Shaundakul DM |

This is my first pbp as DM, so I thought I'd start with a module rather than an adventur path and see what happens. I'll accept the first 5 applicants and create a waitlist from there. This will be high fantasy (20 points) buy for determining Ability Scores. All classe and races from the Core Rule book and APG are okay as well as the Magus class if someone wants to try it out.
I've never DM'd a Pathfinder game, and it's been a few years since I've done 3.5, but luckily pbp gives me time to look up rules if needed. I'd like to try for a once daily posting time. If you already played Crypt of the Everflame, let me know. I won't necessarily disqualify you, but if you are one of the first 5 posters, I will shift to the waitlist to allow room for someone who has not done the module.
Let the posting begin.

Wander Weir |

I like the idea of trying out a module. It'd be interesting to see how much faster (if at all) that goes.
So add me to your list of interested. Never played in the module, live at GMT -5, can easily post at least once a day. No character concept initially in mind but pretty much willing to play whatever.

Wander Weir |

I'm intrigued by the idea of playing a short module rather than the regular AP by pbp. So I'm interested.
I'm at GMT -5, can easily post at least once a day and have no particular character concept in mind at the moment. I'm absolutely flexible. Oh, and I've not yet played or read the module in question.

Bodric Thunderstone |

Wow that was quick. That's five. No wonder people have a hard time getting into pbp games.
Bodric Thunderstone wrote:You willing to accept Tieflings? If not then here's a character instead.I'll consider it. Are there rules written somewhere for Pathfinder?
Yeah, they're in the bestiary: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-lists-and-details/-t/tiefling
Don't have to, I'm happy with giving Bodric here a go.

DM Aron Marczylo |

beleive rules are in the COT adventure path players guide. if not then in the adventure path it's self along with ways to bring them inline if you think they are too powerfull.
Good catch, almost ninjaed me.
My personal preference is that they aren't due to how the average classes have advanced. As opposed to the 3.5 ones Tieflings, Aasimar and the core classes would be considered +1, but that's just my opinion. I have a love for Tieflings.

Shaundakul DM |

Here are the current players:
Alanthian Darlok - Human Rogue
Wander Wier - character forthcoming
Boric Thunderston - Dwarf Fighter (or Tiefling ?)
Havoc XIII - character forthcoming
Cyra XIII - character forthcoming
MundinIronHand - Summoner
I know I said five, but I'll take six since you all posted so quickly. I'll review the rules on the Tiefling and let you know. I'm guessing I will allow it. All others after this point will be waitlisted.