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Hi James,
Couple of questions:
1) Do you have a personal view on how dependent a character's appearance (level of beauty) is on their Cha score?
2) Do you enjoy watching or participating in any sports, or sport-like games?
3) What's the least enjoyable job you've ever had?
4) Have you played Dragon's Dogma? If so, did you finish it?
5) Have you read/seen much Shakespeare, and if so, do you enjoy his work?
1) Charisma is more about the mental part of self-confidence, the way you carry yourself, leadership qualities, and the like, appearance is a small subset of that. Charisma works best when it's thought of as one of the 3 mental stats... if Int is your mental "dexterity" and Wisdom is the health of your mind (AKA Con), then Charisma is how strong your personality and mind are (equating to Str). That said... if your CHA is high, I generally assume the character is significant looking in some way, be it beautiful or hideous.
2) Not really.
3) Customer service in a call center at a life insurance company where I was one of the folks life insurance salesmen called when they were having problems with their commission checks. Only saving grace there was that the job was in the heart of Downtown Seattle, which is an AWESOME place to work.
4) Nope, never played it.
5) I've read/seen a lot of Shakespeare, but not as much as I want! Studied his works a fair bit in college even. Which is more or less a requirement if you're an English major I suppose.

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(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a request
Depends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"

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Dear James Jacobs-
Currently I am running my group through Dragons Demand and I played into solidifying the players relationship with Silas Gribb. Since his "departure" from the adventure the group wants to go after him...
I have established that the Baroness will help pull some small sway in his favor if the party helps her with her current dilemma in Belhaim but there are a few questions I have:
In Chapter 2 the party has a month of downtime and I know they will want to go to Cassomir, what thoughts do you have for that month that does not incur them gaining too much XP to throw the rest of the story off balance?
Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and have a pleasant day.

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Hello; Mr. James Jacobs,
What you think of Catfolk? Do they exist in the Inner Sea Region- and if so...where? Are there any notable Catfolk on Golarion?
My apoligies if you are not the right person to ask on the latter questions.
Thank you for your time,
Calas Dermain
I think well enough of catfolk to have argued for their inclusion in Bestiary 3. They exist sparsly in the Inner Sea Region, but are from southern Garund.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dear James Jacobs-
Currently I am running my group through Dragons Demand and I played into solidifying the players relationship with Silas Gribb. Since his "departure" from the adventure the group wants to go after him...
** spoiler omitted **
I have established that the Baroness will help pull some small sway in his favor if the party helps her with her current dilemma in Belhaim but there are a few questions I have:
In Chapter 2 the party has a month of downtime and I know they will want to go to Cassomir, what thoughts do you have for that month that does not incur them gaining too much XP to throw the rest of the story off balance?
** spoiler omitted **
Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and have a pleasant day.
First... it weirds me out that someone called the haunted jester pops up after someone else asks about jesters... creepy!
And yes... that's one of the risks you take by letting the PCs bond with that NPC. That's why the adventure as written really downplays his role and starts AFTER he goes away. My suggestion would be to have him still be in the region; have the PCs learn that, perhaps, he's gone missing and was last seen in the vicinity of the next dungeon area? Having the PCs head out of town for a long time can disrupt the flow of the adventure...

ShadowFighter88 |
Calas Dermain wrote:I think well enough of catfolk to have argued for their inclusion in Bestiary 3. They exist sparsly in the Inner Sea Region, but are from southern Garund.Hello; Mr. James Jacobs,
What you think of Catfolk? Do they exist in the Inner Sea Region- and if so...where? Are there any notable Catfolk on Golarion?
My apoligies if you are not the right person to ask on the latter questions.
Thank you for your time,
Calas Dermain
Any chance of them turning up in Mummy's Mask? I can't recall if Osirian has the same cat-thing that ancient Egypt had, but if so I'd be curious to see how they'd treat a catfolk.

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xavier c wrote:(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a requestDepends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"
Mine was legimetaly about how to have a long term relationship with Lilends, not just a quickie.
Seeing them as muses I could see a relationship blossoming or are they indefferant to love?

Joana |

IANJ, but each avatar indicates which book it's from on the Change Your Avatar page now. Filter for Female and Gnome, and most of your choices will be Lini. Just find the one you're curious about and click on it.
EDIT: Huh, the filter's not putting that one in the Female, Gnome pool, but it's listed as being from Faiths & Philosophies.

