Forum Games

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Vrog is banned for pushing pills.

Dark Archive

Captain Spalding, you are banned by my most virile authority for not docking your ship properly ! Banned, I say !

Quichie is banned for being bald and having pointy ears. Pick one!

Sovereign Court

Vrog is banned for trying to pigeon hole poor Quiche he has enough hang ups as it is.

"Now come over here Quiche and sit down on my couch.

Sigmund is banned for wearing that color of yellow, which is completely unflattering.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for being the fashion police.

vrog skyreaver is banned for not arresting you for wearing that hat. japanophilism was so 2002.

Skyreaver is banned because what's with the favoriting your own posts? That's like giving yourself a high five....

Scarab Sages

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for implying there's something wrong with applause, which is what giving yourself a high five is.

Hidey is banned for it being too early for his avatar's face

Scarab Sages

Mark Hoover is banned for forever straddling the line between Light and Darkness. Pick a side, we're at war!

IHIYC is banned for not realizing there is no spoon

Silver Crusade

GreatNagai wrote:

Banning everyone for wasting my precious time.

Vi caccio tutti per aver sprecato il mio tempo prezioso ( banning in italian too )

Bello! Ma non so se `e un sprego di tempo :P

I ban Mark hoover for not realizing there is no fork.

Primus is banned by his alias.

Scarab Sages

Dante Calabretta is banned because we must stop the Italian Invasion...before THIS happens!

IHIYC is banned because his avatar is from a 3.5 class.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Vrog is banned because a Jester was an AD&D not 3.5 class.

Banned because Vrog got tooooooooooold.

reverse banned because jester was also a 3.5 base class from the dragon compendium 1.

Vrog the Silly-Hatted is banned for excessive pointiness

Hoover dam is banned for not having a point, except on his head.

Vrog is banned for mime clown thing he has going on.

Liberty's Edge

Plutocat is banned because Pluto is a dog.

Vrog can't be banned, because he's not a mime! he's a harlequin.

Vrog is banned because he's no Harley Quinn.

sir spanks-a-lot is banned for trying to steal my trademark smile.

Vrog is banned because the copyright for "s%@@ eating grin" expired 2 million, twenty-two ago, twenty years after the first dog got his first potato chip from a homo habilis' cooking fire.

Banned because Bill Nye got really old and crotchety. And he's the reason

isn't on King of the Nerds any more.

Spanky is banned because he was the first dog that got that potato chip.

Vrog is banned for wearing the wrong thinking cap.

HP is banned for being a rules lawyer.

Spanky is banned for what he did to the High Pontiff's Hat.

TVO is banned for his b+~!+in helmet sideburns.

Vrog is banned for runny eyeliner.

Spanky McGee is banned for thinking that's my eyeliner.

Vrog is banned for failing mime school.

Burning Straw Man is banned because he's not in the desert being set on fire.

Vrog is banned for failing at pyromania.

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for excessive consumption of salt and salt by-products.

Scarab Sages

rashly5 is banned for ruining the mummification process. We'd been working on that for over a month, damn you!

Hidey is banned for not clapping for tinkerbell

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for giving Tinkerbell the clap.

Schmorgan is banned because she had it coming

Scarab Sages

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for blaming the victim.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned for placing the blame and forgetting where he put it.

Acting rashly is banned because they forgot my French toast sticks with my breakfast order this morning, and I didn't have time to check until I got to work.

Scarab Sages

Vrog Skyreaver is banned for bringing up the "breakfast incident" again....

Mr. Closeted is banned due to budgetary constraints.

Vrog Skyreaver is banned due to private demand.

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