Smerg's Star Wars - A Secret Beginning

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Vash'elie wrote:

Infiltrator looks good. I'll take the spy talent tree in Force Unleashed for scout if approved by Smerg.

I looked over the Spy talent tree. It looks fine for the talents. Nothing jumped out at me.

I updated Gol's alias with his Appearance, Background, and equipment (including new armor).

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Smerg wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Smerg wrote:

Okay, Galaxy at War is one of the books that I don't have. I'd need to check with my friend to see if he has that book.

What makes the Taungs appealing to you, Nightflier?


The concept for the 'semii-wiped' backgrounds came from a mixture of listening to a Podcast (Shark Bone) and looking up a wiki on KotOR. Since Sigz had stated his interest for playing was sparked by doing the KotOR games, I figured that I would make a neutral spot where players could go either pro Sith or pro Order. I'd leave it up to them to decide.

Taungs are the race of aliens from which Mandalorians descended, but I'll probably go with the human.

I was going through the KotOR campaign guide. Their version of the Mandalorians is that the Mandalorians are humans. They also have the Mandalorians willing to adopt other species into their military order. Any species, according to the Campaign Guide could be Mandalorian though they are mostly human.

There are probably alternative histories for the source of the Mandalorians. For this game, I'm going to go with the KotOR version since it gives the largest pool of creatures which allows for more possibilities for story telling.

I read the specific Mandalorian chapter last night. The first head leader of the Mandalorians was a Taung (which I guess started things a few centuries prior to the current date).

The Mandalorians have two major movements. There are the 'Crusaders' and the 'Neo-Crusaders'. The 'Crusaders' believe that anyone choosing to adopt the principles and lifestyle of a Mandalorian will be recognized by other Mandalorians. They are individualistic but work towards common purposes because they just choose to individually go with whomever seems to have the working plan (major force in the Sith War). 'Neo-Crusaders' believe in forceful conversion. You are either a warrior or you make items to support the warriors. All warriors wear basically the same type of armour and are treated almost the same. There are a couple of higher grades in the 'Neo-Crusaders' but most are all treated the same and wear the same gear (Crusaders are different in that they believe the individual chooses the weapons and armour that they want to fight with).

Since the Mandalorians is a movement where people are taught the principles of the cause, anyone can claim to be a Mandalorian (particularly many people were press ganged into the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian's war which made it so powerful over such a short time).

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

So... I see the RP thread is up, do you want us to do anything with it yet?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Okay, I just put up the setting scene. I know that people are working on finishing up their characters but I think that we have enough to get started. If you have your character concept roughed out then you should have enough to do get involved in the Aquarium scene.

Star Wars Game Thread

Love our DM's sense of humor already! ;)

Stupid question. What is with the dot thing anyway?

How does it work?

Kalderaan wrote:
Love our DM's sense of humor already! ;)


It's not a stupid question, when you post in a thread with your main user it puts a little black dot next to it on the index to mark it for you.

I'll throw up a reply in a moment.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2
HK-33 wrote:
Kol/Camris, you've taken a vibroblade, but you don't have the proficiency. It's an advanced melee weapon, not a simple weapon. Also you've taken the Force Sensitivity feat, but not taken use the force as one of your trained skills. I would seriously advise changing that.

I think this was missed. ^

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
markofbane wrote:
I'm looking forward to reading along. I'm a player in Kalderaan's Dawn of Defiance PbP which is going awesome! This sounds like a great premise. I would have jumped in too, but I'm not really familiar with the era in the Star Wars universe. Have a great game!

Thanks for the support.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Stormchaser wrote:
Kalderaan wrote:
Love our DM's sense of humor already! ;)


It's not a stupid question, when you post in a thread with your main user it puts a little black dot next to it on the index to mark it for you.

I'll through up a reply in a moment.

Yeah, so when you see the post by David Rowe, that is me, Smerg, dotting so it is easier for me to later find the thread.

Smerg wrote:
Stormchaser wrote:
Kalderaan wrote:
Love our DM's sense of humor already! ;)


It's not a stupid question, when you post in a thread with your main user it puts a little black dot next to it on the index to mark it for you.

I'll through up a reply in a moment.

Yeah, so when you see the post by David Rowe, that is me, Smerg, dotting so it is easier for me to later find the thread.

Gotcha. I simply go to "last" and save as a favorite. That way it always goes to the last page of the thread.

You can also post an IC replie with your main user name and then edit the post and post as a the pc I think.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Those that have more knowledge of this sort of thing. I have an idea that I want to be reviewed before including in the adventure.

