Spellstrike + Spell Combat Clarification

Round 1: Magus


Spellstrike (Su): Whenever a magus casts a spell with a
range of touch from the magus spell list, he can deliver the
spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee
attack. If successful, this attack deals its normal damage as
well as the effects of the spell. This ability does not grant
the magus a free melee attack—such attacks must be
made normally. Alternatively, a magus
can make a free touch attack with his
free hand instead of delivering the
spell through his weapon, as normal.

When do you declare that you are using spellstrike? When you cast the spell or when you forgo the free touch attack?

Example, Level 2 magus.
I use Spell Combat and cast shocking grasp.
Can I take my melee attack at a -4 with spellstrike? I believe yes.
If so and my melee attack misses, can I still take my free touch attack from casting the spell? I think the answer is no.

What about in subsequent rounds?

If I attempted to land a spell with spellstrike is the charge stuck on my sword, or can I later choose to try and deliver it with my free hand?

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