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James Jacobs wrote:Any chance of them turning up in Mummy's Mask? I can't recall if Osirian has the same cat-thing that ancient Egypt had, but if so I'd be curious to see how they'd treat a catfolk.Calas Dermain wrote:I think well enough of catfolk to have argued for their inclusion in Bestiary 3. They exist sparsly in the Inner Sea Region, but are from southern Garund.Hello; Mr. James Jacobs,
What you think of Catfolk? Do they exist in the Inner Sea Region- and if so...where? Are there any notable Catfolk on Golarion?
My apoligies if you are not the right person to ask on the latter questions.
Thank you for your time,
Calas Dermain
Unlikely. When I say Southern Garund... I mean FAR south. There's not really an established catfolk presence in Osirion at all, and I know none are featured at all in the outline. They'd probably be out of place in the AP itself anyway.

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Have you ever played Shadow of the Colossus? If so, how would you stat out the colossi?
I have for a little bit. Long enough to know it's a fun game, and that if we DID do monsters like that, we'd have to invent an entire new rules subsystem for fighting monsters while you're crawling around on them... which is a tough thing to do and a niche enough subsystem that I'm really not sure what sort of book would be the right place for it...

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Hi James! First time poster, long time reader.
What I hope is a pretty simple question today. For spells like Unholy Smite, would a good aligned Aasimar (Native Outsider) take the increased damage from the spell?
Uncertain I ruled correctly on this and wanted another opinion. Thanks for your time!
Yup; that spell functions off of a creature's alignment, not their subtype.

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James Jacobs wrote:xavier c wrote:(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a requestDepends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"
Mine was legimetaly about how to have a long term relationship with Lilends, not just a quickie.
Seeing them as muses I could see a relationship blossoming or are they indefferant to love?
Quickies or long term... the inclusion of sex in a game is something that each table and GM need to decide on.
That said, NO azata, and especially not lilends, are indifferent to love. Most of them LOVE love!

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Okat bit of an odd question but Ive noticed a newish Lini avatar that dosent seem to be in any of the books I own (One that schiffer has in the Tiefling and kenembres thread) so I was wondering if that is new art, Unused art or a piece I have somehow missed?
Dunno... sometimes art that we don't use for whatever reason ends up on the servers at work and then ends up being grabbed by the tech team for avatars though.

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Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:xavier c wrote:(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a requestDepends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"
Mine was legimetaly about how to have a long term relationship with Lilends, not just a quickie.
Seeing them as muses I could see a relationship blossoming or are they indefferant to love?
Quickies or long term... the inclusion of sex in a game is something that each table and GM need to decide on.
That said, NO azata, and especially not lilends, are indifferent to love. Most of them LOVE love!
Which is not the same thing, as submitting to the lust fantasies of your typical hubris ridden mortal magician I would imagine. Consider that you have to rip them out of their home planes, just to bring up the question, I would imagine that you're not starting on a favorable impression?

Voyd211 |

James Jacobs wrote:Which is not the same thing, as submitting to the lust fantasies of your typical hubris ridden mortal magician I would imagine. Consider that you have to rip them out of their home planes, just to bring up the question, I would imagine that you're not starting on a favorable impression?Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:xavier c wrote:(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a requestDepends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"
Mine was legimetaly about how to have a long term relationship with Lilends, not just a quickie.
Seeing them as muses I could see a relationship blossoming or are they indefferant to love?
Quickies or long term... the inclusion of sex in a game is something that each table and GM need to decide on.
That said, NO azata, and especially not lilends, are indifferent to love. Most of them LOVE love!
Gate? Planar Ally? Those don't require force, as the summoned being has to agree to it.

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James Jacobs wrote:Those are humanoid???Albatoonoe wrote:What's your favorite of the aquatic humanoids? And I'm talking about all the sapient creatures of the sea.Aboleth/veiled master
OH! The word "Aquatic" overwhelmed everything else! HA!
My favorite aquatic humanoids are aquatic elves then.

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When battle clerics of Iomedae get their longswords made, is any particular set of materials/enchantments favored over another? Holy? Keen? Cold iron? Silver? Greyflame? Something else? No preference?Just curious.
No real preference on a mass scale; it depends mostly on personal preference.

