>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Xpltvdeleted wrote:

As an aside to Justin's question:

Do you know where I can get my kid (~2 years old) a Cthulu halloween costume? Apparently my google-fu is weak :(

You could just go down to the ocean and get yourself a giant pacific octopus and train it to serve as a mask. I'm 96% sure that won't end in any sort of tragedy.

As for an actual retail Cthulhu costume... not sure. Lovecraft is probably not that mainstream, alas. But he's getting there!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

messy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
blah, blah, blah...

so then... the bearded man is shadar, right?


Nope. The bearded man is a hobo who wandered in to the article from an ad elsewhere in the magazine, I think.

James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Why does it always take 3 weeks for everything I order from Paizo to get to me?
Because that's the amount of time the Post Office or UPS or Fed Ex has decided you get to wait until you get your RPG fix, I guess.

This makes me a sad gamer. ;_;

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Was it Erik Mona who came up with the lashunta and Castrovel?

Do you happen to know what his inspiration(s) were for them?

Is it too early to put in another vote for anything more based on Castrovel: sourcebooks, single-shot adventures, or even (SQUEEEEEE!) an AP?

Erik was certainly a prime source for Castrovel, but it's often hard to remember who exactly comes up with what idea. The basic inspiration for Castrovel AND Akiton and their denizens, though, are the old sword & planet pulps, like what we've been reprinting in our Planet Stories line. And Erik is a HUGE fan of those pulps.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

What low CR (say CR 3 or lower) creatures make good high level threats when advanced with HD or class levels?

What low CR creatures make poor high level threats when advanced with HD or class levels?

For both questions, I'm excluding PC races or variants such as drow or duergar. Also, I'm asking not just based on stat block, but creature role and personality. So, goblins might not make a convincing 20th level fighter, but a hobgoblin or bugbear could.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

What non-OGL monster do you wish were OGL and usable by Paizo, aside from the obvious 10 or so from the 3/3.5 Monster Manual that weren't put in the SRD.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JoelF847 wrote:
What non-OGL monster do you wish were OGL and usable by Paizo, aside from the obvious 10 or so from the 3/3.5 Monster Manual that weren't put in the SRD.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

JoelF847 wrote:

What low CR (say CR 3 or lower) creatures make good high level threats when advanced with HD or class levels?

What low CR creatures make poor high level threats when advanced with HD or class levels?

For both questions, I'm excluding PC races or variants such as drow or duergar. Also, I'm asking not just based on stat block, but creature role and personality. So, goblins might not make a convincing 20th level fighter, but a hobgoblin or bugbear could.



James Jacobs wrote:


[cold voice]Pugwampis[/cold voice]

::Narrows eyes::

Liberty's Edge

Is >>Ask(ing) *James Jacobs* All My Questions Here!<< evil?

what's your prefect dinner include?

Favorite PC in any game?(D&D, WoW, etc)

Favorite NPC in any game?

Favorite villain in any game?

if you could be any published male fictional character for 24 hours, who would you be?

Female character?

your given three wishes, no strings attached whatsoever other than asking for more wishes, what would they be??

name 5 people you would bring back to life if you could??

5 famous or historical people you would bring back to life?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremiziah wrote:
Is >>Ask(ing) *James Jacobs* All My Questions Here!<< evil?

Nope, but it IS chaotic.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

what's your prefect dinner include?

Artichokes, salmon, lingcod, bread, raspberries, abalone, and mashed potatoes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

Favorite PC in any game?(D&D, WoW, etc)

Favorite NPC in any game?

Favorite villain in any game?

Probably Shensen; Tyralandi was coming up close though until that campaign died off... :(

Favorite NPC: Tough choice, but I think I'd have to go with Karzoug, since he made it to the big time and all. But Nualia and Ameiko are close seconds.

Favorite villain: Iggwilv.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

if you could be any published male fictional character for 24 hours, who would you be?

Female character?

Superman, I guess, since I'd be able to fix a LOT of obnoxious stuff.

Desna, cause I could fly into space to check things out AND fix a lot of obnoxious stuff AND I'd look better than Superman doing it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:
your given three wishes, no strings attached whatsoever other than asking for more wishes, what would they be??

Hmmm... are these UNSTOPPABLE wishes? Because if they were, I'd probably wish for world peace, limitless clean energy, and then maybe to have the dinosaurs come back.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

name 5 people you would bring back to life if you could??

5 famous or historical people you would bring back to life?

My grandma and grandpa, H. P. Lovecraft, and a couple different dinosaurs.

James Jacobs wrote:

My grandma and grandpa, H. P. Lovecraft, and a couple different dinosaurs.

Why is it when I picture someone wishing HP Lovecraft back to life it makes me think of The Monkey's Paw?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

what's your prefect dinner include?

Artichokes, salmon, lingcod, bread, raspberries, abalone, and mashed potatoes.

...and, of course, the prefect himself. With a nice chianti sauce.

Why has there been trend to play the "Rules as Written" to the point fighting with DM about every little detail or minor rule, or has this always been a problem or did I fail my perception check and there really is know problem?

