Pathfinder Chronicles Miniatures not on the Pathfinder store page

Website Feedback


The Pathfinder Chronicles minis are very hard to find on the Pathfinder page, or on the products by paizo page in the store... it took me 20 minute of going through the big links before I found them (and that was knowing that they are there, those who don't know them, wouldn't even really get down to that little textdown at the bottem..

Edit: sorry on the title - I started writing this before I found the link on the bottom of the page

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Cpt_kirstov wrote:

The Pathfinder Chronicles minis are very hard to find on the Pathfinder page, or on the products by paizo page in the store... it took me 20 minute of going through the big links before I found them (and that was knowing that they are there, those who don't know them, wouldn't even really get down to that little textdown at the bottem..

Edit: sorry on the title - I started writing this before I found the link on the bottom of the page

Given that they're not an active product line, what additional placement would you suggest?


Vic Wertz wrote:

Given that they're not an active product line, what additional placement would you suggest?

I don't know - I just found it interesting that it took 20 minutes to find them (and actually using the link in my amazon wishlist to find it)

Maybe a subsection in the complete encounters section of the gamemastery section (I know that not all of the miniatures are from here, but many of them are)? Just knowing that was where they were from originally, it was the first place I looked. and you have the adventure alone available here, why shouldn't the mini alone be here as well?

The second place I looked was within the "pathfinder miniatures" section, even if they aren't the reaper ones,they have been more or less wholly been brought into the setting, and are miniatures..

Sovereign Court

They're as difficult/easy to find as paper minis, which are probably more important as they are an active product line.

Unfortunatly, a good search engine is pretty hard to make. Fortunatly though, someone has already done so for us! :D

I use google actively, and rarely have trouble finding what I need. In your case I'd put this into google: Pathfinder Chronicles minis

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