Smerg's Star Wars - A Secret Beginning

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

This will be the OOC thread for the Star Wars - A Secret Beginning.

1> Rule System is Star Wars Saga system from WotC.

2> Main book is the Saga Edition Core Book. Additional book is the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign guide.

3> Character generation will use the Standard Score Package for attributes, pg 18. That gives you a 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 to arrange as you like.

4> Races are those found in the Core edition and Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. Gungans and Ewoks are not races found in this period normally; so, will be out of play.

5> Characters will need to have some level of technical understanding of society to function in the campaign; so, no primitive backgrounds or species that haven't learned to function in Republic cities (that means you need to be able to hold a regular urban job).

6> Characters all start at level 1.

7> Most of your past is going to start off as a mystery to you. All characters will have start having gone through a deep immersion hypno-therapy to create their cover identities (some sort of job at the Ship Yard or the associated Space Station connected to the yard where people stay in their down time). The trigger command has been given and you are now 'awakening'. You can't even recall who your 'boss' might be. You might be Republic agents or you might be Sith agents. You might even be a mixture. The early part of the campaign will you having to figure out who you are working for and whether you still want to work for them (you might be double or triple agents).

8> You can have 'reasonable' equipment. Each of you will have 'memory' of a cache where the items that were normal to your Heroic Class were kept to be reclaimed for this moment. No starships to start the campaign but being in a space yard there is a good chance you will be able to 'acquire' a ship in the near future.

9> If anyone wants to play a droid then we'll need to talk out what sort of droid (attributes and parts), the programming that you had, and how you fit into the 'mission'.

10> I am online most days to answer questions. Weekends my availability is sometimes a bit slower then during the week and that is due to RL. After this first adventure, we'll look at where things are then decide to start another adventure (with possibly the same characters or with other characters). I am looking at time frame of a couple of months for this first adventure.

11> Looking for 5 to 6 players at a maximum but will go with as little as 3.

Okay, I hope you all have fun.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

A Secret Beginning: 3,958 BBY

The Republic has drawn a breadth of life to rebuild. The Mandalorian Wars has shattered many worlds. Thanks to Jedi Revan and Malak, the Madalorians were defeated at Malachor V and driven out of Republic Space. Revan and Malak at the head of a small fleet continue to chase the Mandalorians into the depths of the Unknown Regions.

People have been happy to once again see the return of peace to the Republic. People are beginning to call this the Second Restoration. It is a second chance for the Republic that was rocked previously be the Great Sith War in 4,000 BBY.

But in the depths of the Unknown Regions a monster awakens. A slumbering fleet of Sith Warriors bent on reclaiming the glory of the bygone days of the Sith. Ahead of them move their agents, gathering resources and preparing bases the Sith will need to strike to the heart of the Republic.


You have been working on a Republic Space yard, filled to capacity with Republic ships being rebuilt, repaired, and outfitted for duty following the damage they sustained in the Mandalorian War. It is the Republic's largest effort to repair and replace her fleet since the end of the Great Sith War.

You have come to the end of the work week and are pulling a few credits for a night of relaxation when the monitor displays the message, 'Awaken Black Valkyrie'. You suddenly start to remember that you are a sleeper agent planted on the Space Yard and you have a mission.

Stormchaser here checking in from the original interest thread, so glad this has been picked up.

Are you just using those two books from the 14? I can get you PDFs of all of them, and there are several others I can think of you may find useful like Galaxy at War, Galaxy of Intrigue, Starships of the Galaxy, Scavenger's Guide to Droids, Threats of the Galaxy (which is essentially a big book of premade NPCs, beasts, and droids), and possibly the Unknown Regions.

Also, pretty much every single book can be happily used in a campaign without breaking the balance or flavour, they all gel really well. In fact many of them work as more of a GM resource than options for players. That's my opinion anyway, food for thought because I have them all and run this game a LOT. Also, you may want to pick up the excel documents I linked in the other thread, I can not overstate how invaluable they are.