How is life treating you, other then having the best job I could think of?

Any plans to Let alchemist use metemagic feats in some way, I am thinking about doing some thing with special process that do that or special substances that do, and was wondering if I should just be patient, or is that a bad idea and i should scrap the whole thing?

How are the winters out there on the west coast?, Michigan winter are starting to get to me and I am thinking about moveing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

KnightErrantJR wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

My grandma and grandpa, H. P. Lovecraft, and a couple different dinosaurs.

Why is it when I picture someone wishing HP Lovecraft back to life it makes me think of The Monkey's Paw?

Because I'm pretty sure that's exactly how things would go down.

And knowing that would not change my answer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The smitter wrote:
Why has there been trend to play the "Rules as Written" to the point fighting with DM about every little detail or minor rule, or has this always been a problem or did I fail my perception check and there really is know problem?

This is an unfortunate side-effect of 3rd edition's shift toward having rules to cover much more of the game than just combat. Things like skills and miniatures were never as integrated or, frankly, well handled in earlier editions as they are in 3rd edition and later editions. It DOES make the game more fun in my opinion to have workable rules for this stuff, but the additional rules do engender a mindset in a lot of people that seems to turn off the ability to make interpretations on their own. In a way, knowing exactly how to handle a PC jumping over a gap or tripping a bear because those rules are done for you already made a lot of GMs lazier and less confident about doing the ruling on their own. In games I play or run, it's not usually a problem, but it DOES certainly generate a pedantic and often frustrating mindset on message boards.

The smitter wrote:
How is life treating you, other then having the best job I could think of?

Pretty good I guess. Just got back from a delightful brunch with Sarah Robinson, Wes Schneider, and Wes's parents at Salty's over in West Seattle. Anytime I get to eat salmon for breakfast, something's going right. Also, just moved in to my new apartment and spent a LOT of money doing that plus getting a couch and some other things... so I'll probably be heading into a few months of no-spending-zone as a result.

The smitter wrote:
Any plans to Let alchemist use metemagic feats in some way, I am thinking about doing some thing with special process that do that or special substances that do, and was wondering if I should just be patient, or is that a bad idea and i should scrap the whole thing?

It might be cool to come up with some metaelixir feats or something like that some day, but alchemists cast their spells differently enough that simply using the existing metamagic for them is... tricky. I would certainly not wait for us to start doing some experimentation with rules like this in your home game though.

The smitter wrote:
How are the winters out there on the west coast?, Michigan winter are starting to get to me and I am thinking about moveing.

Winters are relatively mellow on average. We get some pretty powerful windstorms, and there's a LOT of rain; flooding can be a problem at times. The tricky thing is when we get snow, though; unlike, say, the midwest (which is flat), there are a LOT of hills here, so it only takes a little bit of snow to turn every road into a deathtrap. That said, I've been living up here since 1995 and there's only really been three winters where the snow's been so bad that you can't really get around on the roads, and only one year where we had a windstorm powerful enough to cause significant amounts of damage.

We do have volcanoes and earthquakes, but those don't limit their mayhem to the winter.

The big thing about the Pacific northwest is that there's a lot of rain. Not as much as everyone SAYS there is, but it's still lots. If rain depresses you... well, just sayin'. I happen to LOVE the rain, so it all works out well for me.

James Jacobs wrote:

Winters are relatively mellow on average. We get some pretty powerful windstorms, and there's a LOT of rain; flooding can be a problem at times. The tricky thing is when we get snow, though; unlike, say, the midwest (which is flat), there are a LOT of hills here, so it only takes a little bit of snow to turn every road into a deathtrap. That said, I've been living up here since 1995 and there's only really been three winters where the snow's been so bad that you can't really get around on the roads, and only one year where we had a windstorm powerful enough to cause significant amounts of damage.

We do have volcanoes and earthquakes, but those don't limit their mayhem to the winter.

The big thing about the Pacific northwest is that there's a lot of rain. Not as much as everyone SAYS there is, but it's still lots. If rain depresses you... well, just sayin'. I happen to LOVE the rain, so it all works out well for me.

This makes me ask why doesn't Paizo move to Sydney? Do you think you could convince the Boss? - We get 3 months of Autumn 1 month of winter (There might be one day a year where it gets cold enough to snow in the Blue mountains 2 hours west of the city) and the rest of the year is Spring/Summer with it occasionally hitting 35-38 Celsius. We get the odd storm, and few a Bushfires - I think San Diego would kinda be similar climate wise.

James Jacobs wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
your given three wishes, no strings attached whatsoever other than asking for more wishes, what would they be??
Hmmm... are these UNSTOPPABLE wishes? Because if they were, I'd probably wish for world peace, limitless clean energy, and then maybe to have the dinosaurs come back.

If by unstoppable, you mean once wished their effects remain, then yes they are.

what question has been your favorite so far, besides this one?

Is there any such thing as an official, or even semi-official spokesperson of Paizo?? if so, is there a way for me to become one for the tri-state area??

