Should I multiclass my Paladin into ToB Crusader?


Dark Archive

I should preface this by describing our part and game. When we started Crimson Throne, it was just my brother and I and our buddy the GM starting something fun to do on the side when we couldn't get a PFS group together. So because it was just two PC's we decided on a gestalt group with 30 point buys. Then my brother's wife decided to join us so we have three lvl 11 gestalt characters. Me Inquisitor/Paladin, brother, Cleric/Ranger (archery path), sister-in-law Druid/Rogue.

So anyway, I was thinking that I didn't get much out of Paladin anymore. I just got Aura of Justice for shock and awe, I get better spells from my Inquisitor half, and really all I'm doing now is getting better LoH and more time on my divine bonded falchion (plus one more use per day in a couple levels). I thought maybe if I switched to Crusader I'd get better things to do with my standard actions (right now its either just power attack or improved overrun) and the Martial Spirit Stance (heals 2hp with every successful melee attack) will probably counteract the loss of more LoH. Throwing off any status effect on me once I get Zealous Surge is pretty good, too. Should I manage to get to 17th level in this campaign I'd even get another (albeit weaker) Smite.

What do you think?

Dark Archive

Ok that was weird. Lets see if it like this post this time...

I should preface this by describing our part and game. When we started Crimson Throne, it was just my brother and I and our buddy the GM starting something fun to do on the side when we couldn't get a PFS group together. So because it was just two PC's we decided on a gestalt group with 30 point buys. Then my brother's wife decided to join us so we have three lvl 11 gestalt characters. Me Inquisitor/Paladin, brother, Cleric/Ranger (archery path), sister-in-law Druid/Rogue.

So anyway, I was thinking that I didn't get much out of Paladin anymore. I just got Aura of Justice for shock and awe, I get better spells from my Inquisitor half, and really all I'm doing now is getting better LoH and more time on my divine bonded falchion (plus one more use per day in a couple levels). I thought maybe if I switched to Crusader I'd get better things to do with my standard actions (right now its either just power attack or improved overrun) and the Martial Spirit Stance (heals 2hp with every successful melee attack) will probably counteract the loss of more LoH. Throwing off any status effect on me once I get Zealous Surge is pretty good, too. Should I manage to get to 17th level in this campaign I'd even get another (albeit weaker) Smite.

What do you think?

I love the crusader. I would say that with a party that has no primary healer it's a great secondary healer. If I was going to dip I would wait until level 13. You would be able to pick up 4th level manuevers that way. Just remeber that you cannot combine a manuever with any other attack actions so it's use may be limited depending on how little movement is required in battle.

The Crusader is still probably my favorite class from the ToB. I multiclassed a pally into it in the Legacy of Fire campaign I was playing in to provide better front-line healing to the large party we were in (TWF pally would allow for better healing via stance). Unfortunately, the DM crapped out on us before I actually got to do anything at that level, because that's just how it always goes.

So, yes. Take levels of Crusader. Lots of them.

Dark Archive

Looking like strong support from the boards. Just need my GM to approve the out of Paizo material.

The Exchange

I did a very similar thing, though it was in a 3.5 game, once I hit 5th level. Now granted, this was less because I wanted to stop being a paladin, and more my DM started to throw only neutral enemies at me, and a few good ones too, but nevertheless, I did hop out of paladin and into crusader, and got a whole bunch of nice goodies. It is one of the (flavor-wise if not mechanically) better combinations.

Take a 1 or two level dip into crusader then prestige into ruby knight vindicator

Glutton wrote:
Take a 1 or two level dip into crusader then prestige into ruby knight vindicator



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