Old Ones Cult

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey; new to pathfinder. Quick Question.

I keep seeing vague references and small mentions of the Old Ones cult, Great Old Ones, Azathoth and other lovecraftian bits in the pathfinder material. I think this is wonderful.

Is there anywhere an any of the books/modules/chronicles etc with any solid material on the old ones cult; their worshippers; where in golarion they might gather or anything at all more than a few references? I
ve went through the factions book; the great beyond, gods and magic and still not much info there.


Liberty's Edge

Welcome to Pathfinder Kadath!

I think there is a bit about the Old Cults in the Campaign Setting book (which is soon to be revised and re-released as the World Guide: Inner Sea), but I’m not sure that there’s any more there than is in Gods and Magic.

One of the Pathfinder Modules, Carrion Hill by Richard Pett, centres around one particular Old Cult and the entity that they are trying to bring into the world ... It is a good adventure and probably one that would interest you.

There are also quite a few Lovecraftian references in the later parts of Rise of the Runelords (AP).

Specifically, the Denizens of Leng, Hounds of Tindalos, some allusion to Leng itself...unfortunately, not as much information as I could have hoped for.

The Denizens of Leng and a few of the other Lovecraftian monsters are being reprinted with updated PF statblocks in Bestiary 2, I believe as well.

Don't forget the Shoggoth in the 1st Bestiary! It was first introduced in the adventure module Crucible of Chaos, which has a lot of other interesting elements as well.

There are also some Lovecraftian elements in Legacy of Fire (AP), specifically surrounding a certain ship captain...from Leng.

Basically, stay tuned and keep watching...there should always be more Lovecraftian goodness on the way from the twisted minds at Paizo.

Yasha wrote:

There are also quite a few Lovecraftian references in the later parts of Rise of the Runelords (AP).

** spoiler omitted **

The Denizens of Leng and a few of the other Lovecraftian monsters are being reprinted with updated PF statblocks in Bestiary 2, I believe as well.

Don't forget the Shoggoth in the 1st Bestiary! It was first introduced in the adventure module Crucible of Chaos, which has a lot of other interesting elements as well.

There are also some Lovecraftian elements in Legacy of Fire (AP), specifically surrounding a certain ship captain...from Leng.

Basically, stay tuned and keep watching...there should always be more Lovecraftian goodness on the way from the twisted minds at Paizo.

The people over at Paizo are twisted? Since when?


The upcoming adventure path Carrion crown seems to have some Lovecraftian elements as well as more traditional horror elements. I'm particularily looking forward to part 4, The wake of the watcher.

Got to love the Lovecraftian Country

Dark Archive

Yeah, I'm a huge Lovecraft fan and I love the fact that there a hints at the old ones and even references to stuff like Azathoth and the people from Leng.

I second carrion Hill. A very good module and it's pure Lovecraft.

bigkilla wrote:
I second carrion Hill. A very good module and it's pure Lovecraft.

Don't forget "From Shore to Sea".

Cthulhu fhtagn!

Shadow Lodge

Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are confirmed to exist. So it would make sense that Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep are out there as well. As for Cthulhu and most other known Great Old Ones, they are on Earth, and therefore not on Golarion. But nothing says that Golarion doesn't have its own Great Old Ones.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kthulhu wrote:
Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are confirmed to exist. So it would make sense that Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep are out there as well. As for Cthulhu and most other known Great Old Ones, they are on Earth, and therefore not on Golarion. But nothing says that Golarion doesn't have its own Great Old Ones.

James did say at some point that Golarion and Earth exist in the same multiverse, so Cthulhu could, in theory, have influence on Golarion as well. However with him being mostly preoccupied with Earth, it's the other more "global" Old Ones that leave a mark upon Golarion.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Make sure you check out the Factions Guide too. It talks a little more about the old cults and has rules for joining them. It includes special boons a character can be granted and the like.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Kthulhu wrote:
But nothing says that Golarion doesn't have its own Great Old Ones.

Not meaning to threadjack, but I've always considered Rovagug as sort of Old One-ish.

Dark Archive

Nemesis_Rex wrote:
bigkilla wrote:
I second carrion Hill. A very good module and it's pure Lovecraft.

Don't forget "From Shore to Sea".

