NeonCon 2010, Las Vegas

Local Play

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Liberty's Edge

This is Ian Eastmond (finally registered my character, as you can see), and getting things moving again.

I have signed up on the warhorn site and pre-mustered for #1 on Thursday night. I am not too sure about the pre-mustering for the other ones because I haven't seen any schedules for CreativeU yet.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Vegas!

The Exchange

Is there or can someone post a schedule of all the Pathfinder related events and games??

Grand Lodge 4/5

Zuxius wrote:
Is there or can someone post a schedule of all the Pathfinder related events and games??

Try here:


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Warhorn premustering schedule

NeonCon games scedule

NeonCon CreativeU schedule

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I'm looking for GM coverage for Sunday morning/afternoon games.

The Pathfinder Society response is more than my optimistic expectations. I have eight GMs and in need for another, preferably two. Specifically, I need help with Sunday. A couple slot 0s I'm doing in AZ will cover gaps for Saturday but I'd like another judge for walk-ins.

Saturday coverage would be fantasitc. At minimum I'm looking for someone to run #52 The City of Strangers - Part II: The Twofold Demise on Sunday morning. And, #37 The Beggar's Pearl Sunday afternoon.

Please let me know if you're interested.


The Exchange 3/5

Rene Ayala wrote:

I'm looking for GM coverage for Sunday morning/afternoon games.

The Pathfinder Society response is more than my optimistic expectations. I have eight GMs and in need for another, preferably two. Specifically, I need help with Sunday. A couple slot 0s I'm doing in AZ will cover gaps for Saturday but I'd like another judge for walk-ins.

Saturday coverage would be fantasitc. At minimum I'm looking for someone to run #52 The City of Strangers - Part II: The Twofold Demise on Sunday morning. And, #37 The Beggar's Pearl Sunday afternoon.

Please let me know if you're interested.


I signed up to judge Pathfinder Classics Sat morning, but if you need me in another mod, I'm happy to move.


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Thanks, Pain -

No, don't change your slot. If we get any walk-ins I'll send them your way.


Grand Lodge 5/5

At the very least, you'll have my services for the special!

We're really looking forward to this Con!
Cherry & I celebrate our sixth anniversary with everyone @ NeonCon '10!


Michael Azzolino wrote:

We're really looking forward to this Con!

Cherry & I celebrate our sixth anniversary with everyone @ NeonCon '10!

And we will be causing some trouble :)

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Uh oh.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For anyone looking for us (Tara and myself) at the Tropicana, due to financial hardship, and the cost of staying at the Tropicana, I have had to drop my room at the Tropicana and we have moved our accomadations back to the Palace Station (site of last years con). If anyone esle is staying at the Station, speak up and maybe we could car pool each day between the Station and the Tropicana.

Its always much more fun to stay at the con hotel, but $254 for 3 nights was killing us this year given the cut backs in teacher salaries in CA. The Palace Station was happy to have us back and gave us rooms at a major fraction of the price (given that Tara is a member in good standing of the Players club for the Stations).

This also means that we will actually be able to eat while in town (which is also a good thing).

Look forward to seeing everyone there!


Liberty's Edge 1/5

I get into town on Wednesday and am staying at the Tropicana. Anyone interested in PFS pickup games either Wednesday night or Thursday 2-6PM? I would be happy to GM or play anything that is not already on the schedule. Thanks!

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

Wulf makes big, puppy-dog eyes...

We really need another GM for 2-01, 2-02, and 2-03, scheduled for Friday afternoon, Friday evening, and Saturday morning, respectively. If you've played them already, sign up to judge on Warhorn. I'd really, really like the chance to play those scenarios!

The Exchange 3/5

Sir_Wulf wrote:

Wulf makes big, puppy-dog eyes...

We really need another GM for 2-01, 2-02, and 2-03, scheduled for Friday afternoon, Friday evening, and Saturday morning, respectively. If you've played them already, sign up to judge on Warhorn. I'd really, really like the chance to play those scenarios!

