Zuddiger's Picnic artwork?


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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Has anyone of our resident artists taken it upon himself (or herself!) perhaps, to create some artwork for this book as presented in the foreword to "Sound of a Thousand Screams"? It would be awesome to be able to present the players with an actual book. Unfortunately I can't even do stick figures justice with my drawings :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Zaister wrote:
Has anyone of our resident artists taken it upon himself (or herself!) perhaps, to create some artwork for this book as presented in the foreword to "Sound of a Thousand Screams"? It would be awesome to be able to present the players with an actual book. Unfortunately I can't even do stick figures justice with my drawings :)

I'd love to see it too. Somebody get Lilith on the phone! (Once she recovers from GenCon, that is.)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I started drawing as soon as I read James' forward. :)
I don't have the whole picture book done yet, but here's a preview of the first 6 pages.


I'd also love to see what other artists have come up with.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I was HOPING to see this thread start up. I wish I'd come up with the idea for Zuddiger's Picnic before we did the art order for 36, but alas, too late.

So yeah! Start showing off your versions of the art!!! :-)

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Elizabeth Leib wrote:


Linkafied for your convenience....

VERY nice. Thanks! I look forward to seeing what else you do for the book.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Elizabeth Leib wrote:

I started drawing as soon as I read James' forward. :)

I don't have the whole picture book done yet, but here's a preview of the first 6 pages.


I'd also love to see what other artists have come up with.

Thank you Elizabeth, those are fantastic! I have one request, though: can you perhaps make the images available without the text, as the description of the book says the text would be on the facing page of the page with the image. That would be great!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:

Thank you Elizabeth, those are fantastic! I have one request, though: can you perhaps make the images available without the text, as the description of the book says the text would be on the facing page of the page with the image. That would be great!

Two more pictures added today. I also uploaded a set without text.

Zuddiger's Picnic

Zuddiger's Picnic (no text)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Awesome, Elizabeth. Thanks a lot!

Thank you so much!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

You're welcome. :)

Three more pages have been uploaded.

Paizo Employee CEO

Elizabeth Leib wrote:

You're welcome. :)

Three more pages have been uploaded.

These are great and will totally get used in my Kingmaker campaign once we get to that section. Thanks much for doing this work! This is the best part of the Paizo community for me, all the great contributions from you guys!


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I can only repeat what Lisa has said already. I really look forward to being able to provide my players with an actual physical copy of this book. Thanks a lot, once again, Elizabeth!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I'm glad you all find my doodles to be useful.
This week's update features a grumpy, angry troll.

Zuddiger's Picnic
Zuddiger's Picnic (no text)

Just wanted to say I like these very much! I hope you will continue creating all the pages :) (I love handouts!)

Those are great Elizabeth!


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Thanks for the kind words. I uploaded two more pages today.

Sovereign Court

Has anyone made a version that isnt so modern looking? They're woodcut illustrations...and I doubt Zuddiger wore a tee shirt and blue jeans...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's been a long project, but I've finally completed the last few pages!

The entire picture book (minus the map at the end, which can be found in "Sound of a Thousand Screams") is available on Flickr.

Zuddiger's Picnic

Zuddiger's Picnic (no text)


Paizo Employee CEO

Elizabeth Leib wrote:

It's been a long project, but I've finally completed the last few pages!

The entire picture book (minus the map at the end, which can be found in "Sound of a Thousand Screams") is available on Flickr.

Zuddiger's Picnic

Zuddiger's Picnic (no text)


Awesome! Amazing! Thank you!


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Thanks a lot, Elizabeth. This will certainly be most helpful!

Sovereign Court

Amazing contribution, i'll be using this. Thanks :D

Dark Archive

A suggestion of me would be to make a companion from this kind of tales. I'd buy it in a heartbeat

Elizabeth Leib wrote:

It's been a long project, but I've finally completed the last few pages!

The entire picture book (minus the map at the end, which can be found in "Sound of a Thousand Screams") is available on Flickr.

Thanks a lot! This is great!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll totally have to do this for my game. 'Course, I gotta pick up all the adventures first (I'm completely destitute at the moment, so my subscription's more or less "on hold" at the moment; I haven't gotten a new Pathfinder volume since, like, June).

I love doing little extras like this. And nice work, Elizabeth!

(Thread necromancy!)
Just wanted to let you know that my group loved the Zuddiger's Picnic artwork when I presented it to them yesterday before they entered Thousandbreaths.

It caused many questions and various interpretations and helped to create a great session!

Thanks again for drawing and sharing this, Elizabeth!

Grand Lodge

Leonal wrote:

(Thread necromancy!)

Just wanted to let you know that my group loved the Zuddiger's Picnic artwork when I presented it to them yesterday before they entered Thousandbreaths.

It caused many questions and various interpretations and helped to create a great session!

Thanks again for drawing and sharing this, Elizabeth!

Wow! How did I miss this thread great work Elizabeth! Thanks for your contributions. I will print these out and give em to my peeps when the time comes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the best I've seen. But he's only on page 2 so far.


Go there and start supporting him with positive comments.

Frozen Forever wrote:

This is the best I've seen. But he's only on page 2 so far.


Go there and start supporting him with positive comments.

Wow, these are really impressive! I hope he's willing to continue. Thanks for letting everyone here know about them.

They are very much THE AWESOME.

Also, in case you went there and weren't able to comment, the site owner fixed that and you should be able to comment now.