Cthulhu fhtagn!

Yeah,Shadows over Innsmouth anyone?

Also check out Sagaworks Studios Horror at Dagger Rock (FREE). It has a definite Lovecraft theme, they are also coming out with a new module called Temple of the Kraken which I cannot wait to see.

Also if you haven't heard Guillermo del Toro is suppose to be making At the Mountains of Madness into a movie.

Dark Archive

Mortagon wrote:
The upcoming adventure path Carrion crown seems to have some Lovecraftian elements as well as more traditional horror elements. I'm particularily looking forward to part 4, The wake of the watcher.

Does anyone else get the connotations between the Town of Illmarsh and Innsmouth? Innsmouth's ruling family was the Marsh Family.

bigkilla wrote:
Nemesis_Rex wrote:
bigkilla wrote:
I second carrion Hill. A very good module and it's pure Lovecraft.

Don't forget "From Shore to Sea".

Cthulhu fhtagn!

Yeah,Shadows over Innsmouth anyone?

Also check out Sagaworks Studios Horror at Dagger Rock (FREE). It has a definite Lovecraft theme, they are also coming out with a new module called Temple of the Kraken which I cannot wait to see.

Also if you haven't heard Guillermo del Toro is suppose to be making At the Mountains of Madness into a movie.

I loved From Shore to Sea, but missed Carrion Hill. Looks Like I know what I am picking up next.

Also, thanks for pointing out Horror at Dagger Rock. I have not run it, but am liking what I am reading so far.

Liberty's Edge

HappY Birthday HP (gibber, gibber)

I was just wondering how many Aberration were going to be in Bestiary II??

Was wondering on any hints or tips for The Great Old Ones that might be in Bestiary II?

Any Hints or Tips for spells / circle magic for summoning aberration, creatures of the void, maybe even a Void / Creation Domain listing hint for Book of Magic ??

Gorbacz wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are confirmed to exist. So it would make sense that Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep are out there as well. As for Cthulhu and most other known Great Old Ones, they are on Earth, and therefore not on Golarion. But nothing says that Golarion doesn't have its own Great Old Ones.
James did say at some point that Golarion and Earth exist in the same multiverse, so Cthulhu could, in theory, have influence on Golarion as well. However with him being mostly preoccupied with Earth, it's the other more "global" Old Ones that leave a mark upon Golarion.

This is kind of spoiler-ific, but don't we meet one of Golarion's Old Ones in Rise of the Runelords?

Mhar Massif

In the Darkness, in the dead of silence, in the cave entrance yee do dare yee enter. Only the sound of dripping water do yee hear, only the sound of your own foot falls echoing in the cave, only the sound of your own heartbeat a pounding in your chest do yee feel. Slowly at first, slowly do yee feel the presence of something other than yourself in the darkness, in the shadows, in the dead of silence that surrounds yee as your foot falls echo in the cave around yee, enclosing yee, surrounding yee, feeling yee with dread, feeling yee with apprehension.
Then yee hear the gentle sound of bone against stone, the breath that sounds as quite as a whisper but reverberates like a loud roar in your mind as yee walk in the darkness of the cave. From which direction that awful sound is heading towards, yee can not say. Yet as yee hear that sound softly in the echoes of the cave, yee can not help but hear the beating of your own heart beating louder, and louder, and louder in your mind, in your chest, in your very soul. As the fear that yee feel takes a hold of your mind, as thoughts of what might bee or might not bee in the darkness stir your foot fails to increase in their speed.

F33b wrote:

This is kind of spoiler-ific, but don't we meet one of Golarion's Old Ones in Rise of the Runelords?
** spoiler omitted **

Just Mhar. The Mhar Massiv is the mountain it is stuck in.

Anyway, one possible outcome of the path is Mhar being freed and entering the world fully, but you can prevent that.

KaeYoss wrote:
F33b wrote:

This is kind of spoiler-ific, but don't we meet one of Golarion's Old Ones in Rise of the Runelords?
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Right. My question was more along the lines of "does the being in question qualify as an Old One, or is it something else?"

