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One of my favorite games I discovered on another forum…

You are BANNED! Teter has granted you the ban hammer to wield as you see fit. You only have to give a reason, and it does not even have to be a valid reason. So ban the poster above you 4eva!!!

CourtFool is banned for humping one too many legs.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Courtfool is banned for piddling on the floor.

Celestial Healer is banded for molting all over the boards.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Xabulba is banned for having a cheesy grin.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Charles Scholz is banned for having a name much, much too similar to a pathetic newspaper cartoonist.

*smiles pleasantly*

Banned for having red hair and green eyes.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Oi! You're already banned! You banned for posting when banned!

Ziesstra T'sarran is banned for having an avatar that turns me on.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Knock knock.

Who's there?

Banned! …for being a black cloak with no one inside. I bet you have a cousin who is a pair of green pants.

Baned for dropping little brown land mines.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Every poster who wants to ban me is pre-emptively banned.

In addition, every poster who uses, or ever has used, my avatar is banned.

OK, you're not banned. But Batman's gonna put you in Arkam Asylum!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dire hobbit is banned for slowing down the game by stopping for elevensies.

I have precisely two reasons for banning Corrosive Rabbit. The first of these reasons is that he is corrosive. Surely we can see how that would be detrimental to the other posters. The second, and no less important reason, is that he is a rabbit.

Liberty's Edge

Silly doggy, bans are for poodles!

Nevynxxx wrote:

Ziesstra T'sarran is banned for having an avatar that turns me on.

Nevynxxx is banned for waiting so very very long to tell me this delicious little tidbit.

*grins wickedly*

(as an aside, I never realized how delightful the Paizo boards are... much better than say, working here at my office...)

Ziesstra T'sarran is doubly banned for returning to this thread to ban others after being banned herself, just like Xabulba and Court Fool, who are also doubly banned.

The Jade is banned because this reminds me of Hidden Realms...

Liberty's Edge

Stormchaser is banned because he gets hit by lightning.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

BANNED for being "The Jade" instead of just "Jade."

EDIT: Ninja'ed. Stormchaser and Studpuffin BANNED for ninja'ing me.

The Jade wrote:
Ziesstra T'sarran is doubly banned for returning to this thread to ban others after being banned herself, just like Xabulba and Court Fool, who are also doubly banned.

(I giggled at this, I admit it.....damn you.)

Dark Archive

banned for giggling, and already being banned lessening my sweet sweet new found power!

Anyone notice Charlie escaped without getting banned? That's his military training in effect there. How I admire... BAN! BAN BAN BAN! Banned for being wily.

Ulgilanoth banned for being vague!

My work here is done!


Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CourtFool wrote:

I bet you have a cousin who is a pair of green pants.

It's true. :(

Explosive Runes:

Liberty's Edge

Courtfool banned for smelling like wet dog.

Studpuffin banned for smelling like wet dog.

CourtFool banned for smelling wet dogs.

CourtFool wrote:
Studpuffin banned for smelling like wet dog.

Courtfool is banned because he reminds me of the poodle in Open Season 2 with the voice of George McFly!

Dark Archive

While I am quite sure Studpuffin is a stud, he is never the less rebanned for not being a puffin.


CourtFool, Xabulba, Kalderaan are all banned for having ninja'd me !!

Aardvark Barbarian is banned for being ninja'd by me.

And CourtFool is thrice banned for making me a sandwhich between his posts.

Xabulba is banned for having a cold, dead stare.

Edit: ninja'd, man I type slow

Banned for being such a slow typist.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

self ban!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Studpuffin wrote:

BANNED for not banning CourtFool.

Kalderaan is banned for having no tail... ::shifty eyes:: you know what I mean

Liberty's Edge

Cyruss is banned for too many "s" or too many "Cy".


Cyruss is banned for looking like a bad imitation of a 70s porn star.

Studpuffin is banned for quoting the raven nevermore.

Did you ever notice that Drittz was exhiled from mezzheaven for carrying two swords? It's so unfair, like that time when Edward got Bella instead of Jacob. I mean who here doesn't like a Heathy-like warwolf shaman son of a gun? I mean, who came up with the whole idea of sparkly vampires, and was it just a product placement ad for Sparkle paper towels?

Thanks for playing, you stupid trolls.

Macaroni Slaad is banned because he is speaking of himself in the third person. Is he doing this right?

*eggs random person*

*leaves thread*

You are all banned for neither beeing poets nor Plato.

Molloch wrote:

You are all banned for neither beeing poets nor Plato.

I'm banning you fools like I'm Bruce Banner!!!

Banning everyone for wasting my precious time.

Vi caccio tutti per aver sprecato il mio tempo prezioso ( banning in italian too )

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*trembles slightly*

GreatNagai is banned for his damned sexy Italian-speak, which made me shiver a bit...



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ziesstra T'sarran wrote:

*trembles slightly*

GreatNagai is banned for his damned sexy Italian-speak, which made me shiver a bit...

OK, maybe, JUST MAYBE Ziesstra T'sarran can be spared ;-)

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