Order #1444596

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

I've updated my payment info and would like to have my subs shipped as soon as possible.

I also have two questions:

Which products are going to be shipped? My subs have been suspended for a while and I am several months behind.

Is it possible to ship everything in one box to save on shipping costs?

Thanks again for the great products and wonderful customer service!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Vissigoth wrote:

I've updated my payment info and would like to have my subs shipped as soon as possible.

I also have two questions:

Which products are going to be shipped? My subs have been suspended for a while and I am several months behind.

Is it possible to ship everything in one box to save on shipping costs?

Thanks again for the great products and wonderful customer service!

This one really threw me for a loop. The order number you quoted isn't an order in your order history. Added to this, it looks like you must've sent an email as well, since Sara Marie unsuspended your subscriptions while I was looking at them, which confused the bejesus outta me. :)


All of your missed items have been put into your sidecart. They will sit there and then go out with your next subscription shipment, which will be in mid-September. If you would rather not wait that long, you can always go to your My Account page and hit the "Ship As Soon As Possible" button you will find in the sidecart section.

However, your first order of business is to go to your My Subscriptions page and make sure that your address, payment method, shipping method, and combined shipping option are all set how you want them to be.


Liberty's Edge

Yes, I did send an email, but didn't receive a reply until today. Looking back, I probably should have given you guys a couple more days to recover from GenCon before making a further nuisance of my self.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks again.

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