures.

Characters in general with Int 3 can understand 1 language. They may be able to speak it. They are not guaranteed speach.

It may well be an error. I think it prolly should read no diplomacy with 2 or less intelligence.

Dark Archive

you can still intimidate them! Just got to keep doing it to keep them working. :P

seriously, I also just think that it is a typo.

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