I ask cuz i just came back from the New York Comic Con and the big WotC booth made me sad. Woulda been much cooler if Paizo had some presence instead.

Who's leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
This makes me ask why doesn't Paizo move to Sydney? Do you think you could convince the Boss? - We get 3 months of Autumn 1 month of winter (There might be one day a year where it gets cold enough to snow in the Blue mountains 2 hours west of the city) and the rest of the year is Spring/Summer with it occasionally hitting 35-38 Celsius. We get the odd storm, and few a Bushfires - I think San Diego would kinda be similar climate wise.

Because we're all quite afraid of all your poisonous monsters.

And also, I MUCH prefer the rain over the heat and sun; I moved up here from central California to get away from the sun, in fact.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:
what question has been your favorite so far, besides this one?

It probably had something to do with a dinosaur.

Monkeygod wrote:

Is there any such thing as an official, or even semi-official spokesperson of Paizo?? if so, is there a way for me to become one for the tri-state area??

I ask cuz i just came back from the New York Comic Con and the big WotC booth made me sad. Woulda been much cooler if Paizo had some presence instead.

Hyrum Savage is our new marketing guy; he's the one who'll be handling all our convention appearances.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Road Kill Jesse James wrote:
Who's leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?

I take it back. THIS is my favorite question.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What part of Golarion would be best for Bear Grylls to do an episode of Man vs Wild in?

Are you mad that Cosmo recently got a ceratopsian named after him, but there is no Jacobosaurus?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
What part of Golarion would be best for Bear Grylls to do an episode of Man vs Wild in?

Either the Mwangi Expanse or Tanglebriar. Although they would probably want to rename it "Man vs. Supernatural Horrors."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Are you mad that Cosmo recently got a ceratopsian named after him, but there is no Jacobosaurus?

A little. Just as I've always been kinda miffed that there's just not a lot of dinosaurs AT ALL who have names that start with a J.

Dark Archive

Dear James. Even though I know you hate Dwarves where on Golarion is the largest city of Dwarves, where is the largest abandoned city of the dwarves. And is there a hug labyrinth of abandoned Dwarven cities deep in the darklands? I have to ask because you know I'm moving to Scotland and all dwarves seem to have a scottish accent, Why is that?

So what does the jabberwocky look like?

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Who sat on my fedora?

Why has the three-piece suit gone out of style?

How is one supposed to wear steampunk goggles over standard glasses?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Dear James. Even though I know you hate Dwarves where on Golarion is the largest city of Dwarves, where is the largest abandoned city of the dwarves. And is there a hug labyrinth of abandoned Dwarven cities deep in the darklands? I have to ask because you know I'm moving to Scotland and all dwarves seem to have a scottish accent, Why is that?

I'm not sure off the top of my head what the largest dwarven city is... it's probably either Highhelm or Janderoff though. The largest ABANDONED city is probably Urglin/Koldukar. The majority of the dwarven cities in the Darklands are now taken over by duergar... there's several of them. And as for the Scottish accent... I'm really not sure who started that. Maybe Warcraft?

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
I have to ask because you know I'm moving to Scotland and all dwarves seem to have a scottish accent, Why is that?
And as for the Scottish accent... I'm really not sure who started that. Maybe Warcraft?


Dark Archive

If you could be a Bond supervillain, which one would you be? Why?

Dark Archive

Redheads or Blondes?

Dark Archive

If you were the head of an evil world organization (I'm in a Bond mood, what can I say) what would the name of the organization be? Bonus points if it's an acronym and you provide explication of the acronym.

Dark Archive

If Merisiel multi-classed into Druid... what do you think her animal companion would be?

Dark Archive

Who do you think was wittier, Oscar Wilde or Mark Twain?

Dark Archive

Have you perfected the art of not being seen?

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
What part of Golarion would be best for Bear Grylls to do an episode of Man vs Wild in?
Either the Mwangi Expanse or Tanglebriar. Although they would probably want to rename it "Man vs. Supernatural Horrors."

Those places don't have enough hotels. :D

Hypothetically speaking...

What would you do about an infected spider bite if you didn't have access to a doctor 'cause you were poor? Hypothetically...

Hypothetically I'd flame a knife then go to work on it but I'm a wuss, is there anything less painful you'd know about?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
what question has been your favorite so far, besides this one?

It probably had something to do with a dinosaur.

Monkeygod wrote:

Is there any such thing as an official, or even semi-official spokesperson of Paizo?? if so, is there a way for me to become one for the tri-state area??

I ask cuz i just came back from the New York Comic Con and the big WotC booth made me sad. Woulda been much cooler if Paizo had some presence instead.

Hyrum Savage is our new marketing guy; he's the one who'll be handling all our convention appearances.

If you're considering the NYC area, Consider the Meadowlands Convention Center in NJ where RPGA held Winter Fantasy one year. It's a lot cheaper than any Manhattan location and the convention hall is a very short walk from 2-3 hotels and it has walking distance to food, stores, and movies.

It also has good public transit access from Manhattan or Newark.

What if any tributes are the Paizo staff planning for when the kingdom of Fawtl annexes the world?

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