Crickey! Not puppy dawg eyes! My one weakness!


I took the Friday evening 2-02 Rescue at Azlant judge slot.

Damn you, Wulf!


Liberty's Edge 1/5

I can take the Friday afternoon 2-01 spot for a third GM. I ran it a few weeks back and still have everything ready to go.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I am going to come prepared to run both #17 Peril's of the Pirate Pact (tier 1-7) and #19 Skeleton Moon (soon to be retired) tier 1-7. If anyone is interested in playing one of these or running a different scenario on Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon or after the 7-11 PM slot, let me know. Looking forward to it!

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
I can take the Friday afternoon 2-01 spot for a third GM. I ran it a few weeks back and still have everything ready to go.

Wulf does a little happy dance!

I get to play! I get to play! Yippee!

Thanks, O barbaric one!!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

It is the least I can do for a fellow GM who is willing to run a group through on Thursday. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
I am going to come prepared to run both #17 Peril's of the Pirate Pact (tier 1-7) and #19 Skeleton Moon (soon to be retired) tier 1-7. If anyone is interested in playing one of these or running a different scenario on Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon or after the 7-11 PM slot, let me know. Looking forward to it!

I will be arriving to the Tropicana early Thursday to get comfortable and acquaint myself with the convention area and fellow NeonCon-ers (probably late morning / early afternoon). I live about 15 minutes from the Tropicana so this is going to be a great weekend for me, I got the time off from work and everything. As I am new to the PFS and haven't even run one scenario yet I will be wanting to do some early / late scenarios on Thursday myself.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Ian and any others interested - send me an e-mail at Againsttheshadow at aol dot com and I will send you my cell number that way we can meet up somewhere for a pre-con gaming. I have both #17 and #19 ready to go. We could meet around 1-2 PM.

The Exchange

Had a great time! Was nice to see some faces that missed PaizoCon. Hope to catch you all at my next Con!

Dark Archive

It was great meeting a lot of people that I see often on these boards, as well as some of my favorite writers in the RPG industry.

This was my first PFS experience as well as my first RPG convention experience, and I had hit a huge wall of exhaustion right before the interactive Saturday night and so unfortunately I missed it, and had to spend all Sunday resting up before going back to work (I work an extremely stressful 4-10s shift M-Th and then GM most Saturdays with Fridays to prepare, so I don't get much time to relax), but the 3 PFS sessions I did play were great (Yay I leveled!) and there were definitely some life-changing experiences that happened there that I will never forget.

So for everyone who coordinated or volunteered or GM'd or did anything to help us RPG nuts have the best time possible, my hat is off to you.

And anyone in PFS still in the Vegas area, please feel free to contact me:

Via interwebz: address is demosthenes777 at gmail... I would be interested in continuing organized play in Las Vegas, so any info would be appreciated.

And to everyone else, thanks for coming to our hot/cold/windy/insane wasteland. Hope you were able to get as much money from the casinos as you could.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

All sessions are reported. I will wait until the end of the week to change the status to 'completely reported'. Until then I suggest players look at theie sessions reported. There were a few tracking sheets submitted without showing prestige points and some had illegible numbers or names. If you see an error post a request to correct it here. I will compare it to my sheets and make an adjustment. If you are missing a slot you played entirely we'll need to take it offline, if necessary. I may request you scan and email the chronicle.

This is the information I'll need to make a correction:
Scenario Name
Date run
Your PFS#, including the number after the dash
Prestige awarded per the reported session
Short summary of the correction needed

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rene Ayala wrote:

All sessions are reported. I will wait until the end of the week to change the status to 'completely reported'. Until then I suggest players look at theie sessions reported. There were a few tracking sheets submitted without showing prestige points and some had illegible numbers or names. If you see an error post a request to correct it here. I will compare it to my sheets and make an adjustment. If you are missing a slot you played entirely we'll need to take it offline, if necessary. I may request you scan and email the chronicle.