Tels |

James Jacobs wrote:Which is not the same thing, as submitting to the lust fantasies of your typical hubris ridden mortal magician I would imagine. Consider that you have to rip them out of their home planes, just to bring up the question, I would imagine that you're not starting on a favorable impression?Rysky wrote:James Jacobs wrote:xavier c wrote:(in game) how would a god react to a worshiper using planar ally to ask for a outsider for sexual activity and which gods would even consider answering such a requestDepends on the god, which in turn depends on the GM.
And that's pretty much going to continue to be the stock answer of "How can a character use conjuration spells for sexual favors?"
Mine was legimetaly about how to have a long term relationship with Lilends, not just a quickie.
Seeing them as muses I could see a relationship blossoming or are they indefferant to love?
Quickies or long term... the inclusion of sex in a game is something that each table and GM need to decide on.
That said, NO azata, and especially not lilends, are indifferent to love. Most of them LOVE love!
Planar Binding forces them from their home plane, it's akin to kidnapping. Planar Ally asks them to come, and they can if they wish to; it's more akin to calling a friend to come over any help.
You know, Planar Ally is a Conjuration (calling) and if one were to use it for relationship/sexual reasons, it puts a whole new twist on the term 'Booty Call'.

Ral' Yareth |

A demon lord gains additional powers while in its realm. Among those powers are the mystic power and surge universal mythic monster abilities.
The number of times per day a creature can use its surge ability is directly dependent on its mythic tier (7th tier can use mythic surge 7 times/day).
How many tiers should a demon lord have while in its abyssal realm?
For your convenience:
Mythic Power (Su): The mythic monster can draw upon
a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and
cheat fate. Each day, it can expend a number of uses of
mythic power equal to its mythic rank. This amount is its
maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows it
to regain mythic power, it can never gain more than this
amount. The monster automatically has the surge ability
(see page 228), and can use this mythic power to activate it. It
may have other abilities that rely on mythic power.
Format: mythic power (3/day, surge +1d6); Location:
Special Attacks.
Surge (Su): The monster can call upon its mythic power
to overcome difficult challenges. It can expend one use
of mythic power to increase any d20 roll it just made by
rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability
is an immediate action taken after the original roll is
made and the results are revealed. The bonus die gained
by using this ability increases to 1d8 at 4th rank, 1d10 at
7th rank, and 1d12 at 10th rank. The monster can use this
ability even if it’s mindless or of animal-level intelligence.
Surge doesn’t have a separate entry in the monster stat
block—the surge die is listed in the mythic power ability
Mythic: All of the demon lord’s spell-like abilities function
as the mythic versions of those spells as applicable. The
demon lord gains the mythic power and surge universal
mythic monster abilities (see Pathfinder RPG Mythic
Adventures 226). A demon lord gains a d12 surge die.

Aleron |

Yup; that spell functions off of a creature's alignment, not their subtype.
Whoops. Realized I wasn't entirely asking about the right spell. I meant Unholy Blight and particularly this line:
The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to a good creature (or 1d6 per caster level, maximum 10d6, to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 1d4 rounds.
I was wondering if the Aasimar takes the d8s or the d6s of damage based on their Native Outsider type (assuming of good alignment)? Sorry for not being clear!

Belle Mythix |

Voyd211 wrote:Have you ever played Shadow of the Colossus? If so, how would you stat out the colossi?I have for a little bit. Long enough to know it's a fun game, and that if we DID do monsters like that, we'd have to invent an entire new rules subsystem for fighting monsters while you're crawling around on them... which is a tough thing to do and a niche enough subsystem that I'm really not sure what sort of book would be the right place for it...
People have been begging for this since Kaiju were mentioned for Bestiary 4.

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Jiggy wrote:No real preference on a mass scale; it depends mostly on personal preference.James,
When battle clerics of Iomedae get their longswords made, is any particular set of materials/enchantments favored over another? Holy? Keen? Cold iron? Silver? Greyflame? Something else? No preference?Just curious.
I imagine the folks operating at the Worldwound would have a marked preference for cold iron right now.

donato Contributor |

Kevin Mack wrote:Okat bit of an odd question but Ive noticed a newish Lini avatar that dosent seem to be in any of the books I own (One that schiffer has in the Tiefling and kenembres thread) so I was wondering if that is new art, Unused art or a piece I have somehow missed?Dunno... sometimes art that we don't use for whatever reason ends up on the servers at work and then ends up being grabbed by the tech team for avatars though.
It's from Faiths and Philosophies, page 11.

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But the baseline assumption all of our products go with, and the baseline we use in Golarion, is that yes, undeath is an inherently evil thing.
If that's a setting specific thing, should it apply to core (non-Golarion) Pathfinder products as well?
It seemed, at first, that there was an intentional divide between Core stuff and Setting-specific stuff, but that original idea seems to be actively being done away with, or at least resisted strongly, and even the 'generic' Pathfinder content seems to be measured by the bar of whether or not it fits in the Golarion setting.
Is there no longer room for Pathfinder rules content (such as pantheist clerics or clerics that don't worship ethos or concepts) that isn't Golarion-flavor compliant?