Also, hate to rock the boat but I would be interested in playing a droid, although if it's too difficult I could easily do something else. It would be an HK series droid, for which there is a premade stat block for a level one character in the KotOR campaign guide on page 85. However, I would only be interested in doing this if you would allow the "independent droid" prestige class from the Force Unleashed Campaign guide. One can take it at level four, and it basically makes droid heroes worth playing, because in the core book they are pretty sub par. Like I said, as a whole the books gel really well. Another thing I'd want to use, is one of the droid manufacturer traits from Scavenger's Guide to Droids, namely the Czerka one since they did originally build the HK series:

"Czerka droid designs are exceptionally personable, no matter their degree or designed purpose. Even the feared HK assassin droids have a certain frightening charm. A Czerka droid can use its Intelligence or Wisdom modifier instead of its Charisma modifier to determine its Persuasion skill modifier."

As for attributed and parts, a first level HK droid comes as standard, it's on page 85 like I said. If that's all good then we can sort out the programming whenever you like. Hell Revan rewrote an HK to his own ends, I'm sure others could, he even put sleeper code in so we know this model is capable of it.

Otherwise, I'd in all likelihood play the noble class, which leads me to another question - where do you stand on the wealth talent? I would plan on taking this, probably at first level if I was a Noble. Some DMs have a problem with it, though I personally don't because money is nowhere near as important in SAGA. In case you're not familiar with it, it gives you your class level times 5000 in credits every time you level, representing profit from shares and background resources.

Finally, if you need to communicate fast here's my MSN and email address:


If you give me yours I will email you any and all PDFs of the books you want.

Male Human

Hmmm. Unique setup there, going to have to think of something here. Maybe like one of the Mission: Impossible guys...

Another question, will you be using destiny, and if not will you replace it with the backgrounds mechanic from the Rebellion Campaign Guide?

Backstory for if I must play the Noble instead of the droid, he's of the Khil species from the KotOR campaign guide. I'm assuming this is what he 'thought' his past was:

The son of a wealthy Tirahnnian stock broker, and scion of the very old and respected Mallinor family Gull grew up in peaceful times, born into an era of prosperity for the Republic. When the Mandalorian wars came, Gull's family were able to avoid the devastation by relocating from so close to Taris back to the heavily defended galactic capital of Coruscant. There they settled down quietly, living comfortable lives as they allowed their carefully managed stock to sustain them from afar.

Gull himself grew up in the lap of luxury, tended on hand and foot by the family's servants, and sent to the finest schools money could buy. Under his father's tutelage he too learnt to play the stock market, purchasing his own shares for the first time at the age of sixteen, and under his father's careful guidance gradually began to accumulate his own small fortune from these endeavours.

However, life on Coruscant while easy also quickly grew boring, and as he matured through adolescence Gull would more and more frequently be found sneaking off to the shadier parts lower areas, where he would mingle with the more colourful characters his home planet had to offer. He enjoyed these trips immensely, the thrill of sneaking out, the knowledge of what his family would say if they found out, the adrenaline of never knowing what would come next. He would hear wonderful tales of brutal Hutt crime lords and see the exotic Twi'lek dancers swing their head tail to and fro atop the podiums, and the more he heard the more he lusted for such power and respect.

As time went on the boy grew more and more bold, eventually biting off more than he could chew and provoking a Wookie after besting him at a game of Dejarik and winning many credits in the process. The enraged creature wrenched Gull's left arm from it's socket, almost tearing it clean off and leaving him quivering on the cantina floor. Eventually he was found by his father's people, but it was too late to save his arm and it was replaced below the elbow by a cybernetic prosthesis.

May change this, depends on some details with how it would work in game.

Embittered by his experience and angry at the world for what had been taken from him, Gull swore that one day the Galaxy would give him his 'due respect'. From that day on he strove to exceed his own father, and to become wealthier and more powerful than that man's limited mind could possibly imagine. For his part Gull was kept on a short leash by his family after his trouble in the cantina, one he struggled against frustratedly until finally he came of age. Deciding it was his time to make his mark on the galaxy, Gull set out from home, credit chip in one hand and the other poised to found his own criminal network that would make the galaxy beg for the Hutts.

