Need some help on my campaign


so, i am running the ROTRL adventure pack. things are good, characters are at 3rd level, in the goblin fortress, and just laid out a whole mess of goblins (i couldnt roll above an 8 all day, except on my init rolls).
so here is my problem. while on a break, i was setting up the mat with the map, i overheard the group talking about dragonlance, and how great of a setting it is, and how they would love to do a DL campaign. Now, myself, i have some experience at running the DL world. i love to play in the "war of the lance" setting. I would like to get the group into the krynn world, but i dont want to railroad it, ie fortress crumbling, take the odd looking portal.

so, i am asking the gaming community for ideas as to how to pull this off...

and, although i know i said i like to do the war of the lance setting, it doesnt have to be strictly that idea...

Grumble Grumble......

"I say boo"

bites thumb

"I bite my thumb at thee!"

How about running a separate DL campaign parallel to your ROTRL campaign? The fact that they want to play in a DL campaign doesn't necessarily mean they want to abandon the current campaign or shoehorn it into Krynn :)

Wow, that's weird. I stepped in a strange looking portal and ended up in Golarion. If you do find a portal home, send a messenger to my room in the Rusty Dragon Inn at Sandpoint. You will be rewarded with Steel and Platinum.

/in character

+1 Are.

Talk to them first and see if that's what they really want.

You've only just started an AP.

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