So get commenting! Send those positive waves!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all,
Thank you all so much for the positive feedback, I do intend to complete the whole book. Each panel takes about three weeks to flesh out, between the wood block carving pieces and the acrylic, it has been nothing short of a labor of love. I originally undertook the project as a tip of my hat and a thank you to the creative genius of the pathfinder team, as they have supplied me with countless hours of jaw dropping art and fun. Having gamed since I was eight, this kind of work has always been a calling, I only hope I can do James and the rest at Pathfinder justice. It's a tall order to fill, but I'm aiming to give this my all. I'm in mid process on page three and should be to page five by December, as I am creating the work for a class, I have to balance the rest of my senior portfolio work with this project. That said, I should get back to work, page three is calling.


Anthony Ian

Anthian wrote:

Hey all,

Thank you all so much for the positive feedback, I do intend to complete the whole book. Each panel takes about three weeks to flesh out, between the wood block carving pieces and the acrylic, it has been nothing short of a labor of love. I originally undertook the project as a tip of my hat and a thank you to the creative genius of the pathfinder team, as they have supplied me with countless hours of jaw dropping art and fun. Having gamed since I was eight, this kind of work has always been a calling, I only hope I can do James and the rest at Pathfinder justice. It's a tall order to fill, but I'm aiming to give this my all. I'm in mid process on page three and should be to page five by December, as I am creating the work for a class, I have to balance the rest of my senior portfolio work with this project. That said, I should get back to work, page three is calling.


Anthony Ian

Wood... block... carving...?

How on earth are you creating this?

(I'm not familiar with this technique)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Frozen Forever wrote:

Wood... block... carving...?

How on earth are you creating this?

(I'm not familiar with this technique)

Woodblock carving, is a printmaking process that is ancient, the Chinese (don't quote me on this) were some of the first to begin using this process. And in full effect it is a simply stunning methodology for creating images. James, in the forward, mentions this being the method of construction for the book. However, to do each panel entirely in wood block relief would, as it did for Zuddiger, consumer most of the next few years of my life. Thankfully, with a hybrid illustrator like myself, I can create portions of the image traditionally,(I actually carve into linoleum,cheaper+faster=happy art student,then run it through a printing press and voila!! "Wood Block" print.) Once its printed, I scan it, and use a digital process to edit, and fill in the gaps. This lets me work faster, while preserving some of the beautiful accidental textures and aesthetics you can only get from wood block and linocut prints.

Anthony Ian

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These illustrations, by the way, completely floored me. They're INCREDIBLE! And exactly the type of thing I was hoping to see someone take on! WELL DONE!!!

(This is reason #31 why Paizo customers are the best on the planet!)

So proud of my baby brother (Mr. Anthian) :-). Go Tony!

Wow! I'm speechless... Thank you all so much for the very, VERY positive feedback! I'm really happy they're being so well received. I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop as I complete the book!

Anthony Ian

Anthian wrote:

Wow! I'm speechless... Thank you all so much for the very, VERY positive feedback! I'm really happy they're being so well received. I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop as I complete the book!

Anthony Ian

Oh that is SO well-deserved. Uhm, I know this is very gauche, but if there was a way for you to set up a kind of donation page, I would be very, very happy to reimburse you in part for all your work. I know it's a labour of love, but still, man! This is world-class. I can't wait to see it done.

Anthian, that is pure awesomeness!
Looking forward to the future pages! :)

Sovereign Court

I agree, this looks fantastic!

pure awesome!!!!!

Wow. I am way impressed.

I was originally planning to drop the 6th book off the campaign, since my group doesn't much like higher-level games. But for the opportunity to use these, I may change my mind.

I have been looking for great Zuddiger Picnic illustrations for a while now. I am grateful for Elizabeth's contribution, but it wasn't what I was looking for.
I wanted to introduce Zuddiger's illustrations not as a single "comic book" that the PCs run across in the sixth part of Kingmaker, but as unique individual paintings in a haunting series that they come across throughout the entire adventure path. They found one painting in the Stag Lord's basement, one tucked away in the Troll leader's stash, one hanging on the wall in the Restov Palace. Right now my PCs are wondering, "What do these paintings mean?" and they are trying to collect them all.
Anthony Ian's illustrations are magical, and I am thrilled to show them to my PCs (as fast as he can make them!)
Good job Anthony!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all,

The page Three WIP is up to gander at, as always, feedback and critique is very much appreciated!


Anthony Ian

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Simply AWESOME. Well done, Anthony!

I discovered your first two panels yesterday and I can't wait to see the rest. Awesome work Anthony.

Just like everyone else, I'm blown away by your talent. I'm crossing my fingers that you are done by the time I get to this part of the adventure path.

Exceptional work.

This is stunning. I'm continually amazed at the community we've got here, and the talent that flourishes as a result. Thank you for sharing!!! Keep up the great work, and if you don't get an 'A' for the class, let us know and we'll go all Goblin on that professor! :)

Grand Lodge

Anthian wrote:

Wow! I'm speechless... Thank you all so much for the very, VERY positive feedback! I'm really happy they're being so well received. I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop as I complete the book!

Anthony Ian

Please do! I too am blown away by the talent on these boards.

Elizabeth Leib wrote:

I started drawing as soon as I read James' forward. :)

I don't have the whole picture book done yet, but here's a preview of the first 6 pages.


I'd also love to see what other artists have come up with.

Awesome way beyond the max!

Frozen Forever wrote:

This is the best I've seen. But he's only on page 2 so far.


Go there and start supporting him with positive comments.

More awesomeness beyond the maxness!

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