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Dark Archive

How soon before you will begin giving out the full list of monsters to appear in Bestiary 3?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
deinol wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I have Adventure Paths tentatively scheduled out to 2014 at this point, though, and of the four that come after "The Shattered Star," none of them at this point take place in Varisia.

Where do those 4 take place?
Nice try!

I'm putting my money on Golarion.

More specifically, at least 80% of volumes will take place in the Inner Sea region.

After Jade Regent's 3-Continent tour... I'd say it's more likely that at least 99.23% of the volumes will take place in the Inner Sea region.

You mean that 11 pages on one of the volumes would be dedicated to an area outside the Inner Sea region? I bet in a short astral jaunt. ;D

James Jacobs wrote:

We just did one—Rival Guide has 40 NPCs with detailed histories and storylines and complete stat blocks. That book has been selling quite well, so chances of us doing some sort of sequel some day... perhaps one that just stats up famous NPCs of Golarion, might be cool.

Rival Guide is very interesting, one of the groups will fit nicely in my Kingmaker campaign. Another useful and interesting book of NPC is the NPC guide. A list statted "common" guys from around all of the Inner Sea.

As sadly time is short and creating well statted NPC take time I would be very interested in a booklet with a good number of mid level NPC from all the main "profession" with a bit of progression.
Something like the same guy at level 7 and 10, none of them meant to be a main villain in adventure, but good for henchmen, named goons and other important supporting cast.

A "Who's who" volume of important or noticeable people would be interesting too, but if possible it is always useful to tailor the main opponent on the party with which you are playing (or at least to adapt it to the group).

Dark Archive

Apologies if this has been asked and I missed it.

Thassilon is my favorite thing about Golarion, and I find the Peacock Spirit very, very interesting. When do we get to learn more about it?

(Shattered Star? A full article about Thassilonian gods? Please?)

Dear James Jacobs,
I was wondering if you could announce if there is going to be a lycanthropic player race, with no CR bump, in the new Advanced Races book that is going to be released.



2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Jam412 wrote:
Any chance we'll get to see Mike Shel do an AP volume? His work in Tomb of the Iron Medusa was great.
There's absolutely a chance. I had the opportunity to chat with him a lot at Gen Con, and he's currently writing the entire "Isles of the Shackles" book, due out early next year. After that, where he goes from there is still secret... but I do love his work!

Secret even from me! That Jacobs is a wily one.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jam412! You can pick up the agreed-upon sum at our pre-arranged drop. Brown paper bag, small bills, as was specified.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

deinol wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
deinol wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Where do those 4 take place?

I'm putting my money on Golarion.

More specifically, at least 80% of volumes will take place in the Inner Sea region.

After Jade Regent's 3-Continent tour... I'd say it's more likely that at least 99.23% of the volumes will take place in the Inner Sea region.
I was leaving generous room for the occasional volume that goes to a pocket dimension, demi-plane, darklands, or other continent. I think those tend to happen more frequently than people realize. Although since the only APs I've read front to back are Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, and Kingmaker, I may have a skewed view of the statistics.

Actually... a lot of folks have noticed how often an AP goes to a pocket dimension or the like, and the general consensus from that is that while it's a cool idea... we were doing it TOO much. And honestly, I think I would agree; we did it in Runelords, Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, Council of Thieves, and Kingmaker, after all. It's something I'd like to avoid doing for another few APs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thurin wrote:


There have been many posts saying that a cleric shouldn't be healing in combat beyond the odd channel now and again. What is your opinion on this? How was the clerics role envisioned during deveopment?

Those people are playing a VERY different game than the one I play.

A cleric, or ANY healer, swooping in to revive a fallen ally or provide some much-needed healing to keep someone alive is a KEY part of every single fantasy RPG game I've played.

A cleric's expected role in a party is support; either supporting in combat, supporting with spells, or supporting with healing and the like.

I think that a lot of folks lose sight of the fact that there's more to the game than just being the one who rolls the decisive attack on the bad guy and "wins" the fight, honestly. There's more to the game than just doing damage.

Sounds to me like folks who prefer playing fighters and barbarians just not realizing how one plays a cleric and trying to play it as a fighter or the like. Clerics are very versatile, and they can certainly do QUITE well in the front line combat... but that's not their intended primary role, despite how passionate some optimizer groups might be.

