Moro |

Moro wrote:I'm going to print that out and use all three panels as the outside of my GM screen when we begin our new 2nd edition campaign next month.I am quite jealous of that.
Moro how familiar are you with 2nd ed? Would you mind leaving an email?
Sorry, I just caught this. A thousand curses on you, disappearing dot!
I'm familiar enough with the system, a lot of details I overlooked came rushing back as I ran the first session this past Saturday.
As far as contacting me...
works best.

Freehold DM |

Jess Door wrote:Another D&D truthTru dat. Preach on, Penny Arcade!
Interestingly enough, I disagree. I've never had this happen with a DOMT unless it was a DM's creation(Kevin, I'm looking at YOU).

Threeshades |

Jason Nelson wrote:Interestingly enough, I disagree. I've never had this happen with a DOMT unless it was a DM's creation(Kevin, I'm looking at YOU).Jess Door wrote:Another D&D truthTru dat. Preach on, Penny Arcade!
The only time I came in contact with that thing caused the entire party to die except for the wizard who gained three extra levels (the bard was robbed of all her posessions and then killed by a troll against whom she was defenseless, my rogue turned from CE to LG and tried to bring the Evil party to justice, getting himself killed by the now soulless Barbarian who then proceeded to attack the card-dealer who just so happened to be an old white dragon).
The other players then started over with new characters with +1 level as a compromise. For the rest of the campaign we were the wizard's support cast (even more so than before) it sucked.