Markon |
I'm curious, do other people get the feeling that a solid portion of people on the messages boards lack any common sense? I've been reading a lot of threads recently, and sometimes the ideas I see just blow my mind.
Why do so many Pathfinder players have such a low real world wisdom score...... :/
Sorry everyone, I failed my will save vs. Righteous-know-it-all rage....

Markon |
I don't expect this thread to contribute much, just wanted to blow off some steam. And the threads that got me worked up just had people arguing for crazy things, most of them were actually pretty polite about it. I was actually kind of a jerk in one of my replies, but only because I KNOW the proposed idea was BROKEN, and NOT what was intended,and it was just so frustrating to see people trying to argue for it. I'm not going to say what thread it was, because the reason I made this tread was to blow off steam without pointing people's foolishness out.
I usually don't get so worked up, just... ugh, common sense people, common sense! Use it! If someone, withing a few minutes of reading your post, can point out a super broken example of what your idea would mean, your idea is wrong!
(edited to add a couple commas and a few words for clarity)

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I absolutely agree. But I believe it is more than just this community...the world in general is producing more people with a severe lack of common sense and also tossing in a good portion of self-righteousness and lack of respect for fellow people and their feelings.
We have put laws in place that allow for senseless people to be disrespectful and never have to feel any form of negativity and we wonder how that continues. It used to be that when you stepped out of line you could expect a bloody nose, loss of job, social exile, or something. Now there really isn't any form of punishment for stupidity, disrespect and lack of common sense that can't be countered with some wildly ridiculous application of a law and people's "right" to be idiots.

Coriat |

Create Mr. Pitt |
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I've only been hanging around the forum community for a month or two now, and just started posting recently, but I have to say I find this to be one of the more reasonable communities on the internet. There's jerks everywhere, but people but forth reasonable positions with evidence and make fair arguments. In fact, those that complain that people are unreasonable or lack common sense often tend to feel this to be true because people simply disagree with them. For the most this is one of the more civil and insightful forums on the internet. And I appreciate that.

leo1925 |

I've only been hanging around the forum community for a month or two now, and just started posting recently, but I have to say I find this to be one of the more reasonable communities on the internet.
Yes it is, you should see the exalted forum...
Well, truth be told you shouldn't since it's a very bad example of an internet community, but i was there during the ressurection of 2nd edition and things were pretty bad.
Anzyr |
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TriOmegaZero wrote:Common sense ain't common.It's a super power
But its not the most common one.
Warning! Link to tvtropes.

MagusJanus |
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The problem with challenging the wisdom score of others is that, first, you need to make certain the modifier your own wisdom score gives is a nonzero positive value. Such is not an easy thing to examine, as much hubris and pride gets in the way of an accurate assessment. Which is why one often has to turn to others, both friends and enemies, to find out the actual value.
Much of my wisdom has been hard-earned, and some of the prices I paid are not for the weak of will or faint of heart. But my wisdom also is of limited application, and is outpaced by my investigations into certain areas most wise people would let lie. But, then, I seek answers which may not exist and pieces of knowledge humanity may have chosen to lose. As such, I tend to pick up random bits of information that allow me to speak on subjects far beyond my education, even if such speaking turns out to lack actual knowledge.
I think one can see where pride comes into play in my own actions. After all, look at how I speak about my knowledge and wisdom. Does that not sound prideful to you?
But, then, as many people can attest, I have my doubts and darker feelings. Those, too, were hard-earned. And those are part of the price I've paid for my actions in the past. And some of my actions on here.
Markon, I understand you are venting. I do as well. I then either don't submit the post or delete it. But, that is because I do not view leaving it up as wisdom. Do you feel leaving up your bit of venting was wise?
Edit: The questions in this a neither rhetorical nor sarcastic. They are serious. I learned a long time ago that rhetorical questions have unexpected answers and sarcastic questions can be surprisingly accurate.

Simon Legrande |
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This is also probably a good spot to drop in a little link to our friend The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

MagusJanus |

This is also probably a good spot to drop in a little link to our friend The Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Is that prompted by my post? I ask because it fits.

StreamOfTheSky |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm curious, do other people get the feeling that a solid portion of people on the messages boards lack any common sense? I've been reading a lot of threads recently, and sometimes the ideas I see just blow my mind.
Why do so many Pathfinder players have such a low real world wisdom score...... :/
It's not a coincidence. I'm surprised you expected differently.
It takes a special kind of person to not just tolerate, but also love the changes PF made to 3E, especially the martial nerfs like to combat maneuvers and their feats. Anyone who refers to them as "improved" or "streamlined" without sarcasm has to be pretty oblivious to reality.

Mark Hoover |
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Markon wrote:I'm curious, do other people get the feeling that a solid portion of people on the messages boards lack any common sense?No more than I do the rest of society.
Common sense ain't common.
The classic T-dawg 1-2 punch! Blam; here endeth the thread.
Seriously though, people will always be people; talking on forums will not change that. Set the same expectations here you would talking to total strangers at a game shop and you won't be disappointed.

Marthkus |

Markon wrote:I'm curious, do other people get the feeling that a solid portion of people on the messages boards lack any common sense? I've been reading a lot of threads recently, and sometimes the ideas I see just blow my mind.
Why do so many Pathfinder players have such a low real world wisdom score...... :/
It's not a coincidence. I'm surprised you expected differently.
It takes a special kind of person to not just tolerate, but also love the changes PF made to 3E, especially the martial nerfs like to combat maneuvers and their feats. Anyone who refers to them as "improved" or "streamlined" without sarcasm has to be pretty oblivious to reality.
The combat maneuvers didn't really work in 3.5 either ran into the same high level problems with things just being to big to care. 3.5 power attack gave everyone a reason to pump AC and 3.5 combat expertise was actually very useful at low levels.
Martials like ranger, paladin, and barbar are vastly improved. The fighter's new class features are nice, but the feat nerfs hit her the hardest.

Simon Legrande |

Simon Legrande wrote:This is also probably a good spot to drop in a little link to our friend The Dunning-Kruger Effect.Is that prompted by my post? I ask because it fits.
Mostly yes, though I've been talking about it to my wife also the past couple of days. I learned about it several years ago and run across instances of it daily in my job as an IT tech.