Pod Hopper:

Pod hoppers

Pod hoppers started as vehicles used by workers to travel from ship to ship or the station out to the ship. They were slow, open units that were fairly cheap but did allow workers to live for a while in space as they extended the life of enviromental suits. They are also called Remora because of the magnetic couple that is used to latch on to ships.

Later, faster Pod hoppers were made to do parts delivery and mail runs to various ships that were parked near the space station.

It was then that youth started to get involved and started to modify the delivery hoppers to make faster versions.

SoroSub quickly realized there was a potential market and began to make a series of Remora that were based on their Swoop design specifications of Speed and Excitement. Teens flocked to the market and can often be seen zipping around the space stations and ships of Sullustan. Many Teens like to use the magnetic couple for a ride out to the hyper limit. It is a bit of a game of chicken as the Teens like to see how long they'll stay on before letting go.

This has caused some problems as there have been some injuries and deaths from youth failing to let go before a ship has entered hyper. Sullustan has had to issue a warning for Captains to check that they don't have Remora attached to them before activating their hyperdrive units.

The Star Eel is one of the most popular and faster models. It's price is not beyond most teens to afford which makes it popular. It is often modified with a larger engine for even more speed then the original SoroSub factory rating. Another popular model is the Star Badger which is a wider, two seater model. The popularity of the Star Badger led to the King Badger model which has room for either three or two with a small bit of cargo in a sort of sidecar arrangement.

The fast and manuverable Remora has attracted attention of various criminal gangs and smugglers. Police often use starfighters to try and control or interdict the Remora but the smaller Remora often swoop around and dock to various crevices making them hard to reach with the Police starfighters. Police are stuck as many of the Remora are piloted by Sullustan Teens and it would look bad if they shot a teen dead that was later reported to just have been out on a lark run.

Basically, I am working on a version of Swoop Gangs that work in the surrounding space.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Nice flavour there Smerg, sounds like it would work well.

I have little or no knowledge but it looks great :)

Dark Archive

I should be able to do something about my character later tonight. I think that I'll post it tomorrow at the latest.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
nightflier wrote:
I should be able to do something about my character later tonight. I think that I'll post it tomorrow at the latest.

Thanks for the update Nightflier.

That time frame sounds fine to me.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK
HK-33 wrote:

Kol/Camris, you've taken a vibroblade, but you don't have the proficiency. It's an advanced melee weapon, not a simple weapon.

Ah, got it fixed; took stun baton instead.

HK-33 wrote:

Also you've taken the Force Sensitivity feat, but not taken use the force as one of your trained skills. I would seriously advise changing that.

My character concept is someone who is going to be Jedi in the future, but currently untrained.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Fair enough, but bear in mind you will have to either drop a feat or raise your intelligence to gain the training later. The alternative would be to be mechanically trained in the skill, but not take the 'Force Training' feat which gives you actual force powers until later.



Dark Archive

Smerg, I was informed by my employer that I have to leave on a business trip early tomorrow morning. I have to bow out of the game, at least temporarily.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
nightflier wrote:
Smerg, I was informed by my employer that I have to leave on a business trip early tomorrow morning. I have to bow out of the game, at least temporarily.


I know we had a couple of lurkers interested in the game. Any of them interested in stepping up to take up the sixth spot?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

What book is Sense Influence in?

I figure that it is a specific usage of the Force but I just want to check up the rules around the usage.

Smerg wrote:

What book is Sense Influence in?

I figure that it is a specific usage of the Force but I just want to check up the rules around the usage.

LOL. I asked the same question in the game thread. I have no clue. ;)

post eaten.. grrrgh!!
Sence Influence is part of the Perception skill pg 71 core rule book, Vash'elie has Force Perception from the Sence Talent Tree pg. 101 wich alws her to use certain aspects of perception as if trained by rolling Use The Force.

*please don't eat my post again*

Vash'elie wrote:

post eaten.. grrrgh!!

Sence Influence is part of the Perception skill pg 71 core rule book, Vash'elie has Force Perception from the Sence Talent Tree pg. 101 wich alws her to use certain aspects of perception as if trained by rolling Use The Force.

*please don't eat my post again*

Huh...learn something new every day.

Can you guys tell me whats the deal with corellian bloodstripes? They signify what? That you trained at the academy? You were in the army? Navy? what?

I know I've read about the bloodstripes somewhere back in the late 90's but for the life of me I can't remember.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

From the Star Wars Wiki

Corellian Blood Stripes


N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Heheh, oh look at all the commotion I've caused. ^^

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I don't play a static game.

Actions change the world and have consequences.

You stick a blaster in the face of a vendor at an amusement park and there will be a reaction. Mind you, it won't be storm troopers coming through the windows or anything but there will be a reaction.

