Whisperknives |
Your Level 1 Feat should have been Fey Foundling, there are NO exceptions for this on a Paladin.
Feats you should like.
Greater Mercy
Extra Lay on Hands (Take it many times, it will always be useful)
Ultimate Mercy
Then look at defensive feats:
There are quite a few that are nice for shielding others or giving them AC.
Feats that have "shield" in the title are nice.
XMorsX |
First major mistake: Skill Focus (Heal) is a major waste of a feat. Avoid. Do not put ranks in heal skill either. You have lay on hands and channel energy for this.
Second mistake: take the 16 from your wisdom and put there your lowest score. It is your dumpsat. I would put my stats like this (assuming that it is not a point buy but rolled stats):
STR 16
DEX 14
CON 15
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 18
or if you intend to wear full-plate from the start:
STR 16
DEX 12
CON 15
INT 14
WIS 12
CHA 18
Take as your two first lvl feats Fey Foundling and Power Attack. At 3rd lvl take Greater Mercy, at 5th lvl selective channeling, at 7th lvl quick channel and at 9th lvl extra channel.
I would also suggest to drop divine defender and just go with hospitaler. It is not a big deal though.