Dark Archive

I can get my character finished by Thursday, if I'm in. Gotta think of a concept first.


Need to think on this...
How are you handling Jedi?

Dark Archive

I need to know some things: Can we choose Jedi at 1st level? If not, will we be able to "exchange" our levels in other classes for levels in Jedi?

I have two ideas:

1. A Kel Dor Jedi. He can have Pilot as a skill and be a pilot in the shipyards.

2. A bad-ass soldier who likes to hunt Mandalorians. Most likely Duros, who likes to use a Jet Pack like his prey!

I'm interested in your Jedi answers as well.

Dark Archive

Are Taungs available as race?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Sigz wrote:

Need to think on this...

How are you handling Jedi?

Jedi are in play.

You don't recall your past but you remember your training. Your lightsaber (if your starting package from your class gave you one) is amongst the stuff that you have previously hidden.

This is a period of time when their are many force wielders; so, I'm not going to put limits on this. (I mean, what is the fun of doing Star Wars if there aren't Jedi?).

During the adventure, you will 'uncover' some of your 'hidden' memories and decide whether you are pro Order or Sith. You start with a neutral memory of your past.

The sleeper programing has been more 'effective' then intended leaving the sleepers unaware of their past associations.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
nightflier wrote:
I need to know some things: Can we choose Jedi at 1st level? If not, will we be able to "exchange" our levels in other classes for levels in Jedi?

Yes, you can start at first level as Jedi. See the previous reply for details.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Kalderaan wrote:

I have two ideas:

1. A Kel Dor Jedi. He can have Pilot as a skill and be a pilot in the shipyards.

2. A bad-ass soldier who likes to hunt Mandalorians. Most likely Duros, who likes to use a Jet Pack like his prey!

I'm interested in your Jedi answers as well.

Kel Dor and Duros are both fine.

Likely, your Duros idea would have another 'job' on the ship yard like possibly working in Security as the Mandalorians were defeated in battle two years prior to the start of the campaign.

Many people do still retain hatred for the Mandalorians as they caused five years of brutal war and attacked the homeworlds and colonies of many species.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
nightflier wrote:
Are Taungs available as race?

What source book are the Taungs in?

I would need to take a look at not only their abilities but the related fluff to see if they were appropriate for the campaign.

I probably will clear them for play but I'd like to look them over first.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Camris wrote:
Hmmm. Unique setup there, going to have to think of something here. Maybe like one of the Mission: Impossible guys...

Glad to have you along.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Stormchaser wrote:


Are you just using those two books from the 14? I can get you PDFs of all of them, and there are several others I can think of you may find useful like Galaxy at War, Galaxy of Intrigue, Starships of the Galaxy, Scavenger's Guide to Droids, Threats of the Galaxy (which is essentially a big book of premade NPCs, beasts, and droids), and possibly the Unknown Regions.

Also, pretty much every single book can be happily used in a campaign without breaking the balance or flavour, they all gel really well. In fact many of them work as more of a GM resource than options for players. That's my opinion anyway, food for thought because I have them all and run this game a LOT. Also, you may want to pick up the excel documents I linked in the other thread, I can not overstate how invaluable they are.

I have a friend with a full selection of the books on his shelf that I can borrow since he isn't using them at the moment. I mentioned the two that were most relevant to the game because I didn't want people pulling in feats from five different books at the start and swamping me with stuff that I wasn't ready to handle.

The Force Unleashed Campaign book, at least from my read of it, was for a very 'different' power level of play then some of the other books.

I have run and played in a few Star Wars adventures and campaigns in the past but this is really my first time in the Saga System; so, I will be getting my feat wet here. I'm glad to see that I have a couple of GMs that are more familiar with this set of rules to keep me on the right track.