Keep behaving in certain ways and the world gets more reactive.

Of course, this also depends upon the background climate. You can do quite a bit in Mos Eisley without even raising an eyebrow. Many Hut planets are the same.

Sullust is deep in Republic territory with a history of good order. They don't expect much trouble but they do get the occasional raid or attempt to sabotage facilities.

Local crime is often more of a problem as they are along a major trade route that the Exchange likes to control.

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

Oh trust me, I *love* it when the world is dynamic, I played my character and I got an appropriate reaction. I know Sullust's history, what you've done makes total sense. From what you've just said you run games in a pretty similar way to me, which suggests to me that I'm going to have a great time since that's obviously my preferred style.

Ceris: Just wanted to point out the Search Your Feelings use of the Use The Force skill. DC 15 untrained to know if a cetrain action will yield a favorable result...

N/A Droid (4th-Degree) Soldier 2

That's the kind of thing I was talking about with the skill, worth having 'trained' for the plus five and value for feats etc, but saying you're untrained fluffwise, and representing being trained by taking the Force Training feat later. I try not to let mechanics get in the way of fluff, the names may be one thing, but part of roleplaying is us being able to say they mean another.

For example, untrained people often manifest with sudden telekinesis or telepathy in a time of extreme need, i.e. the move light object, or telepath applications of the skill. Later, however they get trained and learn to mind trick, move object, rebuke, etc. That's the force training feat.

I'm confused, has Kol joined the party yet, because I didn't see him post that he had. Also, are we running with there being five or six chips in the absence of a sixth player?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Stormchaser wrote:
I'm confused, has Kol joined the party yet, because I didn't see him post that he had. Also, are we running with there being five or six chips in the absence of a sixth player?

Kol's last post had that 'assuming success its off to the meeting.'

Kol succeeded in getting his bear so I figure that he is right now just walking into the Coastal area when the memory is triggered.

He can see you from his position and you could see him coming with the bear.


The original plan was to go with six bears and six chips with six players. I planned to have five bears in the gift shop and the last player would have to do a bit of a skill search and usage of skill to get the sixth bear.

In the absence of six players, I decided to still go with six bears and six chips.

This is just a shake down encounter to make sure that people are given a chance to use a few skills and get used to how they are working in SAGA system. It also gives me and you a chance to see how we role-play and adjudicate situations.

The next encounter is based around a possible light combat encounter (though it doesn't have to turn out that way).

Righto, I'll edit my post to reflect the situation.

Are y'all still looking for a 6th? If so, how rules-savvy do they need to be? How often do they need to be able to post? And what role would they optimally play in the party?

I've played in one saga game, am a casual (if highly excited) star wars fan, but love what iv seen and am a relatively good pbp player.

If you'd be interested in having me fill your empty party spot, I'd love to roll something up. I just might require some rules and lore coaching.

Either way, let me know.

Obviously I'm not the DM, but I *think* you're just in time. Original thread was after people who could post every day, and while we have a force user and a wanna be force user the only core class we're missing is a Jedi, which was what the guy who dropped out was going to play. That said, that pretty much counts for nothing, since five characters of the same class can all be MASSIVELY different depending on the choices they make. This system lends itself well to coming up with the concept, and using the rules to build the closest thing.

Kalderaan and I both regularly DM, so we're very familiar with the rules if you need any assistance in addition to Smerg. Assuming he accepts you that is, but I doubt you'll have any trouble.


Currently we have:
HK-33; Droid Soldier
Vash'elie: Force sencitive Mirlukan Scoundrel
Doc Valorin: Human Noble, Md.
Gol Krallet: Duros Soldier
Kol DyThrand: Force Sencitive Human Scout

So 2 soldiers, 1 doctor and 2 force sencitives.

Or, to put it another way: 2 soldiers, 1 noble, 1 scoundrel (tech/force focus), 1 scout.

I'll wait to hear from Smerg to post follow-up questions.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Are y'all still looking for a 6th? If so, how rules-savvy do they need to be? How often do they need to be able to post? And what role would they optimally play in the party?

I've played in one saga game, am a casual (if highly excited) star wars fan, but love what iv seen and am a relatively good pbp player.

If you'd be interested in having me fill your empty party spot, I'd love to roll something up. I just might require some rules and lore coaching.

Either way, let me know.

Yes, I'm looking for a sixth; so, if you want the spot then you can have it. This OOC thread started with the character specifications.

They're pretty straight forward (though the full list was like 10 points).

The second post of this thread went over the general setting details.

I've answered a couple of questions to various points on things like Jedi (yes, they are in play as this is setting with multiple force users).