In one of the Pathfinders, one of the minni pathfinder storeis in witch an Half Elven Druid Pathfinder meets a cult of the Old Ones Somewhere down Osirion Way :)


Shizvestus wrote:
In one of the Pathfinders, one of the minni pathfinder storeis in witch an Half Elven Druid Pathfinder meets a cult of the Old Ones Somewhere down Osirion Way :)

That would be Channa-Ti, in the Legacy of Fire adventure path Pathfinder journals, written by Elaine Cunningham.

Thank you :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

F33b wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
F33b wrote:

This is kind of spoiler-ific, but don't we meet one of Golarion's Old Ones in Rise of the Runelords?
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
Right. My question was more along the lines of "does the being in question qualify as an Old One, or is it something else?"

I would say yes that one does qualify as a Great Old One.

Oliver McShade wrote:

In the Darkness, in the dead of silence, in the cave entrance yee do dare yee enter. Only the sound of dripping water do yee hear, only the sound of your own foot falls echoing in the cave, only the sound of your own heartbeat a pounding in your chest do yee feel. Slowly at first, slowly do yee feel the presence of something other than yourself in the darkness, in the shadows, in the dead of silence that surrounds yee as your foot falls echo in the cave around yee, enclosing yee, surrounding yee, feeling yee with dread, feeling yee with apprehension.

Then yee hear the gentle sound of bone against stone, the breath that sounds as quite as a whisper but reverberates like a loud roar in your mind as yee walk in the darkness of the cave. From which direction that awful sound is heading towards, yee can not say. Yet as yee hear that sound softly in the echoes of the cave, yee can not help but hear the beating of your own heart beating louder, and louder, and louder in your mind, in your chest, in your very soul. As the fear that yee feel takes a hold of your mind, as thoughts of what might bee or might not bee in the darkness stir your foot fails to increase in their speed.

As yee run, in the darkness, as yee run, in the echoing cavern of quiet sounds that echo in your mind like a roar of something more than what is should be. As yee foot falls echo with every step yee take, in the darkness, that yee have lost your way in. Then suddenly, before yee even realize what happened; pain. Pain to yee forehead, out of no were, out of the darkness, out of the silence; yee feel the pain across your brow, and down to the ground yee fall.

The deep rich earthen smell of mud fills your nostrils as yee wearingly come too. The fragrant stench of bat dung, mixed with a bitter sweet smell of something more, draws your eyes awake into the blinding darkness that engulfs your other scenes like a shadow of fear hanging over yee. Laying their quietly as yee possible can, listing to the nothingness of the dark, yee feel the gentile drop's of moisture run down your head and face. Worry and fear quickly replace themselves in your mind, as yee realize that it is not water, but your own blood that is cascading down, and filling your noise with a bitter sweet smell that yee so slowly realized was yee very own.

Rapidly does your breath come to yee, rapidly does your heart races in the soundless void of darkness that surrounds yee. Slowly at first, every so slowly do yee rise to your feet in the cavern of silence, like a creature of the shadows, that yee have slow found yourself to have become, in this nightmare of darkness and silence.

Yee reach out to the slick slimy wall of the dank cavern of darkness, that yee now reside within. Steading yourself the best yee can, as the sickly sweet smell of blood, dripped down your brow. Yee slowly begin your movements, once again down the cavern wall, looking, hopping, praying, that yee can find your way out of this nightmare of darkness, of shadows, of fear.

F33b wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are confirmed to exist. So it would make sense that Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep are out there as well. As for Cthulhu and most other known Great Old Ones, they are on Earth, and therefore not on Golarion. But nothing says that Golarion doesn't have its own Great Old Ones.
James did say at some point that Golarion and Earth exist in the same multiverse, so Cthulhu could, in theory, have influence on Golarion as well. However with him being mostly preoccupied with Earth, it's the other more "global" Old Ones that leave a mark upon Golarion.

This is kind of spoiler-ific, but don't we meet one of Golarion's Old Ones in Rise of the Runelords?

** spoiler omitted **

Well, Hastur is trapped on another planet; Carcosa... at least depending on your interpretation of exactly WHAT Hastur IS, weather it's a Great Old One trapped beneath the lake of Hali or an Outer God or a universal symbol of entropy... but IT certainly has quite a bit of influence on Earth, from various cults, to Byakhee, to the play the King in Yellow. I see no reason why Cthulhu couldn't have a similar amount of influence on Golarion.

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