Also, hate to rock the boat but I would be interested in playing a droid, although if it's too difficult I could easily do something else. It would be an HK series droid, for which there is a premade stat block for a level one character in the KotOR campaign guide on page 85. However, I would only be interested in doing this if you would allow the "independent droid" prestige class from the Force Unleashed Campaign guide. One can take it at level four, and it basically makes droid heroes worth playing, because in the core book they are pretty sub par. Like I said, as a whole the books gel really well. Another thing I'd want to use, is one of the droid manufacturer traits from Scavenger's Guide to Droids, namely the Czerka one since they did originally build the HK series:

"Czerka droid designs are exceptionally personable, no matter their degree or designed purpose. Even the feared HK assassin droids have a certain frightening charm. A Czerka droid can use its Intelligence or Wisdom modifier instead of its Charisma modifier to determine its Persuasion skill modifier."

As for attributed and parts, a first level HK...

The HK-47 from pg 85 of the KotOR is fine as is the Czerka droid feature.

I'll have to look at the 'independent droid' prestige class before making a decision on that.

I'm willing to accept the Wealth Talent for Nobles.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Stormchaser wrote:
Another question, will you be using destiny, and if not will you replace it with the backgrounds mechanic from the Rebellion Campaign Guide?

Yes, I will allow Destiny to be in play. Player's don't have to start with a Destiny and may choose to 'discover' their destiny during play. Players can start with 1 Destiny point.

The amnesia that players are coming out of from being sleeper agents has left them without a clear direction of all the events that have made up their life. You have skills and talents but not a clear idea of where you learned them or who taught you everything that you can do.

Backstory for if I must play the Noble instead of the droid, he's of the Khil species from the KotOR campaign guide. I'm assuming this is what he 'thought' his past was:...

An exceptionally good backstory. A bit more detailed then I am looking for the characters to start the adventure (hehe, I don't often tell players they have too much backstory).

The first adventure is a 'discovery' for the characters of their past which has been suppressed by the hypno-therapy that has been applied to them. They start 'muddled' as to who they really are and why they have this mission to complete.

Ideally, the players will have to decide 'How' they want to complete the adventure. Their memories don't even include all the details of the mission but only the parts they need to complete the next 'stage' of the mission.

Completing stages of the mission will help them recover portions of the memory but it will also help move the 'mission' to completion. This may or may not be what the players/characters want. If the mission has moved to a certain stage, will the players/characters be able to stop it? What impact will this mission have on the coming Sith Invasion?

Well, to summarise, 3/4 BAB, d12 hit die, normal PrC defence boosts and force point increases, and allows you to use special droid only talent trees. It grants you true sapience, allowing you to benefit from positive mind affecting effects, permanently disables your behavioural inhibitor, and makes you immune to restraining bolts.

Taung were in Galaxy at War.


During the adventure, you will 'uncover' some of your 'hidden' memories and decide whether you are pro Order or Sith. You start with a neutral memory of your past.

The sleeper programing has been more 'effective' then intended leaving the sleepers unaware of their past associations.

Lol, so we're all Revan...

I'll go with the droid, everyone loves HK, and droids often don't know their pasts due to memory wipes.

I actually like all the different books. First level won't overwhelm you too much since the PCs only get to much (at least that was my finding).

Other than the Unleashed cheese, I feel each of the books has some unique flavors that make for great characters. Everything from races to equipment and such are really cool.

I am torn between playing a Jedi and playing a soldier...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Okay, Galaxy at War is one of the books that I don't have. I'd need to check with my friend to see if he has that book.

What makes the Taungs appealing to you, Nightflier?


The concept for the 'semii-wiped' backgrounds came from a mixture of listening to a Podcast (Shark Bone) and looking up a wiki on KotOR. Since Sigz had stated his interest for playing was sparked by doing the KotOR games, I figured that I would make a neutral spot where players could go either pro Sith or pro Order. I'd leave it up to them to decide.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Ooo. I'm so in, if you'll have me. I'm thinking about a face man, since my other SW character is so very awful at it, and yet keeps going while thinking he is the maker's gift to the universe.. I'll put up a character as soon as I have it finished!

Dark Archive

I am going with the Jedi, but still haven't decided on race or even tradition. I think that I would prefer not to play Jedi or Sith. I would rather be a member of some other tradition. I would go with Guardian, probably, but fluff would be a bit different. Is that OK?

Dark Archive

Smerg wrote:

Okay, Galaxy at War is one of the books that I don't have. I'd need to check with my friend to see if he has that book.