Players start with a blank in their memory on what they were doing prior to the last couple of years of working on the station and ship yard.

If you have any specific questions then please ask and I'll try to answer them.

Is there an actual need for a dedicated force-user? It doesn't seem to me that the saga system penalizes players for mixing and matching class levels. I see we have a couple of force-users already (though they may or may not be jedi), should i try to fill that hole? Or should I be shooting for a different role in the group?

I only ask because I had three initial ideas in terms of concepts. One being a dedicated force-user. He knows he's got the skills if not how he got them. Maybe he's a jedi, maybe he's not. Time will tell, right? My second concept is something I thought of before really taking a serious look at all the current characters. It was gonna be a scout/jedi mix - sort of a force-savant type who is more than a bit of an adrenaline-junky. My third concept was sort of a gun-slinger (in the more traditional sense) in space... mixing soldier and scout to get a dual-wielding hip-shooter.

Any reason any of these wouldn't work. And I'd be intentional not to double upon Kol's choices if I went the second route.

If no one cares open way or the other I'll just really refine my concept then build mechanically from there - class duplication be damned.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Is there an actual need for a dedicated force-user? It doesn't seem to me that the saga system penalizes players for mixing and matching class levels. I see we have a couple of force-users already (though they may or may not be jedi), should i try to fill that hole? Or should I be shooting for a different role in the group?

I only ask because I had three initial ideas in terms of concepts. One being a dedicated force-user. He knows he's got the skills if not how he got them. Maybe he's a jedi, maybe he's not. Time will tell, right? My second concept is something I thought of before really taking a serious look at all the current characters. It was gonna be a scout/jedi mix - sort of a force-savant type who is more than a bit of an adrenaline-junky. My third concept was sort of a gun-slinger (in the more traditional sense) in space... mixing soldier and scout to get a dual-wielding hip-shooter.

Any reason any of these wouldn't work. And I'd be intentional not to double upon Kol's choices if I went the second route.

If no one cares open way or the other I'll just really refine my concept then build mechanically from there - class duplication be damned.

It is and it isn't free to mix classes in SAGA.

You can choose any order of getting the classes and there isn't a restriction on getting one class before another class or of combining classes.

You just don't get all the things of the second or third class that you choose when you first take it. The specific rules are on pg 54-55. Not getting everything of the new class can mean that it is sometimes important the order that you take classes.

For this reason, if you think that you might multi-class then it can be a good idea to plan out things a bit as you won't get all the feats and skills of the second class which you will get in your first class.

A further thing with this era is that while the Jedi Council does exist, it isn't the sole tradition and the academy on Corsucant is only one of many academies that teach force skills. There are also several other force traditions during this period that people can claim for linage.

I see no reason any of those wouldn't work, and no we don't have any need for a dedicated force user. Soldier/Gunslinger works very well, in fact probably better without scout. Seven levels of soldier, then ten levels of the Gunslinger prestige class, then fill the rest in with what ever you like. It's a long way away, but once we hit eighth level and everyone takes their prestige classes there are some amazing talents for that in the Gunslinger class.

Ok. I'm struggling to pin down which direction to go. As I've only played in one or two saga games, obviously a force-user is very intriguing to me. A somewhat traditional build (if potentially not of the Jedi order) lightsaber fighter. But I do fear that worry we have that angle covered. Should I just ignore that and play it?

The other option is to run a gunslinger (with a lvl 1 dip in scoundrel to help us with social skills). Poll the audience... What do y'all think for this crew? I cN see both being fun for this campaign.

Either way, I can have a character up by tomorrow. Sorry for the delay; were stuck in the airport shuffle, so my access is on my iPhone.

Well, if you want social skills Noble is actually a better dip a lot of the time. Similarly, if you want a lightsaber fighter, Jedi is the right class to take, irrelevant of whether you *are* one. Try not to let the names of the mechanics affect what you do, build the character that reflects what you are and call it what you want.

We don't have a main melee guy, or lightsaber guy, even if we do have force users. We also have plenty of ranged power, so I'd say run with the lightsaber wielder. If you need any advice on the build feel free to ask, but a major point of the Jedi class is you start with a free lightsaber and get all the lightsaber combat talents. Like I said, ignore the name and call it what you like.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I agree, SAGA is not concerned with the 'class'. They just serve as convenient bundling of skills and feats.

You could technically build a Soldier or a Noble (or any of the other classes) as a 'Jedi' with never a dip into the Jedi class.

If you want to go Lightsaber melee then the Jedi class is a good starting point with feats and Talents to help you.

A good melee person would be useful but either the melee or gunslinger idea would work well for the group.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I got a pointer to this and thought it was amusing

Midichlorian Rhapsody

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