Recommend non-Mars planetary romance stories

Planet Stories®

Dark Archive

What the subject says. I know the authors at that time knew about Venus, Jupiter, etc.

nullPlanet Stories Subscriber

185: EPR-S-3.5 Anderson, Poul : The Virgin Of Valkarion
190: EPR-S-3.0 Anderson, Poul : Witch Of the Demon Seas
329: EPR-C-4.0 Barnes, Arthur K. : The Interplanetary Hunter
459: EPR-S-5.0 Brackett, Leigh and Ray Bradbury : Lorelei Of the Red Mist
472: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Blue Behemoth
476: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Citadel Of Lost Ships
480: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Dancing Girl Of Ganymede
481: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Demons Of Darkside
483: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Dragon-Queen Of Venus
484: EPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : Enchantress Of Venus
494: MPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Ginger Star
502: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Halfling
503: MPR-E-4.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Hounds Of Skaith
513: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Jewel Of Bas
524: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Moon That Vanished
528: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Outpost On Io
540: MPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Reavers Of Skaith
573: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Shannach The Last
579: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Stellar Legion
585: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Thralls Of the Endless Night
588: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Vanishing Venusians
664: MPR-N-3.0 Bulmer, Kenneth : Transit To Scorpio
669: EPR-N-3.0 Burroughs, Edgar Rice : Carson Of Venus
708: MPR-N-3.0 Carter, Lin : Jandar Of Callisto
718: MPR-N-4.0 Chalker, Jack L. : Midnight At the Well Of Souls
896: EPR-S-4.0 Coppel, Alfred : The Rebel of Valkyr
1055: MPR-N-3.5 Drake, David : Surface Action
1087: ESO-N-3.5 Fennel, Erik : Black Priestess Of Varda
1097: NPR-S-4.5 Flinthart, Dirk : Angel Rising
1099: NPR-S-4.0 Flinthart, Dirk : She Walks In Beauty
1116: MPR-N-3.0 Fox, Gardner F. : Warrior of Llarn
1386: MPR-N-5.0 Herbert, Frank : Dune
1395: EPR-N-3.5 Howard, Robert E. : Almuric
1489: EPR-S-3.5 Kuttner, Henry : Clash By Night
1491: EPR-S-3.5 Kuttner, Henry : The Eyes Of Thar
1761: MPR-S-4.5 McCaffrey, Anne : Weyr Search
1887: EPR-S-3.5 Moore, C. L. : Yvala
1949: NPR-S-4.0 Nordley, G. David : Dawn Venus
2208: NPR-N-3.5 Roberson, Chris : Paragaea
2448: NPR-N-4.0 Schroeder, Karl : Sun Of Suns
2509: NPR-R-3.5 Shirley, John : Sky Pirates
2539: MPR-N-4.0 Silverberg, Robert : Lord Valentine's Castle
2587: EPR-S-4.0 Smith, Clark Ashton : The Immortals of Mercury
2751: NPR-N-3.5 Stirling, S. M. : The Sky People
2793: EPR-S-3.5 Troy, Conan T. : The Conjurer Of Venus
2869: MPR-N-4.0 Vinge, Joan D. : The Snow Queen
2917: EPR-S-3.0 Wellman, Manly Wade : Venus Enslaved
3054: NPR-S-4.0 Y Robertson, R. Garcia : Wife-stealing Time

Joel A., have you not read the Skaith books yet? Ooo-boy-howdy!

Dark Archive

Blue Tyson wrote:

185: EPR-S-3.5 Anderson, Poul : The Virgin Of Valkarion

190: EPR-S-3.0 Anderson, Poul : Witch Of the Demon Seas
329: EPR-C-4.0 Barnes, Arthur K. : The Interplanetary Hunter
459: EPR-S-5.0 Brackett, Leigh and Ray Bradbury : Lorelei Of the Red Mist
472: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Blue Behemoth
476: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Citadel Of Lost Ships
480: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Dancing Girl Of Ganymede
481: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Demons Of Darkside
483: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Dragon-Queen Of Venus
484: EPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : Enchantress Of Venus
494: MPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Ginger Star
502: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Halfling
503: MPR-E-4.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Hounds Of Skaith
513: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Jewel Of Bas
524: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Moon That Vanished
528: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Outpost On Io
540: MPR-E-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Reavers Of Skaith
573: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Shannach The Last
579: EPR-S-4.0 Brackett, Leigh : The Stellar Legion
585: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : Thralls Of the Endless Night
588: EPR-S-3.5 Brackett, Leigh : The Vanishing Venusians
664: MPR-N-3.0 Bulmer, Kenneth : Transit To Scorpio
669: EPR-N-3.0 Burroughs, Edgar Rice : Carson Of Venus
708: MPR-N-3.0 Carter, Lin : Jandar Of Callisto
718: MPR-N-4.0 Chalker, Jack L. : Midnight At the Well Of Souls
896: EPR-S-4.0 Coppel, Alfred : The Rebel of Valkyr
1055: MPR-N-3.5 Drake, David : Surface Action
1087: ESO-N-3.5 Fennel, Erik : Black Priestess Of Varda
1097: NPR-S-4.5 Flinthart, Dirk : Angel Rising
1099: NPR-S-4.0 Flinthart, Dirk : She Walks In Beauty
1116: MPR-N-3.0 Fox, Gardner F. : Warrior of Llarn
1386: MPR-N-5.0 Herbert, Frank : Dune
1395: EPR-N-3.5 Howard, Robert E. : Almuric
1489: EPR-S-3.5 Kuttner, Henry : Clash By Night
1491: EPR-S-3.5 Kuttner, Henry : The Eyes Of Thar
1761: MPR-S-4.5 McCaffrey, Anne : Weyr Search
1887: EPR-S-3.5 Moore, C. L. : Yvala
1949: NPR-S-4.0 Nordley, G. David : Dawn Venus


Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Joel A., have you not read the Skaith books yet? Ooo-boy-howdy!

I know! I know! *hides head in shame*

joela wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Joel A., have you not read the Skaith books yet? Ooo-boy-howdy!
I know! I know! *hides head in shame*

Stop what you're doing right now and ORDER THOSE PUPPIES!

Miracle in three dimensions - a CL Moore collection - has a nice little short story set on Venus called "There Shall be Darkness" which is really superb. The best in the collection, I think.

It would make a nice package with Clash by Night and a few other old stories, but to an extent that splits the market far too much - Haffner Press' Detour to Otherness looks nice, but I pretty much have all of it already, in various forms.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Don't forget Ray Cummings! He's not all that great, honestly, but his "Tama of the Light Country" and "Tama, Princess of Mercury" are fun semi-early entries into the genre that I found charming.

The Skaith books we've already published, obviously.

If you enjoyed Otis Adelbert Kline's Mars books, you'll probably love his Venus books. Just try to get the unedited versions as they first appeared in Argosy, as the book editors have not been kind (try eBay for this).

A lot of people seem to enjoy Lin Carter's Callisto books. I haven't read them.

I have read Carter's Thongor series, which is also pretty much sword and planet, and I have to say I didn't think they were very good.

Scarab Sages

Erik Mona wrote:

A lot of people seem to enjoy Lin Carter's Callisto books. I haven't read them.

I have read Carter's Thongor series, which is also pretty much sword and planet, and I have to say I didn't think they were very good.

I cannot honestly say that I've read the Thongor series, but I cannot recommend strongly enough that you stay away from Lin Carter.

Being a huge Cthulhu mythos nut, I've had the distinct displeasure of reading a number of his pastiches.

Lin Carter has to be respected as a man who worked slavishly to promote the pulps as an editor and historian, both in sword & sorcery and mythos tales. However, his writing is simply atrocious, and may be the worst widely-published mythos author, which is no small feat.

I cannot imagine that his sword and planet stories were of much higher a caliber.

weirmonken wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

A lot of people seem to enjoy Lin Carter's Callisto books. I haven't read them.

I have read Carter's Thongor series, which is also pretty much sword and planet, and I have to say I didn't think they were very good.

I cannot honestly say that I've read the Thongor series, but I cannot recommend strongly enough that you stay away from Lin Carter.

Being a huge Cthulhu mythos nut, I've had the distinct displeasure of reading a number of his pastiches.

Lin Carter has to be respected as a man who worked slavishly to promote the pulps as an editor and historian, both in sword & sorcery and mythos tales. However, his writing is simply atrocious, and may be the worst widely-published mythos author, which is no small feat.

I cannot imagine that his sword and planet stories were of much higher a caliber.

What a negative post! You're entitled to your opinion of course, but if you're looking at Planetary Romance at all it's a little hard to harp on quality.

Lin Carter's books were great, I thought, for the record.

I'd HIGHLY recommend the Ginger Star books. They were a fun, flavourful twist on the genre.

Scarab Sages

nathan blackmer wrote:

What a negative post! You're entitled to your opinion of course, but if you're looking at Planetary Romance at all it's a little hard to harp on quality.

Lin Carter's books were great, I thought, for the record.

I'd HIGHLY recommend the Ginger Star books. They were a fun, flavourful twist on the genre.

It's certainly possible that Carter's sword and planet stories are appreciated amongst aficionados, but these days he's pretty much universally reviled in the mythos community.

Again, I want to emphasize that we owe him a debt of gratitude for his work as an editor, but that my experiences with his writing were extremely negative. Being no expert in planetary romance, I defer to your authority, but am still leery based on previous exposure.

I'm sorry that the post came off as too negative, but felt I should warn potential readers before they spend their hard-earned money.

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