EXAMPLE: I play a cleric in Jason's "Weekly Grind" game, and pretty much in EVERY SINGLE SESSION, my actions in combat are some form of healing or support. And in pretty much EVERY SINGLE SESSION, my character being able to heal one or a lot of allies has more or less prevented a TPK. Had I instead been attacking and saving my healing for a post-battle recovery period, we would have all died and there would have BEEN no post-battle recovery period.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
deinol wrote:
Do you enjoy reading history? What is your favorite moment (or story) in history? What historical event has inspired you to add something into a game or adventure?

I do. Some examples of historical events I've put into adventures:

1) Ameiko and her family coming to Sandpoint mirrors a real event in my hometown's history, when a Japanese junk sailed across the Pacific Ocean and landed at Point Arena.

2) There's a treasure pit in "Souls for Smuggler's Shiv" that's very much inspired by the money pit on Oak Island.

3) The mystery of the Roanoke colony plays into quite a few adventures I've helped outline (such as "Varnhold Vanishing") or actually wrote ("Brinewall Legacy").

4) Sooner or later, I'm going to do an adventure or a novel or a book or SOMETHING that incorporates a lot of whaling stuff into it. Particularly, the ordeal endured by the Essex.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
How soon before you will begin giving out the full list of monsters to appear in Bestiary 3?

My best guess: 2 1/2 months.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

malebranche wrote:

Apologies if this has been asked and I missed it.

Thassilon is my favorite thing about Golarion, and I find the Peacock Spirit very, very interesting. When do we get to learn more about it?

(Shattered Star? A full article about Thassilonian gods? Please?)

We've got several opportunities for us in the coming months/year to talk more about Thassilon and, by extension, the Peacock Spirit. I'm not sure we will, though... the Peacock Spirit is, I think, one of those elements of the world that gets less interesting the more we find out about it.

We'll see, though!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

I was wondering if you could announce if there is going to be a lycanthropic player race, with no CR bump, in the new Advanced Races book that is going to be released.


I cannot. Sorry!

Can a Sphere of Annihilation destroy a Major Artifact?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:
Can a Sphere of Annihilation destroy a Major Artifact?

If the GM wants it to, yes.


Dear James Jacobs:

Are there plans to do something with or flesh out the off-the-map-of-the-Inner-Sea region of southern Garund? If not, is there an in-house understanding of what is going on down there?

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear James,
I told you up thread quite a few pages back that I was moving and that I was going to have my own `D&D room`. You told me it would be better if it was called a pathfinder room. So I`m hanging a sign on the door calling it a Pathfinder Lodge, so now we'll have a pathfinder lodge in Saskatoon. What do you think?

Dark Archive

Is the lack of an "Extra Ninja Trick" feat a deliberate design decision, or is it something that will be put into another book at some point?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mike Shel wrote:

Dear James Jacobs:

Are there plans to do something with or flesh out the off-the-map-of-the-Inner-Sea region of southern Garund? If not, is there an in-house understanding of what is going on down there?

We have no plans at this point to expand and flesh out the map of southern Garund, but I do have a pretty good idea of what's down there. The short version can be found in the Inner Sea World Guide, but it includes the lizardfolk empire of Droon, the "amazonian" nation of Holomog, a nation of bug people, a nation of Azata worshipers, LOTS more Mwangi Expanse and jungle, and more.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
evilnerf wrote:
Is the lack of an "Extra Ninja Trick" feat a deliberate design decision, or is it something that will be put into another book at some point?

It's probably due to the fact that the ninja was designed at the same time as the majority of the feats for the same book were designed, and thus the designers of the feats didn't know what was going on with the ninja.

And then, when we got everything together to work it all up into a book, there was just no real room to add any more feats.

So no... not a deliberate design decision, but certainly a place we can expand upon.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Dear James,

I told you up thread quite a few pages back that I was moving and that I was going to have my own `D&D room`. You told me it would be better if it was called a pathfinder room. So I`m hanging a sign on the door calling it a Pathfinder Lodge, so now we'll have a pathfinder lodge in Saskatoon. What do you think?


(sound of heart-shaped James Jacobs stamp of approval echoes through the internets)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What on earth was that noise? I was doing my internet banking and heard something that sounded an awful lot like a heart-shaped James Jacobs stamp of approval. Anyone see what happened?

