Pathfinder Table Tent PDF

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5

At Gen Cons past, Paizo had nice table tents for players to use to display their character name and details as well as the Pathfinder ID number. Could Paizo post this file as a download? Would really like to create new ones for additional Pathfinder characters and have the option to add the details using the computer (fonts, a picture of the character, etc).


Sovereign Court

I got one of these at GenCon 2009 and am still using it for my first character. Unfotunately, they didn't have any at GenCon 2010 or at any other con I've been to either. I second the wish for these to be made available again. They beat an index card!

Shadow Lodge 5/5

I vote nametags at my table :-)

Hello my name is...

Thanks for the reminder! I'll see if I can't get these up today.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Definitely would like to get these so I can print out a couple of hundred and take them to each PFS Game Day I run.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the table tent PDF. It is located at if anyone hadn't found it.

Thanks for the table tent PDF. It is located at if anyone hadn't found it.

Kewl- and we can haz APG pregens too :)

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Thanks for the table tent PDF. It is located at if anyone hadn't found it.

Any chance anyone has an editable version of it? I don't have the full version of Adobe.


I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
Thanks for the table tent PDF. It is located at if anyone hadn't found it.
Kewl- and we can haz APG pregens too :)

Three of them are up on the Pathfinder Society page right now.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I Can Has FreeSwag wrote:
Thanks for the table tent PDF. It is located at if anyone hadn't found it.
Kewl- and we can haz APG pregens too :)
Three of them are up on the Pathfinder Society page right now.

What would it take to get more pregens of the Core Classes? Is this something that a dedicated fan could take up and get Paizo to use? Having such a limited selection has caused a few unhappy faces at every convention I've been to this year.


Kyle Baird wrote:
What would it take to get more pregens of the Core Classes? Is this something that a dedicated fan could take up and get Paizo to use? Having such a limited selection has caused a few unhappy faces at every convention I've been to this year.

I'm sure there are many people out there who, like me, are not all around experts but who could put together a good, flavorful character for a pregen. More importantly, we may have the time that Paizo staff doesn't (and we don't necessarily want the staff to take time off our more cherished projects anyway). I'm interested in helping.

Pregenerated animal companions would be helpful as well.

Just My Thoughts

As I've said a few times (x100), it's on my to-do list. :-)



Joshua J. Frost wrote:

As I've said a few times (x100), it's on my to-do list. :-)

** spoiler omitted **

I'd rather you enter the PaizoCon and GenCon tracking sheets first. :)

Liberty's Edge

Kyle Baird wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:

As I've said a few times (x100), it's on my to-do list. :-)

** spoiler omitted **

I'd rather you enter the PaizoCon and GenCon tracking sheets first. :)

Wasn't it around 100 tables a day played at Gen Con '10? Thats a lot of sheets to enter :) The 5 I played in were great by the way. Good work with organizing it all Mr. Frost. Well done.

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