Howie23 |
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Diplomacy cannot be used on a creature with intelligence of 3 or lower; this is a reasonable addition to PF due to language limitations.
Wild empathy can be used with animals and magical beasts with intelligence of 1 or 2. Handle Animal can be used with creatures with Int 1 or 2.
A creature with intelligence of exactly three....cannot be reasoned with? Throws tantrums due to lack of comprehension?
DMG 3.5 had a section on mounts with intelligence of 5 or higher...such creatures were controlled via Diplomacy, but trained via Handle Animal as well. That section is not in the SRD (or I can't find it); I don't see similar rules in PFCR.
What skills are used to interact with a creature of Intelligence of exactly 3?
BigNorseWolf |
A creature with intelligence of exactly three....cannot be reasoned with? Throws tantrums due to lack of comprehension?What skills are used to interact with a creature of Intelligence of exactly 3?
If its an animal or magical beast I'd go with handle animal or diplomacy.
If its a humanoid, diplomacy. Even a toddler can (on occasion) be calmed down and made compliant with a few kind words (and bribes)
Howie23 |
I'm inclined to think this is a typo. Primarily, because there are no language limitations. Characters with and Int of 3 can still read and speak Common and all racial languages. (ex. A Gnome with Int 3 can read and speak Common, Gnome, and Sylvan).
PC classes with Int 3 who are not illiterate can speak/read as you've indicated. It doesn't apply to all characters or creatures.
Characters in general with Int 3 can understand 1 language. They may be able to speak it. They are not guaranteed speach.
It may well be an error. I think it prolly should read no diplomacy with 2 or less intelligence.