Dark Archive

1) Will the catfolk race in the upcoming ARG have more in common with lions (Litorians) or leopards (3.5 catfolk)?

2) Do you have any plans of expanding information on bug folk race in Mwangi (is it?)

Hi James,

If you have the time and inclination, I would really like to hear your thoughts on the discussion taking place in the following thread:


Many thanks in advance,

James Jacobs wrote:
kaymanklynman wrote:

Hi , I am from Rio de Janeiro Brasil and I have several books from paizo that i bought from amazon but the problem is that the shipping and handling makes the product too expensive and in the few rpg stores here they do the same thing, so the prices are even higher.

Is there a solution for my problem ? If not, it is ok because i will continue to buy paizo's wonderful products.

Aside from convincing your local game stores and book stores to carry Pathfinder products... I'm not sure there is a solution, unfortunately. Shipping stuff to other countries has always been awkward and complex and expensive, alas.

Thanks i will try this option , and perhaps in São Paulo i will find more stores.

The Exchange

OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I have Adventure Paths tentatively scheduled out to 2014 at this point, though, and of the four that come after "The Shattered Star," none of them at this point take place in Varisia.

Where do those 4 take place?
Nice try!

Oh fine, where is one of them set?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nightflier wrote:

1) Will the catfolk race in the upcoming ARG have more in common with lions (Litorians) or leopards (3.5 catfolk)?

2) Do you have any plans of expanding information on bug folk race in Mwangi (is it?)

1) Neither.

2) Yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?

It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Power Word Unzip wrote:

Hi James,

If you have the time and inclination, I would really like to hear your thoughts on the discussion taking place in the following thread:


Many thanks in advance,

That thread is giant and filled with pigs. I have no idea what's going on over there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I have Adventure Paths tentatively scheduled out to 2014 at this point, though, and of the four that come after "The Shattered Star," none of them at this point take place in Varisia.

Where do those 4 take place?
Nice try!
Oh fine, where is one of them set?

Right where it needs to be.

1)I see that there will be catfolk in the Advanced races book, so was this because they think there is a high enough demand or is this because of different reasons all together?

2)Is it true that the Advance races will have a 0HD lizardfolk like race?

3)How do you guys deside wich artist your going to use for a particular project? Do you have anyone who does both the art and the stats for a monster?

4)Since the Advance races is a campaign neutral book, some races in the book will not always exist in Golarion, correct?

5)Will we ever see a magical creature version of a mermaid(or mermaid like creature), not class levels, but racial abilities, HD, etc.? How about a type of undead that is for merfolk only?

6)How much time does it take from idea/planning stage to the printers for 32 page books?, 64 page books?, Aps?, and the big hard cover books?

7)Do you have a favorite Batman movie(live action or animated)? Do you have character from DC and/or marvel?

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharasma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.

So once someone has been judged, it is impossible to resurrect them?

James Jacobs wrote:
Thurin wrote:


There have been many posts saying that a cleric shouldn't be healing in combat beyond the odd channel now and again. What is your opinion on this? How was the clerics role envisioned during deveopment?

Those people are playing a VERY different game than the one I play.

A cleric, or ANY healer, swooping in to revive a fallen ally or provide some much-needed healing to keep someone alive is a KEY part of every single fantasy RPG game I've played.

A cleric's expected role in a party is support; either supporting in combat, supporting with spells, or supporting with healing and the like.

I think that a lot of folks lose sight of the fact that there's more to the game than just being the one who rolls the decisive attack on the bad guy and "wins" the fight, honestly. There's more to the game than just doing damage.

Sounds to me like folks who prefer playing fighters and barbarians just not realizing how one plays a cleric and trying to play it as a fighter or the like. Clerics are very versatile, and they can certainly do QUITE well in the front line combat... but that's not their intended primary role, despite how passionate some optimizer groups might be.

EXAMPLE: I play a cleric in Jason's "Weekly Grind" game, and pretty much in EVERY SINGLE SESSION, my actions in combat are some form of healing or support. And in pretty much EVERY SINGLE SESSION, my character being able to heal one or a lot of allies has more or less prevented a TPK. Had I instead been attacking and saving my healing for a post-battle recovery period, we would have all died and there would have BEEN no post-battle recovery period.

Thanks! That's pretty much how I've always played clerics, but some of the guys in my group didn't think this was right, and kept bringing up the posts here.