What makes the Taungs appealing to you, Nightflier?


The concept for the 'semii-wiped' backgrounds came from a mixture of listening to a Podcast (Shark Bone) and looking up a wiki on KotOR. Since Sigz had stated his interest for playing was sparked by doing the KotOR games, I figured that I would make a neutral spot where players could go either pro Sith or pro Order. I'd leave it up to them to decide.

Taungs are the race of aliens from which Mandalorians descended, but I'll probably go with the human.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

"Resigned contempt: ready to serve."

Stormchaser here, if you need Galaxy at War I can email you it.

Nightflier, there's only one Jedi class anyway, all the Guardian/Sentinel/Consular stuff is done via talent trees.

The concept for the 'semii-wiped' backgrounds came from a mixture of listening to a Podcast (Shark Bone) and looking up a wiki on KotOR. Since Sigz had stated his interest for playing was sparked by doing the KotOR games, I figured that I would make a neutral spot where players could go either pro Sith or pro Order. I'd leave it up to them to decide.

Don't get me wrong, I really like this concept.

I agree the Unleashed feat and the abilities it gives are... silly. The prestige class though I like, although I will play this character without it if it's not allowed.

HK-33 wrote:

"Resigned contempt: ready to serve."

Stormchaser here, if you need Galaxy at War I can email you it.

Nightflier, there's only one Jedi class anyway, all the Guardian/Sentinel/Consular stuff is done via talent trees.

The concept for the 'semii-wiped' backgrounds came from a mixture of listening to a Podcast (Shark Bone) and looking up a wiki on KotOR. Since Sigz had stated his interest for playing was sparked by doing the KotOR games, I figured that I would make a neutral spot where players could go either pro Sith or pro Order. I'd leave it up to them to decide.

Don't get me wrong, I really like this concept.

I agree the Unleashed feat and the abilities it gives are... silly. The prestige class though I like, although I will play this character without it if it's not allowed.

Agreed - great stuff in the book if you just flush the actual Unleashed abilities and such.

My favorite force talent is in there - Telekinetic Prodigy.

If Sigz and Nightflier take Jedi, then I will take Soldier.

If we only have one Jedi (Nightflier) then I may go Jedi.


N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Well if you take it without the Unleashed nonsense, it's just a guide to the Dark Times Era with lots of stuff that's good for all games. I love all the Prestige Classes they added in it.

Wow, two soldiers two Jedi... that party would have the least skills *ever*.

James Martin wrote:
Ooo. I'm so in, if you'll have me. I'm thinking about a face man, since my other SW character is so very awful at it, and yet keeps going while thinking he is the maker's gift to the universe.. I'll put up a character as soon as I have it finished!

James and I have shared a long Star Wars history on these boards.

We played Jedi in one game - he a Duros and I an Ithorian.

We played Jedi in another - he a Wookiee and I a Kel Dor.

He is also in the Dawn of Defiance game that I GM.

I look forward to playing with you again!

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
nightflier wrote:
I am going with the Jedi, but still haven't decided on race or even tradition. I think that I would prefer not to play Jedi or Sith. I would rather be a member of some other tradition. I would go with Guardian, probably, but fluff would be a bit different. Is that OK?

Just make sure you are using the Saga set of rules. The prior d20 Star Wars and d20 Star Wars Revised set of rules had separate classes for the Jedi Counselor and Jedi Guardian. Saga has one Jedi class but several Talent trees within the class.

Alternate Traditions can be fine.

I like to have a chance to look over the Talent Tree before approving it.

If you want to use a Talent Tree but say you had a different background for your training then the normal Jedi Order then changing the fluff will be fine. There are many masters and cultures in this period that have their own way of teaching the same basic information (much like Martial Arts teach variations on punches but they all 'basically' do the same thing).

HK-33 wrote:

Well if you take it without the Unleashed nonsense, it's just a guide to the Dark Times Era with lots of stuff that's good for all games. I love all the Prestige Classes they added in it.

Wow, two soldiers two Jedi... that party would have the least skills *ever*.

Well, James discussed playing a face person - most likely a Scoundrel, which is pretty skills heavy.

