For The Love Of Golorian

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

This is a thread dedicated to the campaign setting that was brought to us by Paizo. I have bought many of the books for this world and plan on getting many others. I think its the best campaign world I have come across. There's literally something for everyone and they have included subjects and ideas from our own world that people find interesting and would love to play in.

If you like the subject of Atlantis, Golorian has its own version.

If you like the subject of the Mayan and Aztec cultures, its there too.

Egypt is reborn as Osirion.

Qadira gives us flying carpets and an Arabian feel.

The Muangi Jungle Expanse gives rise to aborigines similar to that of Africa.

The Realm of the Mammoth Lords gives us the opportunity to fight prehistoric and extinct beasts from our world.

The Land of the Linnorm Kings bring us a viking type people.

The country of Molthune give us a type of Germany/Russia hybrid country.

Andoran resembles revolutionary America.

In the Mana Wastes we find Alkenstar, which brings us guns and gun powder.

Along the West coast you can find pirates.

Does anyone else share my love of this campaign setting and why? Please share experiences or anything else about Golorian you would like to. (All of the things I listed are how I view the countries, so some of the info is IMO.)

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