I just want to say y'all have done a great job with Pathfinder! Keep up the Great Work!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I have Adventure Paths tentatively scheduled out to 2014 at this point, though, and of the four that come after "The Shattered Star," none of them at this point take place in Varisia.

Where do those 4 take place?
Nice try!
Oh fine, where is one of them set?
Right where it needs to be.


I had to try.;)

Dark Archive

when will it be "Aboleth year"?

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.

So, by that note, could Pharasma stop any attempted resurrection if she desired?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Wildebob wrote:
James, I'd love to hear your perspective on why the Paizo team decided to make Golarion so human-centered. I'm just curious why that won out over a "higher fantasy" setting.

Several reasons.

1) We're all human, and that makes it easier for us to imagine a world if it's humanocentric.

2) By making Golarion humanocentric, we establish a familiar baseline so that when we DO introduce the fantastic... it feels fantastic, and is not the baseline of the world.

3) Because we're fans of the Forgotten Realms and even more so of Greyhawk, both of which are pretty humanocentric—Greyhawk even moreso than FR.

4) Because we're fans of the same older stories from the pulp era that inspired D&D to begin with. The heros of Robert E Howard's stories, Fritz Leiber's stories, Lovecraft's stories, Edgar Rice Burroughs' stories, Clark Ashton Smith's stories... they're all human. Combine this with the fact that we're equally inspired by real world mythology and history and ancient world stuff, and that means humans were always destined to be our primary race for Golarion.

5) Because there's been a move in fantasy campaign settings of late to embrace the weird and ignore the mundane, and that's a shame, because when the weird becomes normal, the weird becomes mundane. And then you have to get weirder and weirder, in a strange sort of escalation or arms-race, and that gets exhausting.

6) The game is built with the assumption of a human baseline, and so it made perfect sense that our world would have that same baseline.

With that in mind, have you ever encountered Talislanta? or that other world setting, Jorune, where Humans are the minority on a planet they once ruled by science instead of numbers, now finding themselves the dispossed few.

The Exchange

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So, by that note, could Pharasma stop any attempted resurrection if she desired?

Or encourage one? Or send you on a quest to complete it? Or subtly give information about ways to "fix" things? Such as Aroden, who seems to have been maybe taken before "his time." Or is that possible?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)I see that there will be catfolk in the Advanced races book, so was this because they think there is a high enough demand or is this because of different reasons all together?

2)Is it true that the Advance races will have a 0HD lizardfolk like race?

3)How do you guys deside wich artist your going to use for a particular project? Do you have anyone who does both the art and the stats for a monster?

4)Since the Advance races is a campaign neutral book, some races in the book will not always exist in Golarion, correct?

5)Will we ever see a magical creature version of a mermaid(or mermaid like creature), not class levels, but racial abilities, HD, etc.? How about a type of undead that is for merfolk only?

6)How much time does it take from idea/planning stage to the printers for 32 page books?, 64 page books?, Aps?, and the big hard cover books?

7)Do you have a favorite Batman movie(live action or animated)? Do you have character from DC and/or marvel?

1) Catfolk will have some info in Advanced Race Guide, but they won't be debuting in that book. They'll be out there before the end of the year. To be more precise, they're one of the new zero HD races going into Bestiary 3. They're in there because a catfolk race is one of the most-requested new races on these boards, and also because I like catfolk as well.

2) Yes, the nagaji, which is one of the core races in Dragon Empires (AKA Tian Xia); they're reptilain humanoids with links to nagas. They will be appearing first in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer at the end of the year.

3) Our art directors decide that. The vast majority of the artists we use are not gamers at all, and we have not yet found an artist who's good enough to be published by us with art AND game stats, as far as I know. A person who's equally gifted in writing, game design, AND painting is the holy grail of RPG employees. They're like bigfoot. I certainly WANT them to exist, but I'm not sure they do.

4) All of the raes in Advanced Race Guide will be pulled from the Core Rulebook, one of our 3 Bestiaries, or Golarion products like Inner Sea World Guide or Dragon Empires Gazetter. So yes... they all exist on Golarion in some place or another.

5) We've done a few merfolk type creatures with Racial HD already. There was one in Pathfinder AP volume #39, if I recall.