I may go scout and then soldier for the extra skills as well. Not sure yet.

With a soldier droid and two Jedi, fighting should be covere and then I can work on skills and such.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
James Martin wrote:
Ooo. I'm so in, if you'll have me. I'm thinking about a face man, since my other SW character is so very awful at it, and yet keeps going while thinking he is the maker's gift to the universe.. I'll put up a character as soon as I have it finished!

Good to have you along.

Alright, I think we have the 5 to 6 players that I hoped to recruit in terms of people that have signaled interest.

I'll let people settle on working up characters at this point.

People that I see are;


I hope that I haven't missed someone that's been waiting a while for a game.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2
Kalderaan wrote:
HK-33 wrote:

Well if you take it without the Unleashed nonsense, it's just a guide to the Dark Times Era with lots of stuff that's good for all games. I love all the Prestige Classes they added in it.

Wow, two soldiers two Jedi... that party would have the least skills *ever*.

Well, James discussed playing a face person - most likely a Scoundrel, which is pretty skills heavy.

I may go scout and then soldier for the extra skills as well. Not sure yet.

With a soldier droid and two Jedi, fighting should be covere and then I can work on skills and such.

Well that was part of my thinking when considering a noble, them being total skill whores. I think playing an HK will be a lot of fun though.


I'm thinking of a mo-calamari slicer. I'm asking about jedi becouse I'm thinking of going jedi at later levels.


starting creds?


I'm guessing that our equipment isn't exacly gotten through conventional means so how do we handle licences? Do we pay the for them?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Here goes! I decided to go with a human noble, specializing in medicine. He's been assigned to the shipyards to patch up any injuries arising from the work. Think Star Trek: TOS Dr. McCoy.


Vallorin Issatz or 'Doc'
Destiny 3 Force Points 6 Dark Side 0
Medium Human Noble 1
Init +7; Perception +5
Languages Basic, High Galactic, Durese, Huttese
Defenses Reflex 14, Will 13, Fortitude 12
Hit Points 19; Threshold 12
Spd 6 squares
Melee -1
Ranged +2 Blaster (3d8, always set to stun)
Base Attack +0; Grapple -1
Abilities STR 8 DEX 15 CON 12 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 14
Talents (1 talent) Bolster Ally
Feats (2 feats) Linguist, Weapon Prof (simple, pistols), Surgical Expertise, Skill Focus: Treat Injury
Skills (7 trained skills +1 bonus) Deception +7, Initiative +7, Knowledge: Life Sciences +6, Perception +5, Persuasion +7, Pilot +7, Treat Injury +12, Use Computers +6
Possessions (4800 cr) Heavy Blaster Pistol (900), 3 stun grenades (825), Medical Interface Visor (1,500), short-range comlink (25), medical kit with six medpacs (1,200), hip holster (25), 325 credits
Racial -
Experience 0
Appearance Doc is a slight man, with close cropped brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He usually frowns, but he's an agreeable sort. He acts older than he looks, usually muttering about being too old for something or another.

Background Doc is assigned as a medic on the shipyards, dealing with the many cuts, scrapes and worse injuries that arise in such a place.

Stat Math:
DEX 15
CON 12
INT 13
WIS 10
CHA 14

You are aware that anything other than specialised extensive weapons always has only a 30 foot range when set to stun?

Here is my hotshot Duros soldier. Don't have my book in front of me so this is very rough draft.

Gol Krallet, Duros Soldier:

Gol Krallet
Destiny 1 Force Points 5 Dark Side 0
Duros Soldier 1
Init +8; Perception +6
Languages Basic, Durese, [bonus 2]
Defenses Reflex 15, Will 12, Fortitude 14
Hit Points 31; Threshold 14
Spd 6 squares
Melee +1
Ranged +4 Blaster (3d8)
Base Attack +1; Grapple +1
Abilities STR 10 DEX 17 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 13 CHA 8
Talents (1 talent) Jet Pack training (KotOR)
Feats (1 feats) Armor Prof (light, medium), Weapon Prof (simple, pistols, rifles), Vehicular Combat
Skills (3 trained skills + 2 bonus) Initiative +8, Knowledge: Tactics +7, Perception +6, Pilot +8, Treat Injury +6
Possessions (3000 cr) Blaster Carbine (900), short-range comlink (25), hip holster (25), Jet Pack (300), +1,750 more in equipment
Racial - Reroll pilot checks
Experience 0


