Questions about Draconic Sorcerers and Dragon Disciples

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello everyone,

I recently started playing Pathfinder with a bunch of my buddies and I must say, it is pretty awesome and lots of fun. I am fairly well read as far as the Core Rulebook goes but there are some specific things I'm still not sure of so I'd like to see what the Pathfinder community here on have to say in answer to my questions.

I only have one for now but I can tell I'll have more in the future.

Q: For a Draconic Sorcerer, does the Form of the Dragon I/II/II abilities replace or add to the powers he/she already has available from their bloodline? In other words, would a Draconic Sorcerer in Dragon form be able to use two different breath weapons and four claw attacks, or does the breath weapon and claws gained from Dragon form just replace them?

Thank you in advance for any information that would help answer this question.


As per general rules of Polymorph, you lose your natural form's attacks and gain those of the form you morph into.

...and there's also the fact that no GM would let you do it anyways.

Louis IX wrote:


As per general rules of Polymorph, you lose your natural form's attacks and gain those of the form you morph into.

...and there's also the fact that no GM would let you do it anyways.

Actually, in the case of the draconic sorceror, it even specifically mentions he can regain his claws in any form.

So, a draconic disciple can turn into, say, a water elemental, and grow two claws and a bite that do energy damage...

If he transforms into a dragon, however, his claws and bite replace the claws and bite from the dragon form. They don't add on. So he goes from two normal claws and a bite to whatever bite and claw he gets from his draconic abilities.

He can also use two different breath weapons. One from his class abilities and one from his polymorph effect. Not bad, huh?

Ice Titan wrote:

If he transforms into a dragon, however, his claws and bite replace the claws and bite from the dragon form. They don't add on. So he goes from two normal claws and a bite to whatever bite and claw he gets from his draconic abilities.

He can also use two different breath weapons. One from his class abilities and one from his polymorph effect. Not bad, huh?

You're right, of course. I was mainly replying to the "would a Draconic Sorcerer in Dragon form be able to use two different breath weapons and four claw attacks" part (although I should have said that the two breath weapons can be used but not at the same time).

Wow, thank you guys for the clarification. It helped a lot.

Another question:
Under the Natural Attacks section in the Core Rulebook it says this:
Some natural attacks are denoted as secondary natural
attacks, such as tails and wings. Attacks with secondary
natural attacks are made using your base attack bonus
minus 5. These attacks deal an amount of damage
depending on their type, but you only add half your
Strength modifier on damage rolls.
I checked and the only "denoted" place where it says 'this is a secondary natural attack' is under the Horse animal companion for a Hooves attack. So does this mean that the wings and tail attack you get in dragon form are secondary attacks as well, or are they not because they are not denoted as such?

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Read this.

Oooooo, nice. I really love the neat little table. Thank you.

So I was re-reading over combat and this caught my eye:
You do not receive additional natural attacks for a high base attack bonus. Instead, you receive additional attack rolls for multiple
limb and body parts capable of making the attack (as noted
by the race or ability that grants the attacks).

I have no idea what they mean by "additional attack rolls for multiple limb and body parts". I mean, I know what attacks rolls are and everything but I don't know how this works or what it involves. Help!

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Using iterative attacks (including unarmed strikes, which are not natural attacks) gives you only one attack per round at first level (even if you could strike with any of your limbs), but you also gain additional attacks as you level up (and get to BAB 6, 11, and 16) and gain other abilities (TWF comes to the mind).

Using natural attacks gives a creature a fixed number of attacks, whatever HD or level it may be. (they shouldn't have written "instead" in the description you quoted)

For instance, a wolf only has one bite attack per round. A tiger can have 2 claws (primary), 1 bite (primary), and 2 rake (secondary) attacks.
If you are a level 20 fighter with TWF etc, when morphed into a wolf, you get only one attack per round despite your other abilities.
If you are morphed into a dragon, you gain the dragon's natural attacks.

Now, this gets complicated when you want to use both iterative attacks and natural ones (if you happen to be able to, like using the barbarian's bite rage power, or the sorcerer's claws). Read that and/or follow this:
1) you have to decide beforehand if you are going to use both iterative and natural attacks in one round
--> consequence on your natural attacks: they all become secondary (BAB-5 to attack, half Str to damage)
--> consequence on your iterative attacks: you are considered as "fighting with two weapons", with all penalties incurred (-4 to attack, or -2 if you have TWF)
2) you can't use the same limb to make both an iterative attack and a natural attack

For example, if you have claws, a bite, a BAB of +6, a sword, and TWF, if you decide to go all out, you can make iterative attacks with the sword (+6-2 /+1-2) and also a bite and a claw swipe with your free "hand" (+6-5 / +6-5).

Side note about point #2: unarmed attacks can be made with any limb. Unless you are using a specific weaponry (brass knuckles for instance), you can make all your unarmed iterative attacks with your feet, and still use both claws for natural attacks.

So basically for a dragon disciple with a bite and 2 claw attacks, 6 BAB (or more) doesn't really do anything as far as additional attacks?

Sovereign Court

Skaughtey wrote:
So basically for a dragon disciple with a bite and 2 claw attacks, 6 BAB (or more) doesn't really do anything as far as additional attacks?

He could do two claw and one bite attack. He could carry a weapon in one claw and do two weapon attacks, a bite and a claw attack. He would suffer penalties for these extra attacks, heavier penalties if he doesn't also have two weapon fighting. If the dragon disciple has a two handed weapon in his hands, he can only do two weapon attacks and his bite attack.

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Skaughtey wrote:
So basically for a dragon disciple with a bite and 2 claw attacks, 6 BAB (or more) doesn't really do anything as far as additional attacks?

Yes. Note that he gets these attacks no matter what, so a Sor1/DD2 with a mere +1 BAB has the same 3 attacks, all at full BAB and 100% Str. That's more than a fighter.

As said in previous posts, a character with these three natural attacks and a +6 BAB could do either:
- 3 natural attacks at +6,
- 2 iterative attacks (using a weapon or unarmed strikes) at +6/+1 -- perhaps more if using TWF: then it's at +4/+4/-1,
- his iterative attacks AND his natural attacks, provided the same limb doesn't do both (and applying the appropriate penalties)

In the latter case, if you don't have TWF, you'd attack at +2/-3 with the iterative attacks, and +1 with all available natural attacks.
If you have TWF, you can choose to use your off-hand claw to make another iterative attack at +4 instead of a natural attack at +1. If you do, your sequence would look like +4 (main weapon)/+4 (offhand weapon)/+1 (main weapon)/+1 (bite)

As a side note, when Beta came around, I was agreeing that 2x 1d6 claws was a bit much for a sorcerer. When v1.0 came around, I saw that the nerf was limiting the number of uses (to a mere 3+Cha rounds per day). And I said "WTF?" Those claws aren't a physical attribute of the sorcerer, now, they are a magical ability (and, considering the number of daily uses, a last-resort type).

Thanks for the clarification. I noticed on the natural attacks table on the website it shows 1d6 for bite damage of medium creatures, does that mean the Dragon Disciples bite does that much? I just noticed that it doesn't actually state the bite's damage just that it adds 1d6 energy later on. Does the base damage change like the claws do or is it just supposed to stay the same?(not including the energy damage)

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