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A demon lord gains additional powers while in its realm. Among those powers are the mystic power and surge universal mythic monster abilities.
The number of times per day a creature can use its surge ability is directly dependent on its mythic tier (7th tier can use mythic surge 7 times/day).
How many tiers should a demon lord have while in its abyssal realm?
For your convenience:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
A demon lord is the equivalent of a tier 10 mythic creature in or out of its realm. I'm not sure why anyone would ever need to know its tiers though...
In any event, even though they don't have the mythic subtype, they're treated as if they were mythic at all times for the purposes of how mythic effects treat them, similarly to how the mythic simple templates work.

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Rysky wrote:They make much better familiars.Actually I was thinking along the process of plane shifting to them rather than summoning.
Back to ze questions!
Would a Nosoi make for a good cohort?
Then to rephrase: for a character with a class that grants no spell casting ability or familiar do they make a good cohort?

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James Jacobs wrote:
Yup; that spell functions off of a creature's alignment, not their subtype.Whoops. Realized I wasn't entirely asking about the right spell. I meant Unholy Blight and particularly this line:
Quote:The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to a good creature (or 1d6 per caster level, maximum 10d6, to a good outsider) and causes it to be sickened for 1d4 rounds.I was wondering if the Aasimar takes the d8s or the d6s of damage based on their Native Outsider type (assuming of good alignment)? Sorry for not being clear!
The aasimar is a native outsider and isn't "Good" subtype, regardless of alignment. And don't worry... the spell itself is what's not clear. We should have capitalized "good" in the "Good outsider" bit.

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James Jacobs wrote:Voyd211 wrote:Have you ever played Shadow of the Colossus? If so, how would you stat out the colossi?I have for a little bit. Long enough to know it's a fun game, and that if we DID do monsters like that, we'd have to invent an entire new rules subsystem for fighting monsters while you're crawling around on them... which is a tough thing to do and a niche enough subsystem that I'm really not sure what sort of book would be the right place for it...People have been begging for this since Kaiju were mentioned for Bestiary 4.
The kaiju rules have a LITTLE bit of this... but this type of fighting isn't really something Pathfinder does well at.

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James Jacobs wrote:But the baseline assumption all of our products go with, and the baseline we use in Golarion, is that yes, undeath is an inherently evil thing.If that's a setting specific thing, should it apply to core (non-Golarion) Pathfinder products as well?
It seemed, at first, that there was an intentional divide between Core stuff and Setting-specific stuff, but that original idea seems to be actively being done away with, or at least resisted strongly, and even the 'generic' Pathfinder content seems to be measured by the bar of whether or not it fits in the Golarion setting.
Is there no longer room for Pathfinder rules content (such as pantheist clerics or clerics that don't worship ethos or concepts) that isn't Golarion-flavor compliant?
It applies across the board, but as with ALL the rules in the hardcovers, each GM is subject to change them as they wish.
The hardcovers are world neutral... but they also need to be Golarion-friendly as well.

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James Jacobs wrote:Rysky wrote:They make much better familiars.Actually I was thinking along the process of plane shifting to them rather than summoning.
Back to ze questions!
Would a Nosoi make for a good cohort?
Then to rephrase: for a character with a class that grants no spell casting ability or familiar do they make a good cohort?
Not really. Cohorts are best, in my opinion, when they can fill a variety of class roles and gain levels. Things without hands or human like shapes make for less and less interesting cohorts. I suppose mounts can be cool... but yeah... Nosoi are better familiars.

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Rysky wrote:Not really. Cohorts are best, in my opinion, when they can fill a variety of class roles and gain levels. Things without hands or human like shapes make for less and less interesting cohorts. I suppose mounts can be cool... but yeah... Nosoi are better familiars.James Jacobs wrote:Rysky wrote:They make much better familiars.Actually I was thinking along the process of plane shifting to them rather than summoning.
Back to ze questions!
Would a Nosoi make for a good cohort?
Then to rephrase: for a character with a class that grants no spell casting ability or familiar do they make a good cohort?
Gotcha, so I should take an awakened horse with levels of wizard and have him take improved familiar. Genius!

Ral' Yareth |

A demon lord is the equivalent of a tier 10 mythic creature in or out of its realm. I'm not sure why anyone would ever need to know its tiers though...
So one could know how many times per day demon lords can use their Mythic Power (Su)?
"Each day, it can expend a number of uses of
mythic power equal to its mythic rank."