This is the information I'll need to make a correction:
Scenario Name
Date run
Your PFS#, including the number after the dash
Prestige awarded per the reported session
Short summary of the correction needed


Mod. Name: PFS# 38, "No Plunder, No Pay"
Date: Nov. 5, 2010 a 2:00 p.m., Slot 3
PFS No. 2213-3 (Oberion)
Prestige: Cheliax 2 pts
I don't see this reported yet.


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Natertot wrote:


Mod. Name: PFS# 38, "No Plunder, No Pay"
Date: Nov. 5, 2010 a 2:00 p.m., Slot 3
PFS No. 2213-3 (Oberion)
Prestige: Cheliax 2 pts
I don't see this reported yet.


I didn't get the tracking sheet for that table. I think this was run as open play. Which is fine but since the scenario wasn't in my schedule by name it fell through the cracks. Can you send me the GM name/# and some players your remember at the table? We'll need to put this table together using forensics.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

I was at that table.

Mod. Name: PFS# 38, "No Plunder, No Pay"
Date: Nov. 5, 2010 a 2:00 p.m., Slot 3
PFS No. 10774-1 (Gallard)
Prestige: Andoran 2 pts

Grand Lodge 4/5

Rene Ayala wrote:
Natertot wrote:


Mod. Name: PFS# 38, "No Plunder, No Pay"
Date: Nov. 5, 2010 a 2:00 p.m., Slot 3
PFS No. 2213-3 (Oberion)
Prestige: Cheliax 2 pts
I don't see this reported yet.


I didn't get the tracking sheet for that table. I think this was run as open play. Which is fine but since the scenario wasn't in my schedule by name it fell through the cracks. Can you send me the GM name/# and some players your remember at the table? We'll need to put this table together using forensics.

Nick from LA was at the table

So was Painlord
Chris was our GM
Hope that helps.


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Chris Sanders was the DM? If it's a different Chris I'll need the #. If you have the other players' email addresses please contact them for their #s and PA received.

What'll be difficult for me is only going by their name. I don't know what characters people play. If you remember all the character names I might be able to reconstruct this table by looking at the tracking sheets I do have. If they played the same character in a different scenario I'll have the #, but not the PA awarded in your table.

The Exchange 3/5

Rene Ayala wrote:

Chris Sanders was the DM? If it's a different Chris I'll need the #. If you have the other players' email addresses please contact them for their #s and PA received.

What'll be difficult for me is only going by their name. I don't know what characters people play. If you remember all the character names I might be able to reconstruct this table by looking at the tracking sheets I do have. If they played the same character in a different scenario I'll have the #, but not the PA awarded in your table.

Definitely Chris Sanders as the DM.

The table was:

Azmyth playing Oswald
DJCherryPie playing Cala
Nicholaus playing Gallard Stormeye
Risner playing Chan, the once and former monkey fighter
Natertot, as above
Painlord, playing Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage in *ALL* of Absalom (11226-1, 2 PA)



heres the numbers I can provide

Good catch!

Chris Sanders as the DM. PFS# 2464

The table was:

Azmyth playing Oswald 14547-2 2PA
DJCherryPie playing Cala 14548-2 2PA
Nicholaus playing Gallard Stormeye
Risner playing Chan, the once and former monkey fighter
Natertot, as above
Painlord, playing Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage in *ALL* of Absalom (11226-1, 2 PA)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

DJCherryPie wrote:

heres the numbers I can provide

Good catch!

Chris Sanders as the DM. PFS# 2464

The table was:

Azmyth playing Oswald 14547-2 2PA
DJCherryPie playing Cala 14548-2 2PA
Nicholaus playing Gallard Stormeye
Risner playing Chan, the once and former monkey fighter
Natertot, as above
Painlord, playing Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage in *ALL* of Absalom (11226-1, 2 PA)


Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I have reported tables for GMs who wrote in their info for GM credit.

This concludes reporting for Neoncon.

Thanks all and see you soon.


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Thanks for all your hard work, Rene!

The Exchange

This event was fun!

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