Magi need to stop burning spells

Round 1: Magus


I've been fairly silent so far while we've been playtesting magus through COTCT modules in a 6 person party featuring
A twf fighter archetype
Inquisitor (animal domain)
Scout archetype brute rogue
Cleric of Indomae (Heroism and Archon domains)

Things of note: we tested at ,2,6,8,10,12

We tried spellstrike without helper feats like combat casting and the focused trait (+2 to concentration) it's to damn hard at low levels. Easily doable with but you blow a feat and a trait. We think dumping it for Arcane channeling would be better. How many a day we weren't sure.

Either 3+int mod or 3 + 1 every odd level. The second option may be too many.

The -4 to hit means you miss heaps.Either -2 or treat char level as Attack Bonus when spellstrike/channel.
We get the touch attack thing. It should be allowed to work for bucklers and maybe small shields. Two handed should also be allowed.

Spell Combat seems to e the class feature that defines magus. Great as is.

Arcana- one e ery even level and let them be SLA's and bonus feats and special ability with limited use. STOP burning slots to power them!!!!If you need to power with something use ki and call it something else.

Lastly- spell critical sucks. And if you wanna use it then we need an Arcana that makes arcane strike a free action.

Our Arcana suggestions are:

Arcane Vengeance- you add your int mod to damage vs casteres level 12.

Retributive Touch- you can lower your AC by 4. allowing you to cast one touch spell in response to a successful attack made against you this round as a free action. Requires level 14

Arcane Turbulence- you can create a 20 ft radius centered on you that lasts for one round per level- these rounds do not neexto be consecutive. ALL spells not modified by the quicken spell feat, swift action spells or your own spellstrike spells provoke AOO.


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