6) About 9 months to a year—that's kind of regardless of book size, since larger books generally have more folks working on them.

7) My favorite Batman movie is the most recent one by Christopher Nolan, "The Dark Knight." Batman's also my favorite comic character from DC; from Marvel that would be Death, from Gaiman's Sandman series.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Crimson Jester wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharasma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So once someone has been judged, it is impossible to resurrect them?

Correct, because their soul is no longer a soul, but a petitioner or something else. You can still restore them to life, but that requires a complex adventure where you seek out the petitioner or whatever on the outer planes and then convince it to die or return back to life by interacting with it and probably undertaking some high-level adventure stuff.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
when will it be "Aboleth year"?

When the stars are right.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So, by that note, could Pharasma stop any attempted resurrection if she desired?

Since a mortal spellcaster can do that via something like soul trap or trap the soul, Pharasma can absolutely block a resurrection if she wanted.


MeanDM wrote:

Third, any chance we could see some more done with mounted combat? There is a discussion on another part of the board about how there aren't any real rules for dismounting a rider, and since it is a historical tactic (as well as one that makes some stratigic sense) it would be cool to see some expansion on that.

See Unseat

From Core Rulebook, it models what you're looking for pretty much exactly.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
With that in mind, have you ever encountered Talislanta? or that other world setting, Jorune, where Humans are the minority on a planet they once ruled by science instead of numbers, now finding themselves the dispossed few.

I've looked through it, and also through Jorune, and the fact that humans aren't really a big part of either game is probably the #1 reason I never wanted to play or run either game.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Crimson Jester wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So, by that note, could Pharasma stop any attempted resurrection if she desired?
Or encourage one? Or send you on a quest to complete it? Or subtly give information about ways to "fix" things? Such as Aroden, who seems to have been maybe taken before "his time." Or is that possible?

She certainly could do that... but she wouldn't for Aroden. He was not "taken" before his time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gaiman's Sandman was published by Vertigo, which is a DC comics imprint. There is actually a fair amount of crossover between Sandman and the DC universe; notably John Constantine, Martian Manhunter, and I think Batman and Superman both in "dream" sequences (which are as good as reality for that series).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Gaiman's Sandman was published by Vertigo, which is a DC comics imprint. There is actually a fair amount of crossover between Sandman and the DC universe — notably John Constantine, Martian Manhunter, and I think Batman and Superman both in "dream" sequences (which are as good as reality for that series).

Shows you how much I know about comics, then.

So Batman would be my 2nd favorite DC character, with Death being my 1st favorite.

This also means I guess I've never really read any Marvel comics, really.

Growing up, I was into horror comics like House of Mystery, Turok, and other non-superhero comics.

OH WAIT! Was Devil Dinosaur a marvel comic? That guy!

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharasma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So once someone has been judged, it is impossible to resurrect them?
Correct, because their soul is no longer a soul, but a petitioner or something else. You can still restore them to life, but that requires a complex adventure where you seek out the petitioner or whatever on the outer planes and then convince it to die or return back to life by interacting with it and probably undertaking some high-level adventure stuff.

Sounds like an EPIC adventure in the works.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
OK dumb question, but has a divinity ever been raised from the dead? If so how did Pharisma respond?
It's probably happened, although I can't think of any examples off the top of my head. Pharasma would have likely responded the same way she does when a person is raised from the dead—they weren't judged yet because she knew they were going to be resurrected, so it's all according to plan.
So, by that note, could Pharasma stop any attempted resurrection if she desired?
Or encourage one? Or send you on a quest to complete it? Or subtly give information about ways to "fix" things? Such as Aroden, who seems to have been maybe taken before "his time." Or is that possible?
She certainly could do that... but she wouldn't for Aroden. He was not "taken" before his time.

Well then that is another can of worms entirely. Since there were prophecies concerning him and the coming days that are no more. "If" they were valid it means either he was "taken" before his "time." Or, they will be fulfilled in other ways.

James Jacobs wrote:
Shows you how much I know about comics, then.

I don't really like superhero comics, either. Sandman is kind of a stand-out publication, as are most Vertigo titles.

James Jacobs wrote:
OH WAIT! Was Devil Dinosaur a marvel comic? That guy!

Yeah, he's Marvel.


What are some of your favorite pieces of art that have appeared in your products? Specifically, what are some of your favorites from RotRL?

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