Aggressive Letter Writing and You

Round 1: Magus

Hello all,

I have noticed that many of you have been getting fairly hot under the collar in terms of this class and the playtest. Now before you dismiss this thread as simply a parody or joke thread, please here me out. There is absolutely no reason we cannot be civil about all of this and simply play the class as is and provide input about what works with the current build and what does not. For those of you who would like to see a completely different version of this class, or if you believe this class does not meet your expectations of what this class could achieve then I very seriously suggest writing a letter to the employees at Paizo expressing your concerns versus spewing hate filled venom over these boards. It is solving nothing and is more likely to cause the few really good ideas out of this process to become lost in a sea of redunancy, angry words, and useless banter about what you believe the class should have been. I really appreciate the time and effort that the people at Paizo put into this product and for the most part they really do not have to include any of us in the process. The fact that they do shows that they have a lot of respect for their community and it is our responsibility to return that respect. Now, I'm probably wasting my time here but I also believe that if this process becomes too cumbersome or if the developers believe that we are getting too irrate over the test, they might consider doing away with the whole concept. So please, for the future of more playtests and for the sake of the community, be civil to each other and give only constructive feedback.

Thank you,

Concerned Fan.



JMD031 wrote:

Hello all,

I have noticed that many of you have been getting fairly hot under the collar in terms of this class and the playtest. Now before you dismiss this thread as simply a parody or joke thread, please here me out. There is absolutely no reason we cannot be civil about all of this and simply play the class as is and provide input about what works with the current build and what does not. For those of you who would like to see a completely different version of this class, or if you believe this class does not meet your expectations of what this class could achieve then I very seriously suggest writing a letter to the employees at Paizo expressing your concerns versus spewing hate filled venom over these boards. It is solving nothing and is more likely to cause the few really good ideas out of this process to become lost in a sea of redunancy, angry words, and useless banter about what you believe the class should have been. I really appreciate the time and effort that the people at Paizo put into this product and for the most part they really do not have to include any of us in the process. The fact that they do shows that they have a lot of respect for their community and it is our responsibility to return that respect. Now, I'm probably wasting my time here but I also believe that if this process becomes too cumbersome or if the developers believe that we are getting too irrate over the test, they might consider doing away with the whole concept. So please, for the future of more playtests and for the sake of the community, be civil to each other and give only constructive feedback.

Thank you,

Concerned Fan.

This happens all the time, even when we are not playtesting. We debate/argue, cool down, and debate again. Such is the cycle of the boards. I understand your intent, but these boards are a lot more civil than the WotC boards were, not saying that makes insults ok, but it is not really an issue.

I tire of the plea-for-calm threads as well. They contribute even less to the playtest.

I don't think anything we say or do will prevent people from lookjudging the playtest. The paizo staff — having done this twice now — probably understands that.

If it's bothering you, don't read other people's threads and just focus on posting your oven legitimate playtest feedback. That will do more good than the same effort spent on a plea for calm which the internet has no ears (nor conscience) to hear.

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