ItoSaithWebb |
Well only a little bit. So every since I took over as GM I have been putting my players on an adventure to get off my old GM's world ( a rip off of Xeen from might and magic) to escape to the homebrew I am working on of Terrafumus.
Right now at the same time that they are trying to leave they are trying to keep ahead and away from the enemy which are alien parasites from an alternate universe called the Hollow Ones. They are currently after the group.
Anyways, they just finished one adventure and they thought they were safe enough to go about town and sell the loot they gained from their exploits. They were pressed for time and so I suggest that they split up the loot to cover more ground so they can sell faster. (rubs hands evilly). After each of them sold loot and collect some rumors they all get ambushed in different parts of the city at the same time. They were in groups of 2 and had about 3 to 4 enemies on them each. I ran all three fights at the same time on the same grid board ( I just partitioned off the grid for each of them in 3rds). They all loved it and I might say that it was easier than I thought it would be. One of the players almost died when one of the parasites crawled under his helm and burrowed into his brain. He kept loosing Int and was down to one Int when a cohort monk managed a successful heal check to pull out the parasite with his finger. There is now the on going joke that the Monk was fingering the fighter's skull.