Stat Math:
STR 10
DEX 15+2 racial
CON 14-2 racial
INT 12+2 racial
WIS 13

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Profile is all done in this alias, alternatively anyone who wants to see it can just look it up in the KotOR book. ;)

Stock droid models are so easy at first level...

Looks pretty good Kalderaan, maybe take mechanics as the sixth skill?


How about a force sencitive Mirlukan scoundrel? he/she (Havent decided. Unless I'm going to name 'it' Heshe..) could be a slicer/mechanic?

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Kalderaan, you might want to consider vehicular combat as your first level feat, works with jetpacks.

Sigz, that sounds cool, very MAD though.

HK-33 wrote:

Kalderaan, you might want to consider vehicular combat as your first level feat, works with jetpacks.

Sigz, that sounds cool, very MAD though.

Good call for my first feat!

Also, I started with 16 INT but dropped it down to 14 to boost my con. I only have 5 skills trained, not 6. I could drop Treat Injury but I wanted at least another healer in the group.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Stormchaser wrote:
You are aware that anything other than specialised extensive weapons always has only a 30 foot range when set to stun?

Shouldn't be a problem. If I need anything else, I'm sure I can find it.

Sigz wrote:
How about a force sencitive Mirlukan scoundrel? he/she (Havent decided. Unless I'm going to name 'it' Heshe..) could be a slicer/mechanic?

LOL. Just had a funny thought of a blind man fixing my starship...

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Just making sure you knew.

Didn't notice that Kal, just read that you seemed to be missing one. What with how medpacs work it's good to have two medics for the assist as well.

Sigz, just to factor some stuff into your planning, being Miraluka is a great idea if you want to become a force user, because it reduces the feat cost from three to two. You'll need to take force sensitivity, and skill training use the force, but you'll get a force training feat (which gives you actual powers) for free thanks to your race.

Kalderaan wrote:
Sigz wrote:
How about a force sencitive Mirlukan scoundrel? he/she (Havent decided. Unless I'm going to name 'it' Heshe..) could be a slicer/mechanic?
LOL. Just had a funny thought of a blind man fixing my starship...

Yeah I like the idea of a blind techy. :D

If you want to be a proper techy, you'll probably want tech specialist, superior tech specialist, maybe even starship designer later. As well as skill focus in mechanics, knowledge tech, and use comp. Most of those are scoundrel bonus feats, but it can be quite feat intensive.

Stormchaser wrote:
Kalderaan wrote:
Sigz wrote:
How about a force sencitive Mirlukan scoundrel? he/she (Havent decided. Unless I'm going to name 'it' Heshe..) could be a slicer/mechanic?
LOL. Just had a funny thought of a blind man fixing my starship...

Yeah I like the idea of a blind techy. :D

If you want to be a proper techy, you'll probably want tech specialist, superior tech specialist, maybe even starship designer later. As well as skill focus in mechanics, knowledge tech, and use comp. Most of those are scoundrel bonus feats, but it can be quite feat intensive.

Having a tech specialist in the group is akin to having a force user working magic when it comes to dealing with electronics. Quite handy for doing everything from opening doors, accessing computers, and stuff like that.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Very true, if Sigz is willing to follow that path we will benefit greatly from it. The amount of feats involved in both that and using the force though, make it hard to do both effectively.

HK-33 wrote:
Very true, if Sigz is willing to follow that path we will benefit greatly from it. The amount of feats involved in both that and using the force though, make it hard to do both effectively.

Ah, I see your point now. Yes, it would be very difficult to do both justice.

One or the other, yes. Both, not so much.


But if I take Force Sensitive at lvl 1 then I can take Use the Force without spending a feat at first level.
The concept will be physicaly weak but skill effective and vielding the force instead of a blaster...

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